Create myspace background bandsKazi
Change below SVG default colour of background image to light pastel green color background-image: url('...
لدي تصميم موقع واريد تحويله الى ثيم ورد برس
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته أحتاج للعمل مع مصمم لانجاز التصاميم الخاصة بالشبكات الاجتماعية وذلك بمقاييس محددة كما يالي: = Twitter: Header photo 500x1500 Background 1920x1080 =Facebook: Coverage Photo 851x315 10 Facebook posts Google+: Cover Photo 1010x608 سأقوم بتزويدك ببعض النماذج والايضاحات كما أن هناك الحاجة لانجاز بعض المهام في اسرع وقت ممكن
Draga Marijana i Aleks, Pogledala sam vas profil i najvise me privukao jer volite putovanja i pisati o tome. Ja sam Sandra, iz Splita, Tour Director pri jednoj Svicarskoj firmi i putujem po Evropi sa grupama od 25-45 ljudi, iz zemalja engleskog govornog podrucja. Imam dosta posla razlicitog tipa, ne samo ovaj u prilogu, i sve je to vezano uz putovanje, tako da sam odabrala vas sa namjerom da ako nam suradnja bude uspjesna, mozemo nastaviti raditi i sa ostalim projektima. Isto tako, izabirem suportirati lokalnu ekonomiju, dakle ljude iz nase regije koji zele raditi, kako bi se reklo "kupujmo domace". Volim ostvariti produktivnu poslovnu vezu i dugotrajnu, cijenim kad se ostvari medusobna dobra veza, komunikacija i zelja da obje strane budu zadovoljne. Prvi projekt, stvaranje...
Tafadhali Jisajili ama Ingia ili kuona maelezo.
...logo and business card into a high-quality file and also a vector image. also an a5 leaflet to go with this (please note both business card and leaflet will be in english and norwegian langauge ) so as final submission i expect 2 files for business card (one in english and one in norwegian) same for leaflet one file in englisn one norwegian. Logo should be made available on both black and white background. Key Requirements: - Exact replication of the logo - final logo and quality must be better than what i have uploaded - it it better to recreate it from scratch, I WILL NOT ACCEPT POOR TRACING JOBS. The design does NOT have to be copy if you can design something different i will be interested to see. Once logo and business card is approved we would also like a A5 sized leaflet...
Hi, We are looking to run build a prototype implmentation of this model: You will have to go through the docs here at please run the repo locally and operate the project. You will then build a react io layer. the inputs will be the speech from the user and the output is the stream from the model. The end goal is to run an implementation of live speech using the api model hosted here. Let me know if you would be keen on doing this?
I am seeking a skilled music producer to create 100 original, high-quality, and commercially viable music loops for my music production company. The loops should primarily cater to the Trap genre, while also being suitable for hip-hop, pop, and EDM. Key Details /// This is just an example: - 100 original loops, divided into: - 40 piano loops - 30 guitar loops - 20 flute loops - 10 bass loops - All loops must be 100% royalty-free and original compositions. - Loops should be 2-8 bars in length and provided in WAV format (24-bit, 44.1kHz). - Each file must be key and BPM labeled (Example: Lex_Guitar_Light_Eyes_Wet_128_Cm). - Clean recordings with professional mixing quality are essential. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in music production, especially ...
...and updates. The process is as follows: - A customer fills out a Gravity Form on Site A. - The input from the form is sent to a Google Sheet. - The information is then relayed to the WPCargo plugin, either establishing a new shipment or updating a current one. - The integration must also accommodate the "status" feature in WPCargo. Key Requirements: - Proficient in WordPress and PHP. - Strong background in API integrations, particularly with the WPCargo API. - Experience with automation projects of a similar nature. In your application, please detail your relevant experience with WordPress, API integrations, and similar automation tasks, along with your proposed approach to this project. Priority to Native english speakers, since I would rather not have any issues w...
I need an expert in SEO content writing to create high-quality, persuasive web content for my technology services business. The content should be written in UK English, perfectly tailored to optimise my keywords and attract businesses and corporations. Please provide: 1) A 500-word press release about my business. 2) A 500-word SEO text for a webpage. 3) A 500-word text for another webpage, using different keywords. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in SEO and content writing, with demonstrated experience in the technology sector. Please ensure that your bid reflects the final price, and that no AI-generated content is used. Quality and precision are paramount.
