Iphone android cross platform player gameKazi
hishamjaouni مرحبا أستاذ Android & iOS أنا مطورة لدي خبرة طويلة ومهارات عالية ومعرفة شاملة بجميع أساسيات العمل وقوانين متجر آبل وجوجل يمكنني جعل تطبيقك يظهر بطريقة احترافية وبسيطة وسهلة الاستخدام والأهم من ذلك أنها عالية الجودة وخالية من المتاعب جاهز لأية استفسارات ، فلا تتردد عندما تتواصل معي ، أقدم لكم بعضًا من أعمالي في المتجر وأنا متأكد من أنك ستحبها ، لا تتردد ايضا لدي فريق عمل كامل راسلني انتظر ردك
jamilht مرحبا أستاذ Android & iOS أنا مطورة لدي خبرة طويلة ومهارات عالية ومعرفة شاملة بجميع أساسيات العمل وقوانين متجر آبل وجوجل يمكنني جعل تطبيقك يظهر بطريقة احترافية وبسيطة وسهلة الاستخدام والأهم من ذلك أنها عالية الجودة وخالية من المتاعب جاهز لأية استفسارات ، فلا تتردد عندما تتواصل معي ، أقدم لكم بعضًا من أعمالي في المتجر وأنا متأكد من أنك ستحبها ، لا تتردد راسلني انتظر ردك
هو مشروع استطيع من خلاله ان اقدم لكم كل ماتحتاجونه
ANDROID PHONE EK BEST MOBILE KA AVISHKAR HUAA HE JISE INTERNET KI DUNIYA ME EK ACCHA NETUR BHI MILA 1-apps ki duniya 2-garibo ka accha sadhan 3-android phone kisi bhi kam ko kar sakta he 4-ajj ka yug android yug he
i want a appi want a appi want a appi want a appi want a appi want a appi want a app
nilikuwa na ulizia jinsi ya kuingiza data kwenye cm yangu ya mkononi
Poz, treba mi android aplikacija, cenu sam lupio Postoji mogucnost da se poznajemo ako si studirao u NSu. Internet kontakt mi je miroslav tacka mrdj na googlu. Nadam se da si skontao pa posalji poruku da se dogovorima ako si za posao. Sve najbolje
Sutra bi trebao neke minijaturne aplikacije, pa ako si zainteresiran mogu ti objasniti preko maila? Nema puno posla ali je bitno da sutra to odradimo.
Pozdrav, Kontaktiram vas u vezi izrade igre za Android i IOS uredjaje(Unity 3D). Rec je o "fudbalskoj" multiplayer igri koja ce imati elemenente a sama igra se odvija nesto slicno kao sto je Potrebne su mi potpuno iste funkcije kao u "8 Ball Pool". Pod funkcijama mislim na facebook login, uvodni ekran, igru jedan na jedan(razlicite sobe u zavisnosti od rejtinga igraca) dok kasnije kao nadogradnju mozemo dodati turnire koji ce se odvijati po istom principu kao u ovoj igri(bilijar). Igra ce imati chat kao i mogucnost da neko treci udje u "sobu" i prati odvijanje same partije. Bavim se Web programiranjem(PHP) tako da mogu kreirati celokupnu
A bi lahko poskusil narest tisti towel raster tudi za tvoja dizajna? Lahko za ponco dizajn dodas se kaj v dizajn kot je na clovek ne jezi se, da se bodo lahko igrali? In bomo rekli Pirate, dont be angry game :) IN na razlicnih koncih naredis tiste "brlogce" in jih vse povezes v eno sklenjeno pot iz krogcev. Morda dodaš na poti kake zaklade s številkami npr 1000$, 1457308$, greatest treasure? Če ti je preveč kar povej.
IOS Tablet,Phone,Android Tablet,Phone Sencha Touch,Sencha Extjs5,PhoneGap,Json
Pozdrav, Pozvao si me na bidovanje za portovanje MauMau facebook igrice na Android, pre par dana. A vidim da je sada projekat zatvoren. Pravio sam slicno nesto za Android ranije , pa sam hteo da proverim da li je projekat jos uvek u planu, ili si vec nasao nekog za freelancera. Saljem ti ovo, jer koliko vidim ne mogu da se salju privatne poruke direktno u inbox ako nismo na istom projektu. :) Ukoliko budes imao nekih novosti veljkoi@ Pozdrav.
