Facebook sdk post page wallKazi
mmkn ntklm f sho8l shwyaa ... bs b3eed 3n freelancer .. ya ret face aw ay 7aga mota7aa just message on facebook
i want social media website with best design like facebook
social media website Like Facebook, i want social media website like facebook
Promote Fashion Site facebook page (Korea, Japan, HK, Taiwan)
Neme Deepak kumar s/o bhagwan das vill saraiya bhood post araul kanpur nagar
Mandatory Skills: • Java-J2EE, Hibernate JSF - JavaServer Faces, JDBC - Java Database Connectivity, XML, Java-J2EE, Web Services, Web 2.0 Desirable Skill • Spiring
...izrade igre za Android i IOS uredjaje(Unity 3D). Rec je o "fudbalskoj" multiplayer igri koja ce imati elemenente a sama igra se odvija nesto slicno kao sto je Potrebne su mi potpuno iste funkcije kao u "8 Ball Pool". Pod funkcijama mislim na facebook login, uvodni ekran, igru jedan na jedan(razlicite sobe u zavisnosti od rejtinga igraca) dok kasnije kao nadogradnju mozemo dodati turnire koji ce se odvijati po istom principu kao u ovoj igri(bilijar). Igra ce imati chat kao i mogucnost da neko treci udje u "sobu" i prati odvijanje same partije. Bavim se Web programiranjem(PHP) tako da mogu kreirati celokupnu semu baze(mysql) na osnovu koje
changes in extension add category : magento remove category wordpress facebook etc
Pozdrav, Pozvao si me na bidovanje za portovanje MauMau facebook igrice na Android, pre par dana. A vidim da je sada projekat zatvoren. Pravio sam slicno nesto za Android ranije , pa sam hteo da proverim da li je projekat jos uvek u planu, ili si vec nasao nekog za freelancera. Saljem ti ovo, jer koliko vidim ne mogu da se salju privatne poruke direktno u inbox ako nismo na istom projektu. :) Ukoliko budes imao nekih novosti veljkoi@ Pozdrav.
Poštovani Programeri & Dizajneri, U pitanju je internet prodavnica: www.korisnaknjiga.com. 1. Potrebno je implementirati novi responsive dizajn, tj. izraditi html i css po ugledu na dostavljene slike. 2. Potrebno je isprogramirati site map. 3. Potrebno je implementirati kodove za praćenje konverzija za adwords i facebook. 4. Isprogramirati sekciju “Kupci ove knjige kupili su i ove knjige” 5. Isprogramirati sekciju “Poslednje pregledani proizvodi”.
Dooro ilaa 20 xirfadaha ugu fiican ee u dhigma aqoontaada iyo khibradda iyo waxaan ku siin doonaa shaqooyin kuwaas oo ugu fiican u waafaqayaan profile.