I have a photo with a complex background that requires a person to be removed, while preserving certain elements in the background. - Background: The photo has a complex background. - Elements to Preserve: Specific areas or objects need to be maintained after the removal. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in photo editing software (Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, etc.) - Experience with complex background image editing - Attention to detail to ensure the preserved areas remain undistorted - Ability to maintain the natural consistency of the photo after editing
For my sveltekit login we like to enhance it with a flexible It should be behaving similarly like this react code just using svelte 5 with more options See valibot2 branch Test all /login like reset password, add 2nd user Commit fixs via pr
I'm seeking a logo designer to create a unique label name using my name, Sabrina Matlachowski. The name should be a blend of letters, similar to "SASKI", but completely original and not taken. Key project details: - Style: The logo should be classic, with a touch of elegance to reflect my identity. - Font: It should be a nice, feminine font, yet remaining strong and clear. - Color: The logo will solely use black letters, so the design must create an impact using typography alone. - Case: The logo should be in all uppercase letters. - Elements: The logo should only incorporate text, with no extra elements or symbols. Ideal skills and experience: - Strong background in typography and classic design. - Experience in creating original and unique logo d...
My iOS app is crashing and needs urgent attention in Xcode. Additionally, the app's PHP CodeIgniter backend has some issues that need to be addressed. Specific Requirements: - Debugging and fixing the crashing issue of the iOS app in Xcode. - Troubleshooting and resolving issues in t...Requirements: - Debugging and fixing the crashing issue of the iOS app in Xcode. - Troubleshooting and resolving issues in the PHP CodeIgniter backend. - Implementing some fixes and changes in the app’s design. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Xcode and iOS app development. - Experienced in PHP CodeIgniter. - UI/UX design skills for app redesign. The ideal freelancer for this project will have a strong background in both iOS app development and PHP CodeIgniter, with a keen eye for design a...
assist with a Word document that I have been working on. The document is a business sale proposal, 11 pages long. I've updated the text to reflect what we are selling, but now I need help with the formatting. Tasks include: - Fixing header images (and titles) - Adding pictures - Correcting text appearance (fonts and formatting) In terms of the specific requirements: - The page headers should be as supplied (or something similar) Ideal candidates should have: - Proficiency in Microsoft Word - Strong attention to detail - Experience with document formatting - Ability to integrate images and graphics seamlessly.
I'm seeking a professional translator who can not only translate a document into Mandarin, but do so with a "Negotiation" mindset. The primary audience for this document is corporate executives, so the translation must be formal in tone, yet subtly persuasive. The ideal candidate should have an extensive background in both translation and negotiation strategies, and be familiar with corporate language and nuances in Mandarin. Key Requirements: - Expert understanding of Mandarin and its corporate nuances - Proven experience in translation with a focus on negotiation strategies - Ability to maintain a formal tone while being subtly persuasive - Understanding of corporate language and its intricacies - Prior experience translating for corporate executives I will revie...
I'm seeking a talented mechanical engineer/industrial designer to assist in the redesign of a consumer product. The project is currently at the prototype development stage. Ideal candidates should have: - Strong mechanical engineering and industrial design background - Experience in redesigning consumer products - Ability to work with prototypes and make necessary adjustments Please note, the primary objective of the redesign and the crucial aspects to retain have not been determined yet and will be discussed with the selected freelancer.
I'm in need of a website manager for my GoDaddy site. The tasks will include updating content, optimizing SEO, and ensuring the site's security. - Product Page Creation: The project will also involve creating a product page on the site. ...include updating content, optimizing SEO, and ensuring the site's security. - Product Page Creation: The project will also involve creating a product page on the site. This page should adopt a minimalist and clean design aesthetic. - Products: The product page will feature services, so experience in creating product pages is a plus. The ideal freelancer for this project will have a strong background in website management, SEO optimization, and security protocols. Experience with GoDaddy and Shopify is crucial, as well as a kna...
I'm seeking a proficient GoDaddy website manager who can assist in updating my website content, optimizing SEO, listing my services, and integrating with my Shopify store. Key Responsibilities: - Update content on the Homepage, Product pages, and Blog - Implement comprehensive SEO strateg...optimizing SEO, listing my services, and integrating with my Shopify store. Key Responsibilities: - Update content on the Homepage, Product pages, and Blog - Implement comprehensive SEO strategies encompassing On-page, Off-page, and Technical SEO - List my services and few products on the site and integrate it with shopify Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in managing GoDaddy websites - Strong background in SEO - E-commerce experience, particularly with Shopify - Excellent content ma...
