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Hitilafu fulani imetokea. Tafadhali onyesha upya ukurasa na ujaribu tena.
Barua pepe imethibitishwa kwa ufanisi.
Syed Z.
Full Stack Developer And Designer
$20 USD / Saa
Pakistan (5:36 PM)
Alijiunga mnamo Oktoba 2, 2024
$20 USD / Saa
✅ ➜ Top Rated and Experienced Full-Stack Web Developer.
✅ ➜ Highly Qualified & Award Winning Designer.
✅ ➜ Over 10 Years of Industry Experience in Freelance.
Hi, I’m Syed Zeeshan. A PAK-based creative freelancer specializing in Digital Website Development, Brand, and Graphic design. After years of industry experience, with over 10 of those being freelance, I’ve managed to vastly improve the visual offerings of countless brands and businesses. With my clients ranging widely from chart-topping to industry-leading retailers, my ability to communicate to ranging audiences is constantly tried and tested visually. After years of perfecting this skill, I now consistently produce creative solutions that engage and elevate on a daily basis
– I design and build stand-out websites and comprehensive web applications for desktop, mobile, and tablet. The products I design are not just to be looked at, but to be interacted with by millions. My outcomes engage instantly, seamlessly combining design with function. I design creative online experiences, which never fail to impress. Brand – I visualize and develop innovative brands and all aspects of surrounding material on which they exist. The brands I craft from the ground up stand out from the competition, effortlessly cutting through the noise of crowded markets. Whether I’m building a brand from scratch or picking up an existing one, my creative outcomes always speak the right language to the correct people.
– My Graphic style is one based upon strong artistic influence. This allows my work to resonate through innovative concepts infused with artistic fundamentals, resulting in unique graphical languages which elevate and stand out. My style is refined and distinctive, whilst also been accurate for the project at hand. My outcomes demand attention while also clearly communicating in the correct tone. To learn more about me, I recommend you take a look at my online portfolio. If you’d like to see how I can help your project, please do get in touch, and let’s set the ball rolling!
Syed Zeeshan
Read and understand English and communicate well.
Ans: Yes.
2. Follow instructions and guidelines.
Ans: Yes
3. Work collaboratively to support each other and fill-in wherever you are needed.
Ans: Yes