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Jimbo la Kazi
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Zdravo zemljače. Bavim se webdesign-om već dugi niz godina. Za to vreme stekao sam poverenje brojnih inostranih klijenata. Potreban mi je neko ko će mi raditi SEO. Javi se ukoliko si zainteresovan pa ću ti kasnije objasniti sve detalje. Pozdrav.
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Poz, treba mi android aplikacija, cenu sam lupio Postoji mogucnost da se poznajemo ako si studirao u NSu. Internet kontakt mi je miroslav tacka mrdj na googlu. Nadam se da si skontao pa posalji poruku da se dogovorima ako si za posao. Sve najbolje
Sutra bi trebao neke minijaturne aplikacije, pa ako si zainteresiran mogu ti objasniti preko maila? Nema puno posla ali je bitno da sutra to odradimo.
Pozdrav. Nemogu ti poslait poruku, pa se javi, da mi nessto pogledas HITNO ako mozes uraditi. Unaprijed hvala
Pozdrav. Nemogu ti poslait poruku, pa se javi, da mi nessto pogledas HITNO ako mozes uraditi. Unaprijed hvala
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Pozdrav Mario, U Sloveniji ne nađem dobrih programera za Prestashop za normalnu cijenu. Trebam nekoliko popravka u mom templatu u vezi Tabova i importa CSV fila. Kasnije još mnogo drugih radova ali to mi je hitno. Prvi put radim sam trgovinu i zapelo mi je pa bi želeo imati programera koji je sposoban surađivati na dugi rok in je izvrstan u svom poslu. Više info o projektu/poslovima šaljem naknadno. Hvala puno i ljepi pozdrav, Edvard Gepoint d.o.o. +38641607517
Zdravo, Slucajno vidov deka si od Makedonija (sto e retkost posebno za SEO) pa sakavme prvo da te kontaktirame tebe. Imame veb strana na koja i treba optimizacija, no normalno kako i sekoj makedonski start up limitiran budzet :)) iako gledam deka i dosegasnive proekti ti se dvizat od 50 do 60 dolari. Prv pat go korisam pa zatoa ako ne ti pretstavuva problem bi te zamolil da me kontaktiras na @, dokolku si zainteresiran za sorabotka. Pozdrav
Zdravo, Slucajno vidov deka si od Makedonija (sto e retkost posebno za SEO) pa sakavme prvo da te kontaktirame tebe. Imame veb strana na koja i treba optimizacija, no normalno kako i sekoj makedonski start up limitiran budzet :)) iako gledam deka i dosegasnive proekti ti se dvizat od 50 do 60 dolari. Prv pat go korisam pa zatoa ako ne ti pretstavuva problem bi te zamolil da me kontaktiras na @, dokolku si zainteresiran za sorabotka. Pozdrav
Zdravo Gorane, Ovo je samo da prihvatis pa da ti mogu poslati novac za 15th dok se nespojim na skrill.
Pozdrav, Pozvao si me na bidovanje za portovanje MauMau facebook igrice na Android, pre par dana. A vidim da je sada projekat zatvoren. Pravio sam slicno nesto za Android ranije , pa sam hteo da proverim da li je projekat jos uvek u planu, ili si vec nasao nekog za freelancera. Saljem ti ovo, jer koliko vidim ne mogu da se salju privatne poruke direktno u inbox ako nismo na istom projektu. :) Ukoliko budes imao nekih novosti veljkoi@ Pozdrav.