Pozdrav.....zovem se Zoran Dincic i iz Subotice sam....nedavno sam poceo da razgledam ovaj sajt jer trazim neki posao i vec sam ocajan,a mislim da bih mog...mogao da te kontaktiram na bilo koji nacin (skype,facbook...) i da mi u najkracim crtama pomognes bar da pocnem da se bavim ovime...mnogo bi mi znacilo,jer zelim da pocnem sto pre....ostavicu ti i link od mog facebook profila,pa ako imas volje javi mi se pa cemo se vec ostatak dogovoriti nekako....cak bih bio spreman da dodjem da Beceja pa da mi direktno pokazes kako se radi ovo...naravno,pocastio bih te vec na neki nacin u znak zahvalnosti. :) Odgovori mi bar da znam sta si odlucio... (ne znam da li ti mogu ovde poslati poruku,pa sam ti zato poslao na ovajnacin...) Unapred Hvala. facebook profil:
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته أحتاج للعمل مع مصمم لانجاز التصاميم الخاصة بالشبكات الاجتماعية وذلك بمقاييس محددة كما يالي: = Twitter: Header photo 500x1500 Background 1920x1080 =Facebook: Coverage Photo 851x315 10 Facebook posts Google+: Cover Photo 1010x608 سأقوم بتزويدك ببعض النماذج والايضاحات كما أن هناك الحاجة لانجاز بعض المهام في اسرع وقت ممكن
>> Target Users (Only): Arabian Gulf (Countries: Kuwait, Qatar, , UAE, & Bahrain)
Stvari koje treba da se poprave: 1. Treca strana – dodao sam trecu stranu za vodu, I tabela je tu, ako mozes da kopiras u svaki Unit 2. Kitchen nota – Kujna ce da ima 1200mm visok zid. Skidamo vrata. Da ljudi mogu pa naprave kafu. Kao po primeru. Note: Countertop on 1200mm high wall 3. Prozori I vrata – brojevi. Svaki prozor da ima svoj broj. Na primer W1, W2, W3 I tako. U schedule-e, ispod Window Type 1 – treba staviti, na primer W1, W3, W4 itd. Isto tako Lokacije – Office, Guest WC, itd. 4. Na preseku nota, za vatru. Zid izmedju Fabrike I Offica, zid treba da ide do ispod krova, zbog regulazija protiv pozara I vatrene bezbednosti. 5. Dimenzije prozora I vrata – molim te proveri. Ako je W1 900 sirok na Schedul-u onda bi trebao da bude 900mm siro...
>> Target Users (Only): Arabian Gulf (Countries: Kuwait, Qatar, , UAE, & Bahrain)
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plz sahir bhai 1 miss call hi de dain. mujhay iss main paypal ka account banana ni araha hai , plz aap meri help kar den sir. maine design to bohat saray bana liye hain magar post karna aur payment ko recieve krnay ka tareeka ni maloom. plzzzzzz
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I'm looking for an expert who can teach me how to set up a new Facebook account and monetize it effectively, specifically tailored for the Zimbabwean context. Key Requirements: - Knowledge of Facebook account setup - Expertise in Facebook monetization strategies - Ability to create engaging content - Experience in affiliate marketing and partnerships - Understanding of ad placements and strategies The project involves: - A 45-minute coaching session - Guidance on setting up a new Facebook account - Strategies on how to monetize the account post-setup Your ability to break down how to qualify and how to setup facebook account into easily understandable steps will be key. Prior experience teaching or coaching would be an advantage.
I'm on the lookout for a seasoned graphic designer who can professionally set up my company's LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram pages. The project involves designing engaging profile creatives and writing compelling content aligned with our business services. Key Responsibilities: - Design and manage our social media pages with the aim to generate leads - Work within a professional and corporate style/theme - Create 4 page brochures and leaflets - Develop social media content, primarily focusing on promotional offers and discounts Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in graphic design with a focus on corporate and professional imagery - Strong copywriting skills with the ability to create engaging content - Experience in designing brochures and leaf...
I'm looking for a marketing assistant to help boost my presence on Facebook and Instagram. The ideal candidate will be adept at creating posts that promote products and offers, as well as educational or informative content. I also want to see more interactive posts that drive engagement. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement strategies to increase reach and interactions - Create posts covering promotions, educational content and interactive material - Explore innovative ways to drive engagement Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in social media marketing - Creative thinking and problem-solving skills - Excellent understanding of Facebook and Instagram - Ability to create engaging content Please note, I may need help with graphics and images in the fu...
My name is Caleb, I work for a cash advance company that is one of the most trusted business funding companies in US and its been around since 2008. I’m looking for ambitious people that would be interested in becoming partners with me. Basically you would find me qualified leads and for every deal successfully funded I would give you 20% of my commission (Open to negotiating the rate). My company funds companies in ALL industries and up to 1 million dollars, AND we provide SAME DAY FUNDING. We also provide not only term loans but business credit lines, SBA loans, equipment financing, and reverse consolidations. Now, I know you might be thinking “Commission is risky” but let me tell you how simple it is for a business to get funding from us. For a business to qualify the...