Sveiki, Ieškome vertėjo iš Angų į Lietuvių tokiam darbui: 33psl., 10868 žodžiai, 59308 simboliai. Mobilaus telefono (Android) naudojimo instrukcija. Ačiū iš anksto už siūlymus
Sveiki, Ieškome vertėjo iš Angų į Lietuvių tokiam darbui: 33psl., 10868 žodžiai, 59308 simboliai. Mobilaus telefono (Android) naudojimo instrukcija. Ačiū iš anksto už siūlymus
انه برنامج لانظمة الاندرويد يتيح لهم التعرف علي التعرف علي أسواق المال والبورصه في الحال و متايعة كل ما هو جديد
السلام عليكم عندي ثيم لوورد بريس جاهز للتنصيب ويدعم اللغه العربيه ويدعم اليمين الى اليسار ... وعندي ويبسايت اريد ان اجدده باستخدام هذا الثيم ... الويبسايت هو للاغاني فانا بحاجه الى احد ان يقوم بتنصيب بلكن او يعمل تحوير عليه ليعمل ام بي ثري بلاير يتناسب مع تصميم الموقع. طريقة عمل الاغاني يجب ان يكون كل اغنيه تعرض في صفحه جديده مع وجود نفس محتويات الصفحه فقط كلمات الاغنية تكون حسب الاغنيه التي تعرض حاليا .. والسبب لعرض كل اغنيه في صفحة جديده هو لوجود كووكل ادسنس .. هناك بعض المتطلبات الاخرى يمكن ان نتناقش بها .. تحياتي
Vidite dokument u privitku pa me izvolite kontaktirati ukoliko ste zainteresirani. U Skypeu tražite ""
Ako ste zainteresirani za jedan android-projekt vidite dokumentaciju (doduše na engleskom), pa se javite...najbolje na skype ""
هتيتؤتعرترهرنبخرنبمؤورخنينينؤ مةبؤنخ نينبنقخقنىق
متخصص في اكواد الاجهزة الالكترونية و الحاسوب و اشياء اخرى
A professional headline on Freelancer.com should clearly reflect your expertise, skills, and the value you bring to clients. Here are some tips for crafting an effective headline: Be Specific: Highlight your main skills or niche. Use Action Words: Focus on what you can do for clients, not just what you can offer. Keep It Clear and Concis...Development and E-Commerce Solutions" Graphic Designer: "Creative Graphic Designer Delivering Stunning Visuals for Brands and Digital Media" Content Writer: "Skilled Content Writer & Copywriter | Specializing in SEO, Blogs, and Website Content" Digital Marketer: "Expert Digital Marketer Helping Brands Grow with SEO, PPC, and Social Media Strategies" Mobile App Developer: "Mobile App Developer | Android ...
...platforms. The application will leverage external AI APIs to provide unique functionality. Key Responsibilities: • Develop a responsive web application using modern JavaScript frameworks (React/). • Design and implement a robust backend API (Node.js/Express or serverless). • Integrate and manage third-party AI APIs. • Establish secure user authentication and data storage solutions. • Ensure cross-platform compatibility and optimal performance. • Deploy and maintain the application on cloud hosting platforms. Ideal Skills & Experience: • Proficiency in React/ and modern frontend development practices. • Strong backend development skills with Node.js/Express or serverless architectures. • Experience with API integration and da...
I'm looking for a skilled freelancer with experience in setting up and configuring multiple virtual Android instances using BlueStacks. The task involves creating tailored environments with proxies, installing specific applications, and logging into accounts that I will provide. Key Responsibilities: - Configure BlueStacks to create multiple virtual Android instances. - Set up customized environments with proxies. - Install social media applications on each instance. - Log into provided accounts within the social media apps. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Android emulators. -Proven experience with Virtual Environments or VM - Familiarity with configuring virtual Android instances. - Experience with social media applications. - Abili...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a custom Conquer Online launcher for my private server. The launcher should boast a modern, yet classic design style and incorporate the following features: - A login...- Linked accounts management within the account options - Version info displayed at the bottom (v2.1.0.495 @ 1002) - Two-factor authentication for enhanced security - A minimalistic yet classic design style Ideal candidates should have prior experience with game launcher development and a strong understanding of UI/UX principles, particularly in delivering a classic design style. Knowledge in implementing secure login systems and account management options is crucial. Please include samples of your previous work, particularly any game launchers you've d...
