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Barua pepe imethibitishwa kwa ufanisi.
Unik Infoways
Web | Mobile Development | POS | ERP | Meanstack
$20 USD / Saa
India (6:49 AM)
Alijiunga mnamo Agosti 7, 2018
$20 USD / Saa
✔ Excellent Communication & Understanding
✔ Honest & Friendly
✔ Life Time FREE Technical support for any bug in the delivered work
✔ 100% Satisfaction guarantee otherwise we will refund.
✔ No Charges for Deployment
✔ Competitive rates
✔ Regular Project Updates
✔ Extended support post delivery
✔ On-Time Delivery
✔ Free Unlimited Revisions on the selected template (Before integration)
✔ Free Quality Testing
✔ Free On-Page Updating of the website
✔ Technical Expertise
Our mission is to deliver solutions that satisfy our customers and help us create long lasting business relationships.
Rajan created exactly what I was looking for and on budget. I encourage anyone who needs to improve their website or mobile app to use Rajan. Great work and they far exceeded my expectations on this project.
I had the pleasure of working with this freelancer who possesses both outstanding technical expertise and excellent communication skills. Their coding proficiency, adherence to best practices, and ability to deliver efficient solutions were top-notch. Moreover, their remarkable communication skills fostered a collaborative environment, enabling effective interactions between us. I highly recommend this developer for their exceptional work and effective communication.
Rajan and his team did an amazing job building my food delviery app + web. I am very happy with the result and will definitely will keep working with him. I recommend him 100% excellent work!
These guys made a good impression on me. They were very professional and went to meet my goals and even beyond my expectations. they were very patient with me throughout the whole process. Will hire again surely as they were on time and on budget! Compiling second project and back again to Unik Infoways!"