I'm in need of a seasoned consultant who specializes in both Human Capital Management (HCM) and Payroll services. The primary focus will be on the setup and configuration of payroll systems. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement HCM workflows - Create Individual Contributor Profiles (ICPs) - Design and establish payroll elements - Oversee the management of Open Time Leave (OTL) Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in HCM and Payroll - Proficiency in payroll setup and configuration - Strong background in creating HCM workflows - Previous experience with OTL management - Excellent understanding of payroll elements configuration
MAGRAF...Blue (#CADCFC) (For accents, depth, or highlights) ✅ Scalability: The icon should be able to stand alone for social media profiles, favicons, or branding. ✅ Background Adaptability: The logo should look good on both dark and light backgrounds. What to Avoid: ❌ Overcomplicating the design with too many elements. ❌ Excessive gradients or unnecessary details that affect readability. ❌ Taglines (We prefer a clean, noise-free design). Reference for Inspiration: ? Indeed’s 3D-style logo for modern inspiration. ? Keep it job-related and clean but memorable. ? Final Deliverables: Full-color logo (high-resolution PNG, JPG) Transparent background version Standalone icon version Editable source files (AI, PSD, SVG) ? Best design wins! Looking forward to seeing your cr...
Tafadhali Jisajili ama Ingia ili kuona maelezo.
I have two page photo of the book. I want you to use the same font and formatting style and create word file. Deliverables 1. Word and pdf file with exactly same formatting style and fonts 2. Fonts file used in the book
I need a professional to handle the software integration of a 30-unit wind farm comprising GE wind turbines. The integration will cover: - Monitoring and control - Data analytics and reporting - Predictive maintenance In addition, the software will need to connect with our existing SCADA systems. Ideal candidates should have extensive experience in wind turbine soft...comprising GE wind turbines. The integration will cover: - Monitoring and control - Data analytics and reporting - Predictive maintenance In addition, the software will need to connect with our existing SCADA systems. Ideal candidates should have extensive experience in wind turbine software integration, particularly with GE turbines. Proficiency in SCADA systems is a must, along with a strong background in data ...
I'm a seasoned web developer looking to build a portfolio website with a clean, minimalist design. Key Features: - "About Me" Section: This will provide potential clients with insights about my background and skills. - "Work Samples" Section: This will showcase my previous projects and highlight my capabilities. - "Contact Information" Section: This will enable easy communication for potential clients. holypeach33 @ g mail dot com Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in web development languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) - Experience in creating minimalist designs - Strong portfolio showcasing previous work - Excellent communication skills for understanding project requirements and providing updates.
I'm looking for an expert in electrical design to help me with a commercial warehouse. The primary focus of this project is on ensuring that the space is adequately illuminated for maximum visibility and brightness. Key Requirements: - Designing a comprehensive lighting layout for a warehouse - Ensuring the design meets all necessary safety and compliance standards The ideal candidate for this project should have: - A strong background in commercial electrical and lighting design - Extensive experience working with warehouse or storage facilities - An understanding of the importance of brightness and visibility in these spaces. Energy efficiency is not a primary concern for this project, but it would certainly be a plus if you could incorporate some energy-sa...
✨ What I Offer: ✅ Corporate Planning & Summaries: Transform complex business goals into clear, actionable reports or PPTs. ✅ Document Digitization & Typing: Fast, error-free manual data entry for handwritten notes, PDFs,...Bridge: Deep understanding of both Eastern and Western business practices. ? Human-Centric Approach: No bots, no templates—just 100% tailored solutions. Let’s turn your ideas into reality—with a sprinkle of Chinese wisdom! ??? Key Features to Highlight: 1. Multitasking Edge: Combines technical skills (coding) with creative services (naming/teaching). 2. Cultural Uniqueness: Markets your Chinese background as an asset, not just a detail. 3. Warmth + Professionalism: Balances friendly tone ("Fun, practical lessons") with comp...
Budget is $80 - Please DO NOT BID if you can't do this with that budget I just need a simple chat interface without any signup or login or anything, no database nothing Users are given random usernames, Users can create rooms Just chat That's it.