We need an experienced App Developer who can independently manage the development, debugging, and redesign of our app. The current app includes Unity-based gaming features, Android (Core), React Native UI, a PHP/Laravel Admin Panel, Java Backend APIs, and real-time functionalities using Socket.io.
...hourly rate of your work). 3. **Cross-Platform Experience:** - Have earned income from 2 or more online platforms, ideally within the past 2 months. **About the Interview:** - The interview will focus on topics such as educational and employment history, aspirations, usage of multiple online work platforms, and interactions with platform algorithms. However, if you have other perspectives or experiences related to the topic, please feel free to share them with us! - The interview will be conducted via online video call on Freelancer and will last approximately 40 to 60 minutes. - Participants will receive a payment of $10 for their time. - Please note that participating in this interview will not affect your credibility or rating on the platform. Y...
...hourly rate of your work). 3. **Cross-Platform Experience:** - Have earned income from 2 or more online platforms, ideally within the past 2 months. **About the Interview:** - The interview will focus on topics such as educational and employment history, aspirations, usage of multiple online work platforms, and interactions with platform algorithms. However, if you have other perspectives or experiences related to the topic, please feel free to share them with us! - The interview will be conducted via online video call on Freelancer and will last approximately 40 to 60 minutes. - Participants will receive a payment of $10 for their time. - Please note that participating in this interview will not affect your credibility or rating on the platform. Y...
...hourly rate of your work). 3. **Cross-Platform Experience:** - Have earned income from 2 or more online platforms, ideally within the past 2 months. **About the Interview:** - The interview will focus on topics such as educational and employment history, aspirations, usage of multiple online work platforms, and interactions with platform algorithms. However, if you have other perspectives or experiences related to the topic, please feel free to share them with us! - The interview will be conducted via online video call on Freelancer and will last approximately 40 to 60 minutes. - Participants will receive a payment of $10 for their time. - Please note that participating in this interview will not affect your credibility or rating on the platform. Y...
...hourly rate of your work). 3. **Cross-Platform Experience:** - Have earned income from 2 or more online platforms, ideally within the past 2 months. **About the Interview:** - The interview will focus on topics such as educational and employment history, aspirations, usage of multiple online work platforms, and interactions with platform algorithms. However, if you have other perspectives or experiences related to the topic, please feel free to share them with us! - The interview will be conducted via online video call on Freelancer and will last approximately 40 to 60 minutes. - Participants will receive a payment of $10 for their time. - Please note that participating in this interview will not affect your credibility or rating on the platform. Y...
I'm looking for a cross-platform (iOS and Android) mobile application that facilitates last-minute bookings for tennis and padel courts. Key Features: - A robust booking system: This should allow users to find and book available courts in real-time. - User profiles and authentication: Users should be able to create personal accounts, log in securely, and have access to their booking history and preferences. Additional Requirements: - Push Notifications: The app should be able to send push notifications to users. This could be used for court availability alerts, booking confirmations, reminders, etc. Ideal Skills: - Mobile App Development (both iOS and Android) - Experience in designing booking systems - Knowledge in implementing user profiles and secure...
...hourly rate of your work). 3. **Cross-Platform Experience:** - Have earned income from 2 or more online platforms, ideally within the past 2 months. **About the Interview:** - The interview will focus on topics such as educational and employment history, aspirations, usage of multiple online work platforms, and interactions with platform algorithms. However, if you have other perspectives or experiences related to the topic, please feel free to share them with us! - The interview will be conducted via online video call on Freelancer and will last approximately 40 to 60 minutes. - Participants will receive a payment of $10 for their time. - Please note that participating in this interview will not affect your credibility or rating on the platform. Y...
As a client, I am seeking a skilled and experienced developer who can create a Point of Sale (POS...POS system must be compatible with a range of devices, including desktop computers, tablets, and mobile phones. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in JavaScript (JS) for developing the POS system. - Extensive experience in creating POS systems, particularly for retail stores. - Ability to integrate sales tracking, inventory management, and customer management functionalities. - Skills in ensuring cross-device compatibility for desktop computers, tablets, and mobile phones. - Understanding of the retail industry and its specific POS needs. The ideal freelancer for this project will be able to deliver a comprehensive, user-friendly, and efficient POS system that meets all specified req...