Our non-profit organization requires a new main page to replace one that was unfortunately lost due to a technical failure with Go Daddy. This page will primarily serve to provide information about our organization and its activities to the public. Key Features: - Extensive integration of our mission and vision - Highlighting of our upcoming events - A calendar format for these events Ideal candidates for this project should have prior experience in building non-profit organization websites, with a strong emphasis on creating informative content and user-friendly interfaces. Please note, I have all the content ready to go.
More details: Is this project for business or personal use? Personal What information should successful freelancers include in their application? Experience How soon do you need your project completed? ASAP
I'm experiencing issues with my Facebook Pixel on my WordPress webshop. The pixel is inaccurately tracking events, and not covering my full catalog. I need a professional who can fix this problem, and provide a comprehensive setup for me. Key Requirements: - Diagnose and fix inaccuracies in event tracking. - Ensure full catalog coverage by the pixel. - Address and rectify any error messages from Facebook Pixel troubleshooting tools. - Provide a comprehensive and efficient Facebook Pixel setup. This project would best suit a freelancer with: - Extensive experience with Facebook Pixel and WordPress. - Proven track record of troubleshooting and fixing tracking inaccuracies. - Ability to provide a complete and efficient setup.
...screenshots of the website. it is a website that lists real estate foreclosures in germany. the first one (1) is the search mask where you have to select a federal state. I am interested in all foreclosures of all german federal states. after selecting one state, you receive a list of real estates (2) if you click on details you receive the page with the actual pdfs (3). I would like to have all pdfs of a foreclosure downloaded in a specific folder. Below is the English translation of the analysis, divided into two sections: a technical analysis of the website and an evaluation of automation possibilities for downloading the provided PDFs. 1. Technical Analysis of the Website Technologies and Frameworks The ZVG portal is operated by
I need a seasoned social media expert to help me grow my Facebook Page from less than 50 followers to 5,000 - 10,000 followers per month. My primary goal is to build a community around my brand. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement a comprehensive strategy for organic and paid growth of my Facebook Page. - Create and post engaging content to attract and retain followers. - Need live interested members of my FB page Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in growing Facebook Pages. - Excellent content creation skills. - Strong understanding of Facebook's algorithms. - Ability to build an engaging community.
...backend, frontend, and payment integration? Do you have experience with M-Pesa API integration? What is your estimated cost breakdown for development, testing, and commissioning? (After commissioning, I will handle future maintenance separately.) Can you provide a portfolio of similar projects or gaming apps you’ve worked on? How would you ensure security for money transactions and prevent fraud? What post-launch support, if any, do you offer during the transition period? I’d love to discuss further to understand your approach, pricing, and any suggestions you may have. Looking forward to your response....
I'm looking for a designer to create a minimalist and clean Facebook post template for me. The template should be compatible with , allowing me to simply copy-paste text into the designated area. Key Requirements: - The template should follow a minimalist and clean style. - It should use a color scheme aligned with my logo's colors. - The design should not include any additional graphic elements besides the text and logo. Please note, the image size is 944x780. I believe this is the standard size for Facebook posts. I look forward to seeing your designs!
...benachrichtigt. 8. Seriöse Shop-Verifizierung: • Alle Shops werden auf Sicherheit geprüft (z.B. SSL-Verschlüsselung, Trusted Shops, Zertifikate). • Unsichere Shops werden herausgefiltert. Monetarisierung der App: 1. Affiliate-Marketing: • Du erhältst eine Provision, wenn Nutzer Produkte kaufen, die durch die App empfohlen werden. 2. In-App-Werbung: • Schalte Werbung durch Google AdMob oder Facebook Audience Network in der App. 3. Rabattcodes und Sonderaktionen: • Nutze exklusive Rabattcodes und Sonderaktionen aus verschiedenen Partner-Shops und integriere diese in die App. 4. Abonnements (Optional): • Biete den Nutzern die Möglichkeit, ein monatliches oder jährliches Abonnement abzuschließen, das Zugang...