I'm seeking a skilled professional who can enhance my Shopify store's image quality and optimize my Amazon listings for visibility and competitiveness. Photo Editing Tasks: - Background removal: Clean up product images for a professional look. - Color correction: Ensure color consistency across all images. - Image resizing: Adjust image dimensions for optimal display on the store. - Store theme Work: Harmonize image aesthetics with the store's theme and niche. Amazon Keywords Optimization Tasks: - Keyword Research: Identify high-traffic keywords relevant to my products. - Competitor Analysis: Analyze competitor listings for effective strategies and keywords. - Listing Optimization: Enhance my product listings for better search visibility. Store Theme Work Tasks: -...
I'm seeking a professional to generate leads for my agency by scheduling meetings with small businesses via email. The primary aim of these meetings is to explore potential partnerships. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in email communication - Experience in lead generation - Familiarity with small business landscape - Understanding of partnership ...scheduling meetings with small businesses via email. The primary aim of these meetings is to explore potential partnerships. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in email communication - Experience in lead generation - Familiarity with small business landscape - Understanding of partnership development Experience: - Proven track record in similar projects - Prior experience with small businesses - Background in sales or partnership develop...
I need a freelancer to set up a blog on my WordPress website that will primarily feature custome...Proven experience with WordPress is a must. - Exceptional storytelling skills to help craft compelling customer narratives. - Strong understanding of SEO to ensure our stories reach a wider audience. - Graphic design skills to create an engaging, creative style for the blog. - Ability to implement and customize creative WordPress themes. The ideal candidate will be able to take customer testimonials and turn them into engaging blog posts, complete with visuals and SEO optimization. A background in content marketing and creative design is highly desirable. The goal is to create a blog that not only tells our customers' stories, but also enhances our brand image and d...
I've created a video in Canva and need assistance with finalizing it. The project involves videos and photos. Ultimately, I wish to integrate a specific song I like as the background music. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Canva - Experience with video editing - Attention to detail Requirements: - Help with transitions and effects - Assistance with image placements - Adding a predetermined song as background music
I'm in need of a freelancer who can do the furniture photoshoot and edit photos. The images include chairs, sofas, tables, and storage units. The key requirement is to remove the background so the furniture can be presented clearly for a print catalog. Ideal candidates should have: - Previous experience in Photoshoot of furniture - Can come to IMT Manesar, Gurgaon for photoshoot with Equipment - A portfolio showcasing relevant work - A competitive cost per product - Ability to deliver ASAP Please include examples of your past work, particularly any related to furniture, in your application.
I am in need of a web graphic designer who can create a logo for my company. The logo should be playful and colorful, deviating from the usual modern and minimalist styles. - Design Type: The logo should include an icon or symbol. It should not be text only, but rather a combination of an icon and text that is visually appealing and represents the playful and colorful nature of the brand. - Ideal Skills: The perfect freelancer for this job would be someone with a strong background in graphic design, particularly in logo creation. Experience in creating playful and colorful designs is a plus. - Goal: The ultimate goal is to have a unique, engaging logo that can effectively capture the essence of the brand and attract potential customers.
I need a professional graphic designer who can recreate my logo to vector format. The new logo should be exactly the same as the original. I have a low-resolution version of the logo, but this will need to be used as a base for the recreation. The final deliverable should be a vector version of the logo saved as a PNG file. Ideal skills and experience for this job include...this will need to be used as a base for the recreation. The final deliverable should be a vector version of the logo saved as a PNG file. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator or similar software - Strong graphic design skills - Experience with logo recreation and vector graphics - End result needs to be minimum 300dpi .png file with transparent background, p...
I am in need of a web graphic designer who can create a logo for my company. The logo should be playful and colorful, deviating from the usual modern and minimalist styles. - Design Type: The logo should include an icon or symbol. It should not be text only, but rather a combination of an icon and text that is visually appealing and represents the playful and colorful nature of the brand. - Ideal Skills: The perfect freelancer for this job would be someone with a strong background in graphic design, particularly in logo creation. Experience in creating playful and colorful designs is a plus. - Goal: The ultimate goal is to have a unique, engaging logo that can effectively capture the essence of the brand and attract potential customers.