...workplace policies, and Saudization (Nitaqat) quotas to meet Ministry of Human Resources standards. • Banking & Financial Setup: Streamlined corporate account establishment with Saudi financial institutions, including guidance on Sharia-compliant banking solutions. • Import/Export Compliance: Advisory on Saudi Customs Authority requirements, customs clearance, and international trade licensing for cross-border operations. • Cultural & Sharia Compliance: Localization of legal documents, contracts, and operational frameworks to align with Islamic commercial law and Saudi cultural norms. • Intellectual Property Safeguards: Preliminary trademark searches in Saudi Arabia and strategic registration pathways via the Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property (...
Tafadhali Jisajili ama Ingia ili kuona maelezo.
We are looking for a skilled developer to create an eSIM Android and iOS app. The main purpose of the app is to manage and activate eSIM profiles. Looking for someone who has already done same type of project Key Features: - Store to purchase eSIMs - eSIM Activation or Deactivation
I need an Mobile App system that can register both individual and business users, track various transactions, and generate relevant documentation...register funds transfers and bill payments. - It should be able to handle a high volume of transactions. Documentation and Communication - The system should generate PDF documents based on the transactions and user profiles. - It should be able to send these PDF documents via email. - Additionally, it should be capable of interfacing with a Digital Wallet. Ideal Skills and Experience - Mobile Android/iOS app: Flutter - SQLite Database to synchronize with MySQL Database - Experience with user registration systems and transaction tracking. - Familiarity with PDF generation and email communication systems. - Knowledge of Digital Wallet i...
...experienced backend developer with expertise in Flutter and Android. The project involves setting up a server, configuring a Flutter multivendor application, and deploying it to the Google Play Store. Key Responsibilities: - Server setup: You will be responsible for setting up a reliable server environment for the application. - Flutter Multivendor Application Configuration: You need to configure the Flutter multivendor application according to the required specifications. - Deployment: Finally, you'll be tasked with deploying the application to the Google Play Store. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in backend development and server setup. - Extensive experience with Flutter and multivendor applications. - Familiar with Android server environments. - Prev...
I need a web-based tool that can find multi-player sniping filters for FC 25 using Futbin. The primary functionality of this tool should be the ability to find multiplayer filters or rarities. A tool that can automatically find advanced multi-player filters. The freelancer must have experience with Futbin and FC 25 on console, understanding how the transfer market and sniping mechanics work to create effective multi-player sniping filters. ? IMPORTANT: Read Before Bidding! ? Do NOT send a generic bid message like "I can do this project" or "Let's discuss further." I am ONLY considering personalized proposals that explain: 1️⃣ Your experience with FC 25 & Futbin on console. 2️⃣ How you plan to develop the bot and handle advanced filters....
I'm looking for a subscription-based English learning app tailored specifically for beginners. This app should incorporate various AI features, including speech recognition, conversation simulation, and grammar correction. Key Features: - Monthly or...Conversation simulation for real-world practice - Grammar correction to provide instant feedback and support - Interactive exercises to keep users engaged - Quizzes and tests to track progress and reinforce learning Ideal Skills: - Experience in creating educational apps, particularly language learning apps - Strong background in AI and machine learning - Proficiency in app development for both Android and iOS - Knowledge of subscription model implementation in apps - Excellent understanding of beginner-level English language...
We are seeking a skilled 3D character artist to create a high-quality, game-ready 3D model of our protagonist, "The Boundary Walker" , for our dark fantasy action-platformer. The character will be rendered in a stylized, dark fantasy art style inspired by Hollow Knight and Blasphemous, with a blend of gothic beauty and industrial decay. Project Overview Genre: 2.5D Dark Fantasy Action-Platformer Art Style: Stylized realism with a focus on haunting, luminous textures and intricate details. Reference Material: Concept art and MidJourney-generated visuals will be provided. Scope of Work 3D Modeling: Create a game-ready 3D model of the protagonist, including: Character Body: Stylized humanoid male with a partially masked face, glowing runes, and tattered clothing....