Pozdrav druze, interesuje me da li znas da barataš sa Visual Basicom? Meni trebaju uradjena 3 kratka zadatka za fax, samo code. Evo saljem ti pa ti vidi da li znas. Poz :)
Pozdrav druze, Meni trebaju uradjena 3 kratka zadatka za fax, samo code. Evo saljem ti pa ti vidi da li znas. Poz :)
Pozdrav druze, interesuje me da li znas da barataš sa Visual Basicom? Meni trebaju uradjena 3 kratka zadatka za fax, samo code. Evo saljem ti pa ti vidi da li znas. Poz :)
Pozdrav druze, interesuje me da li znas da barataš sa Visual Basicom? Meni trebaju uradjena 3 kratka zadatka za fax, samo code. Evo saljem ti pa ti vidi da li znas. Poz :)
Cao, Trebam da pripremim 20 biografija velikih ljudi. U dnu stranice : nalazi se 20 linkova ka njihovim biografijama. Za svakog od njih potrebno je prepricati njihovu biografiju. Quotes i Publishing nije potrebno posto tu nema prepricavanja, to su citati. Naslov u Wordu treba biti ...pripremim 20 biografija velikih ljudi. U dnu stranice : nalazi se 20 linkova ka njihovim biografijama. Za svakog od njih potrebno je prepricati njihovu biografiju. Quotes i Publishing nije potrebno posto tu nema prepricavanja, to su citati. Naslov u Wordu treba biti njihovo ime poput John (Jack) Bogle, Warren Buffett itd. Cena ostaje $2 po 500 reci pa koliko bude bilo kakvih pitanja tu sam. Pozdrav !
Feilong pa can o n I aodduel cone mode-i goiffe maong cam p taulong mag fauloan on'temong au cab therd ualong p ot i wadulaong ma hn S'200 ca cmonau yaliengo you n cnekilong faulolieng..
Pozdrav G-dine Jovanovicu, Ovom prilikom bih zeleo da Vas pitam da li ste raspolozeni da uskocite u razvoj jedne iOS aplikacije. Naime, projekat je na samom kraju, ali je i deadline blizu, pa nam je potreban saradnik koji bi mogao da odvoji 10-15 sati da implementira odredjene preostale funkcije. Ako imate vremena, javite se cim pre! Unapred hvala, Brindic Nebojsa
Evo, povukao sam ponudu tamo, pa mi postavite ovde uslove onda! Pošto tamo vbiše nemam bidova dok ne dobijem level, a nemam tek tako kako da ga dobijem.
Evo, povukao sam ponudu tamo, pa mi postavite ovde uslove onda! Pošto tamo vbiše nemam bidova dok ne dobijem level, a nemam tek tako kako da ga dobijem.
Vidite dokument u privitku pa me izvolite kontaktirati ukoliko ste zainteresirani. U Skypeu tražite ""
Ako ste zainteresirani za jedan android-projekt vidite dokumentaciju (doduše na engleskom), pa se javite...najbolje na skype ""
Poz...snadjem kako ovo sve funkcionise... Video sam da si ti bidovao za neki posao i vidim da vec neko vreme se bavis ovime,pa ako ti nije problem,da li bih mogao da te kontaktiram na bilo koji nacin (skype,facbook...) i da mi u najkracim crtama pomognes bar da pocnem da se bavim ovime...mnogo bi mi znacilo,jer zelim da pocnem sto pre....ostavicu ti i link od mog facebook profila,pa ako imas volje javi mi se pa cemo se vec ostatak dogovoriti nekako....cak bih bio spreman da dodjem da Beceja pa da mi direktno pokazes kako se radi ovo...naravno,pocastio bih te vec na neki nacin u znak zahvalnosti. :) Odgovori mi bar da znam sta si odlucio... (ne znam da li ti mogu ovde poslati poruku,pa sam ti zato poslao na ovajnacin...) Unapred Hvala. facebook profil:
Man vajag aprakstu par uzņēmumu priekš mājaslapas. Interesē sadaļas "Par mums", "Pakalpojumi", "Telpas". Pa lielam teksta nav daudz jāraksta. Bet vajag LV/RU valodās tekstam būt. Protams man nav nojausmas ko rakstīt. Tāpēc šis darbs var ievilkties uz kādu laiku.