I'm on the hunt for a talented freelancer to create a top-notch e-commerce website aimed at increasing my sales. This project requires a professional with a strong background in e-commerce site development and a deep understanding of sales-driven web design. Key requirements: - Proven experience in creating successful e-commerce sites - Strong skills in UX/UI design with a sales-oriented approach - Knowledge of SEO and digital marketing strategies to enhance site visibility and drive traffic - Expertise in implementing secure and efficient payment systems Tracysandra772 at g mail dot cumm I look forward to your bids and am excited to work with the perfect freelancer for this project. Thank you!
We are seeking a highly skilled Google Sheets expert to create a dynamic and efficient client profiling sheet. This tool will be used to input various client data points and generate structured outputs based on predefined parameters and conditions. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in advanced Google Sheets functions, data organization, and automation techniques to streamline profiling and reporting. Responsibilities: Design and develop a structured Google Sheets client profiling tool. Implement input fields with logical outputs based on predefined conditions. Utilize advanced formulas (e.g., IF, VLOOKUP, INDEX/MATCH, ARRAYFORMULA) to generate automated results. Create conditional formatting for easy data visualization and interpretation. Develo...
I'm seeking a writer experienced in crafting engaging, impactful written articles to help develop a productivity tool centered around the theme of 'Hard Work and Discipline'. The project primarily focuses on: - Creating a se...crafting engaging, impactful written articles to help develop a productivity tool centered around the theme of 'Hard Work and Discipline'. The project primarily focuses on: - Creating a series of written articles that will serve as the foundation for this productivity tool. - Concentrating on the theme of 'Building Effective Habits'. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - A strong background in writing productivity-focused content. - Proven experience in creating engaging written articles. - A deep understand...
I'm looking to develop a dual-platform mobile application for Cho...Track customer behavior and preferences for data-driven marketing. 5. Seamless Payment Integration: Allow multiple payment methods for quick transactions. 6. Scalability & Security: Ensure the app can scale with business growth and maintain customer data security. The user experience should be comparable to that of the Zus Coffee and Luckin Coffee apps, but with our own unique twist. A strong background in mobile app development, particularly for dual-platform apps, is essential. Experience with creating loyalty program interfaces and targeted marketing campaign support within an app will be highly advantageous. A keen understanding of user experience design will ensure our customers enjoy a seamless, ea...
I'm looking for a Google Sheets expert to create a tool for me that will manage daily attendance, tuition fees, and various expenses. This tool should also provide a monthly summary. Key requirements include: - Tracking daily attendance - Managing tuition fees - Overseeing expenses related to supplies, salaries, and utilities The tool should be user-friendly, capable of summarizing data on a monthly basis, and flexible enough to accommodate changes in attendance, fees, or expenses. Ideal candidates would have a strong background in data management and Google Sheets, and experience designing simple but effective tracking tools.
I'm looking for a skilled writer with a strong background in electronics engineering to create in-depth, technical articles focused on the latest innovations and trends in the field. These articles will be aimed at industry professionals, so they should be written with a level of complexity and insight that will appeal to this audience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - NO AI tool , NO paraphrasing - A strong background in electronics engineering - Experience writing technical articles for a professional audience - Ability to conduct in-depth analyses and present complex information in a clear, engaging way - Understanding of current trends and innovations in electronics engineering - Excellent research and writing skills
I'm seeking a professional to generate leads for my agency by scheduling meetings with small businesses via email. The primary aim of these meetings is to explore potential partnerships. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in email communication - Experience in lead generation - Familiarity with small business landscape - Understanding of partnership ...scheduling meetings with small businesses via email. The primary aim of these meetings is to explore potential partnerships. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in email communication - Experience in lead generation - Familiarity with small business landscape - Understanding of partnership development Experience: - Proven track record in similar projects - Prior experience with small businesses - Background in sales or partnership develop...
I'm starting a small business centered around an online personality test for recruitment purposes. I'm in need of a modern and minimalistic...Once a user completes the test, a PDF with their results should be automatically generated and sent to them. - User Interface: The design of the online test interface should be simple and intuitive to accommodate all users. The ideal freelancer for this project would have a strong background in e-commerce website development, particularly with integrating secure payment gateways. Experience in creating interactive online tests is a plus. A modern and minimal design aesthetic is crucial, as is the ability to create a simple and intuitive user interface for the test. I am open to expanding on these details as needed. Looking...
desain logo merk biohackx dengan menambahkan background dan text