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Hitilafu fulani imetokea. Tafadhali onyesha upya ukurasa na ujaribu tena.
Barua pepe imethibitishwa kwa ufanisi.
Simona M.
Graphic Designer/Web Designer/Figma UI/UX
$15 USD / Saa
Italy (2:29 PM)
Alijiunga mnamo Aprili 4, 2024
$15 USD / Saa
Are you looking for a versatile professional who can deliver stunning UI/UX designs and photo editing services? You’ve come to the right place! With over 4 years of experience, I specialize in creating user-friendly designs and flawlessly edited images that exceed expectations.
What I can help you with:
UI/UX Design Services:
✅ UI/UX Design for mobile and web apps
✅ Landing Page and Website Design
✅ Prototyping & Wireframing using Figma
✅ Design Systems & Style Guides
✅ Web Design and implementation with Webflow and WordPress
Photo Editing Services:
✅ High-End Retouching: Natural skin enhancements and advanced beauty edits
✅ Real Estate Photo Editing: HDR blending, color correction, and perspective adjustments
✅ Background Removal: Clean, professional cutouts for any purpose
✅ Photo Manipulation: Creative composites and visual effects
✅ Color Grading: Cinematic tones and color palette adjustments
✅ Product Photo Editing: Optimized images for e-commerce
✅ Old Photo Restoration: Repairing and enhancing damaged images
Why choose me?
Expertise in Tools: Proficient in Figma, Webflow, WordPress, Elementor, Photoshop, Lightroom and more.
Attention to Detail: Every design or edit is meticulously crafted to meet your specific needs.
Strong Communication: I make sure to understand your goals and provide regular updates throughout the project.
Versatility: Whether it’s crafting a modern app interface or retouching a high-end portrait, I deliver with precision and creativity.
Let’s work together to bring your ideas to life! I’m committed to delivering on time, within budget, and with a final product that you’ll love.
? Feel free to message me—I’m excited to help with your next project!