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Mukul M.
CAD Professional & Design Engineer (17+ yrs exp.)
$8 USD / Saa
India (6:39 PM)
Alijiunga mnamo Agosti 11, 2016
$8 USD / Saa
A CAD engineering professional and Design enthusiast having a 17+yrs of extensive experience mainly in 3D Designing, Modeling, Assembly and 2D Drafting. Specialized in CATIA V5, AutoCAD, AutoLisp, SOLIDWORKS, AutoDesk Revit, FP Pro, Solid Edge, etc.
Extensive experience of 3D Designing, Modelling, assembly and 2D Drafting of Aircraft structures and general engineering components.
Working for Heavy Engineering Firm producing Heat Exchanger, Pressure Vessels by providing AutoLisp customised programs for generating 2D drawings of Shell, Front & Rear Head, Nozzles, Partition Plate, etc. and providing Design Support Services to Aluminium Fenestration industry.
Produced 2D CAD Drawings for restoring four wheeled Carts & Wagons' Drawings of early 19th century using AutoCAD.
Mukul did a wonderful job in preparing a CAD model in CATIA in a very short time. We would have been more excited if he could have delivered in equal quality a report indicating the modelling steps in CATIA. We request him to work more on his report preparation skills along with the wonderful skills in CATIA he already possess. We look forward to hire him in future for CAD modelling works.