...languages like Hindi, German, Dutch, French, and more. Additionally, the AI Copywriter assists you in creating advertisements in these diverse linguistic options. 6:54 AM And has a social media function: provides you with the flexibility to create ads for various social media platforms. Our platform allows you to customize your ads based on different resolutions and requirements. Whether it's Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any other social media platform, you can create ads tailored to their specific dimensions and formats. 6:55 AM The ability to allows you to fully customize the ad templates according to your preferences and branding. You have control over variables such as font, text size, color, resolution, brand logo, and product images. Personalize the templates ...
I'm a real estate agent seeking a comprehensive marketing plan aimed at amplifying my presence on social media, particularly Facebook and Instagram, as well as Google and YouTube. I am seeking in increase my leads and conversions for hone sellers and buyers. Key Components of the Plan: - Targeted strategies for Facebook and Instagram focusing on real estate specific content. - Engaging, high-quality content creation including posts with images, video content, and informative articles. - SEO and visibility enhancement strategies for Google and YouTube. Ideal Skills: - Social Media Marketing - Content Creation - SEO - Real Estate Knowledge Previous experience in creating marketing plans for real estate agents will be highly regarded. The goal is to increase my visibili...
I need a professional to help me boost my Etsy sales, focusing particularly on marketing and promotion. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement an effe...help me boost my Etsy sales, focusing particularly on marketing and promotion. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement an effective SEO strategy to improve visibility and searchability of my Etsy listings. - Create a compelling social media marketing strategy, primarily on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest, to drive traffic to my Etsy store. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in Etsy marketing - Expertise in SEO - Proficient in social media marketing, particularly on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest - Strong creative skills for developing engaging content - Excellent communication and custom...
...detailed interior and exterior renderings for a shed and a metal pergola respectively. - Interior: The shed's interior should be depicted in a 'shed' style. This involves a rustic, unrefined look that typically characterizes a storage shed. Attention to detail is crucial, as the interior should realistically portray features commonly found in such spaces. Allow for L shape floating shelf on left wall and another starting behind start of sectional garage door. The garage door is a sectional sliding door as seen in attachment - Exterior: The external space should be rendered as a 'metal pergola'. This will involve creating a contemporary, sturdy structure typically associated with outdoor spaces. The metal sheets are trimdeck monument color and has a g...
...and page load speed Apply industry best practices for e-commerce conversion optimization Required Skills & Experience Proven experience in Shopify development and customization Strong understanding of conversion rate optimization (CRO) principles Experience with A/B testing and data analysis Knowledge of e-commerce user experience best practices Familiarity with analytics tools (Google Analytics, Hotjar, etc.) Portfolio showing successful conversion improvements for other stores Strong UX/UI design skills with focus on e-commerce user journeys Deliverables Initial audit of current store with conversion improvement recommendations UX design recommendations with mockups for key pages/elements Implementation of approved changes Documentation of changes made and their expected ...
I'm planning a series of adventure trips and need someone to help promote these events on Eventbrite. The goal is to generate interest and ultimately participants for these trips. I provide cities, description. and image. Key Responsibilities: - Create and post engaging Eventbrite listings for each adventure trip - Utilize travel forums as a platform for promotion - Incorporate captivating photos and videos into event posts Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Eventbrite and social media promotion - Strong understanding of travel forums and their audience - Excellent content creation skills, particularly with photos and videos - Previous experience promoting adventure trips is a plus I'm looking for a freelancer with a knack for creating engaging event ...