Draga Marijana i Aleks, Pogledala sam vas profil i najvise me privukao jer volite putovanja i pisati o tome. Ja sam Sandra, iz Splita, Tour Director pri jednoj Svicarskoj firmi i putujem po Evropi sa grupama od 25-45 ljudi, iz zemalja engleskog govornog podrucja. Imam dosta posla razlicitog tipa, ne samo ovaj u prilogu, i sve je to vezano uz putovanje, tako da sam odabrala vas sa namjerom da ako nam suradnja bude uspjesna, mozemo nastaviti raditi i sa ostalim projektima. Isto tako, izabirem suportirati lokalnu ekonomiju, dakle ljude iz nase regije koji zele raditi, kako bi se reklo "kupujmo domace". Volim ostvariti produktivnu poslovnu vezu i dugotrajnu, cijenim kad se ostvari medusobna dobra veza, komunikacija i zelja da obje strane budu zadovoljne. Prvi projekt, st...
Stvari koje treba da se poprave: 1. Treca strana – dodao sam trecu stranu za vodu, I tabela je tu, ako mozes da kopiras u svaki Unit 2. Kitchen nota – Kujna ce da ima 1200mm visok zid. Skidamo vrata. Da ljudi mogu pa naprave kafu. Kao po primeru. Note: Countertop on 1200mm high wall 3. Prozori I vrata – brojevi. Svaki prozor da ima svoj broj. Na primer W1, W2, W3 I tako. U schedule-e, ispod Window Type 1 – treba staviti, na primer W1, W3, W4 itd. Isto tako Lokacije – Office, Guest WC, itd. 4. Na preseku nota, za vatru. Zid izmedju Fabrike I Offica, zid treba da ide do ispod krova, zbog regulazija protiv pozara I vatrene bezbednosti. 5. Dimenzije prozora I vrata – molim te proveri. Ako je W1 900 sirok na Schedul-u onda bi trebao da bude 900mm siro...
...will be used. The human chooses based on a holistic evaluation of your freelancer profile and proposal. HOW TO APPLY: If you're interested in either position, PLEASE CLEARLY INDICATE WHETHER YOU ARE APPLYING FOR THE “TUESDAY” EVENT OR THE “THURSDAY” EVENT AT THE BEGINNING OF YOUR PROPOSAL. Proposals without this information will NOT be considered. We want different designers for these two events, so please submit a proposal for ONLY ONE of them. WE WILL NOT CONSIDER PROPOSALS FROM APPLICANTS SUBMITTING FOR BOTH EVENTS. ADDITIONAL NOTES: We will not be able to respond to direct messages before and during the selection process. If you are interested in either position, please kindly submit a proposal through the platform. Both workshops...
Hi World Wide Solutions, I noticed your profile and would like to offer you actually i want to make a resume for me i already have some resumes but i am getting difficulty in finding job so i just to make a nice resume for me.
...skillsets welcome!) Colorado Video Productions (CVP) is seeking an exceptional individual to join our team in a unique dual role that combines account management/sales with hands-on video production skills. All video production skillsets are welcome. This freelance (1099 contractor) role is perfect for someone who loves building strong relationships with clients while staying hands-on in video production. ROLE OVERVIEW: The ideal candidate will excel in: • Building and maintaining strong client relationships • Executing various aspects of video production (all skillsets welcome) REQUIREMENTS: • Minimum 5 years of experience in your video production skillset • Proficiency in Apple ecosystem and Adobe Creative Cloud • K...
... The ideal candidate should be skilled in Python or relevant automation tools and have experience handling large-scale data collection efficiently. Project Scope: -Develop a fully automated web scraping system that runs on a predefined schedule without manual intervention. -Extract structured data from multiple websites and store it in a database, CSV, or other formats. -Implement error handling, logging, and notification systems to ensure reliability. -Handle dynamic content, CAPTCHA, and anti-scraping measures when necessary. -Optimize performance for efficiency and scalability. Requirements: -Strong programming skills in Python (BeautifulSoup, Scrapy, Selenium, or similar tools). -Experience with task scheduling and automation (e.g., cron jobs, Airflow...
I'm in search of live-action models for an upcoming film/TV project. Key Requirements: - Age Group: Adults only. - Physique: Models should have an athletic build. Ideal Skills: - Prior experience in film/TV modeling. - Ability to perform stunts or physically demanding scenes is a plus. - Excellent physical fitness and agility. Please provide your portfolio and any relevant work experience.
I'm seeking a creative and professional graphic designer to create an eye-catching and informative brochure for my physical therapy clinic, specifically targeted at athletes. The brochure should: - Highlight various treatment techniques we offer. - Incorporate images of the clinic. - Show pictures of the therapy sessions in action. - Utilize easy-to-understand infographics to detail treatment techniques. Ideal candidates are those with experience in designing brochures and who understand sports or physical therapy sector. Copywriting skills, attention to detail, and ability to create engaging infographics are key for this project.
I'm seeking a Personal Assistant to help with managing email correspondence and inventory. The role involves communicating with suppliers, primarily regarding order inquiries. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Excellent written and verbal communication skills for professional email correspondence. - Experience in inventory management. - Prior experience dealing with suppliers, particularly in making order inquiries. - Strong organizational skills to manage multiple tasks effectively.
**# RICHIESTA DI SVILUPPO BACKEND PER SISTEMA DI INTERSCAMBIO LAVORATIVO** ## **1. Descrizione del Progetto** L’obiettivo del progetto "Transfer Work" è sviluppare un sistema che permetta ai dipendenti di scambiarsi il posto di lavoro con altri colleghi della stessa professione e ruolo in città diverse. Il sistema deve analizzare e proporre combinazioni di scambio, anche su più livelli, e gestire l’accettazione o la rinuncia da parte degli utenti. Il backend sarà realizzato con **Laravel** e **FilamentPHP**, e dovrà supportare la gestione delle inserzioni, la ricerca automatizzata degli scambi e la gestione delle transazioni tra gli utenti. ## **2. Tecnologie Richieste** - **Framework**: Laravel (ultima versione stabile) ...
...experienced professional. 2. The code is well-abstracted (DRY, using adapter pattern to plug in data sources), uses version control (git) and unit tests, and is overall pretty simple and robust. 3. It's been in production for about 2 years and the output of the app is used by 2-3 clients. 4. There have been no significant issues and the app runs without issue. # What the app is for: The app is built for clients in the recruitment industry, who, (a) every time a new job is posted: want to automatically find the company behind the job post, and then (b) find the hiring managers within those companies. Separately, we have the automation that does (b). The SaaS app, for each client: 1. Receives and aggregates jobs from various sources 2. For each company,...
...of content (which I can reveal if we take it further. I have had a quote to build the proof of concept, however, I am looking for a developer partner who can come in. The incoming partner’s side of the business will be: • PHP Web Development • Software • Server Build • Server Running Costs • Project management Ideally the design side of the site and app can be covered by a partner who comes in. At this stage, it is just a proof of concept so large investment can be sought (this part is in hand) to take this worldwide and become part of everyday life for billions. The platform will initially start with a simple format in Phase One, where content creators can upload pictures and videos. Users can visit the platform for i...
Seeking an Expert from UAE to Validate Software Development Work in Legal Dispute We are looking for a seasoned expert to help us present a clear and factual case in a legal dispute involving a software solutions provider. The provider successfully built custom software from the ground up, delivered key milestones on time, and met all agreed-upon requirements. However, after the client company is refusing to honour the final payment, despite the contract being fulfilled. This is where we need your expertise—to review the work done, verify its alignment with the agreement, and put together a strong, well-documented report that can support the provider’s case in legal proceedings. What We Need Help With We need an expert in UAE or UAE based firm who ...