I'm seeking a bright and colorful Facebook cover page for my floral business, Petal & Bloom Florals. Key Requirements: - The design should embody a modern yet cheerful and vibrant aesthetic, appealing to our target audience of flower lovers and event planners. - Incorporation of our logo and tagline into the design, ensuring they stand out yet harmoniously blend with the overall design. - Clear presentation of our contact information, making it easy for potential customers to reach us. Design Elements: - Please use stock images of flowers and florals, as I do not have specific images to provide. The images should be lively, colorful, and representative of our brand's floral offerings. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Branding - Experience with Facebook...
I'm seeking a dedicated social media account handler to boost my brand's presence and follower count on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, and Linkedin. Key Responsibilities: - Increase followers and reach across specified platforms with a focus on lead generation. - Primarily promote our brand through promotional posts, aiming to convert followers into leads. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in social media management with an emphasis on lead generation. - Expertise in crafting and executing promotional posts. - Familiarity with Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, and Linkedin is a must. - Strong understanding of social media algorithms and tools for increasing reach and engagement.
TO Promote Indoor play center. We’re looking for a creative & dynamic social media marketer to help us ...eye for design, love creating fun & interactive content, and know how to make brands stand out—we want to hear from you! ? What We Need: ✅ 1 post per day (min. 7 per week) on Instagram & Facebook ✅ Canva templates for promotions & party packages ✅ Flyers & posters for events & special offers ✅ Short-form video editing (CapCut) for Reels & TikToks ✅ Creative branding & illustrations to make our centre pop! ✅ Bright & fun social media posts that engage parents & kids ? Preferred Skills: ✔ Canva, Illustrator & Photoshop ✔ CapCut & TikTok video editing ✔ Experience in branding & engaging social media content ✔ ...
I'm looking for an app like tango, which should exactly have KEY FEATURES OF our app Live Streaming Short Videos 1 – 1 Random Video Call Chat / Video Call Social Post Earning Wallet User Level VIP Membership Live-Streaming Popular, Latest & Following live streaming Private live streaming (only followers can see) Public live streaming Comments on live streaming Host (live user) and users can follow each other during live video A host can kick out a viewer Live user can see total viewers & their profile Real-time Filter, Stickers, and Overlays options for live video During live streaming mute – unmute and Flip camera options Viewers can also send gifts to the live user Share live streaming Viewers can report on live user Live users can Earn Rcoin from viewe...
I'm seeking a proficient freelancer to manage my Meta Ads, specifically on Facebook and Instagram, with the primary objective of generating leads. Key Responsibilities: - Create and execute effective ad strategies focused on lead generation. - Utilize both Facebook and Instagram for ad placements. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in running successful Meta Ads campaigns. - Strong understanding of lead generation techniques. - Proficiency in targeting and optimizing ads on both platforms. I look forward to collaborating with a professional who can assist in boosting my lead generation efforts through effective use of Meta Ads.
I am looking for an experienced freelancer to help set up a Facebook page, Facebook Business Manager, and configure Meta Pixel for my business. This is an hourly project, and the ideal candidate should have a good understanding of Facebook's tools, especially for managing marketing and tracking. Key Responsibilities: Create a Facebook Page: Set up a professional Facebook business page with complete details (business name, profile picture, cover photo, bio, contact info, etc.). Optimize the page for searchability and engagement. Set Up Facebook Business Manager: Create a Facebook Business Manager account (if not already created). Link the Facebook page to the Business Manager. Configure access and r...
Overseas Promotion & English Operations Specialist Job Responsibilities 1. Overseas Business Promotion - Responsible for the company’s overseas brand promotion and marketing. - Develop and execute promotion plans to enhance brand exposure and market influence. 2. Social Media Account Management - Manage and update daily content for platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, etc. - Create content aligned with platform characteristics and target audience preferences. - Track performance data, analyze trends, and optimize strategies to improve engagement and follower growth. 3. Short Drama Translation & Content Updates - Source and select high-quality short drama content from overseas platforms. - Translate subtitles (Englis...