We’re looking for a talented developer or data engineer to build an AI-driven financial analysis platform. This system will ingest data from diverse sources (Notion, 2000+ PDFs, web, APIs), process it with AI/LLM tools, store it in a vector/RAG database, and deliver insights via a chat-based interface with real-time function calls (e.g., Bloomberg API). Starting with data in Notion and expanding to PDFs and beyond, the goal is a scalable, automated solution to revolutionize stock research. Project Scope 1. Data Ingestion * Create robust scripts/APIs to collect and process: * Earnings Calls: Pull from Notion (via API) and extract from PDFs (OCR if needed, e.g., Tesseract). * Investment Research: Parse ~2000 PDFs using PyMuPDF, PDFPlumber, or equivalent. * X Pos...
A strong video editor portfolio is your most powerful tool for showcasing your skills and landing jobs or clients. Here's a breakdown of what makes a compelling portfolio: Key Elements: * Showreel/Demo Reel: * This is a concise, dynamic compilation of your best work. Aim for 1-3 minutes of your most impactful clips. * Prioritize quality over quantity. Include your strongest and most relevant work. * Showcase a variety of editing styles and techniques. * Pay attention to pacing and rhythm. Your reel should be engaging and flow smoothly. * Variety of Work: * Include diverse projects to demonstrate your versatility. Examples: * Short films * Commercials * Music videos * Documentaries * Social media content * Corporate videos * Tail...
I'm in need of a professional designer to create a series of men's track suits. The suits should be: - Primarily for team sports, like soccer or basketball, so they should be durable and suitable for high intensity activity. - Made from polyester, as this fabric is lightweight, durable, and offers good moisture-wicking properties. - Designed in an athletic style, with a focus on functionality and performance, but also appealing to the aesthetic of sports fans and players alike. Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in sportswear design. - Excellent understanding of polyester fabric and its performance characteristics. - Experience designing for team sports. - Strong aesthetic sense for athletic design.
Tafadhali Jisajili ama Ingia ili kuona maelezo.
I'm seeking a proactive and resourceful individual to apply for Mid - senior-level data engineering jobs in the Technology sectors on my behalf. The ideal candidate should have: - Excellent english communication - Strong attention to detail - Good understanding of crafting tailored applications Please note, the focus of the applications will be on data engineering jobs in Tech sector, selected freelancer will help me apply for 1000 jobs in a month increasing my chances of landing interviews. storytelling video about the spectacular collapse of Nokia, once a titan of the mobile phone industry. The video will be in French, formatted as an Instagram Reels, with a bold, impactful tone, witty and dry humor laced with satire, and a sharp business lesson that sticks. Fluency in French is a must for this project. Project Details: Length: 5 minutes. Script Provided: A detailed outline and full script in French, featuring a shocking hook (“4 out of 10 phones were Nokia”), fun facts (the CEO laughing at the iPhone), sarcastic punchlines, and clear visual cues (archives, memes, graphs). Style: A seamless blend of live-action (on-camera + voiceover, in French) and animation (animated stats, effects, memes), with a fast-paced, m...
...Develop a fully functional classifieds website with multiple categories, a user-friendly frontend, and a secure payment system. The primary focus is on implementing and testing functionality; design will be handled separately. Scope of Work: 1. Website Structure: - Develop a classifieds website using Astra Pro and Elementor Pro. - Implement multiple categories: Pets, Real Estate, Buy & Sell, Jobs, Events, Circular Economy. 2. Posting System: - Two types of classifieds posts: a) Regular Classifieds (MX$100, valid for one month) b) Business Classifieds (MX$300, valid for one month, focused on business promotion) - Frontend interface for publishing posts - Banner image - Short description - Full post description - Gallery images 3. Us...
To assist me in creating a professional CV, I'm searching for a skilled CV writer. I'll use my resume to apply for security or law enforcement positions. Your advice is really helpful in modifying my resume to best showcase my abilities and expertise. If you have any relevant CV writing experience, please share it.
I am in need of both shirt and hoodie mock-ups. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Apparel Design - Mock-up Creation Key Requirements: - Mock-ups should cater to casual wear, athletic wear, and streetwear styles. - Designs will primarily feature different logo variations.