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Barua pepe imethibitishwa kwa ufanisi.
Muhammad Azeem A.
Aerospace Propulsion Engineer | Python Developer
$5 USD / Saa
Pakistan (12:08 PM)
Alijiunga mnamo Machi 2, 2024
$5 USD / Saa
Greetings! I am a seasoned Aerospace Engineer with a unique blend of expertise in both aerospace engineering and programming. Holding a Master's degree and backed by 4+ years of professional experience, I have successfully transitioned into the role of a Developer with a strong focus on automation frameworks.
Skills Highlights:
Aerospace Engineering
High-Performance Computing
High-Fidelity Simulations
Multi-Physics Software
Python, FORTRAN, Matlab
Computational Mathematics
Numerical Programming
Optimization Algorithms (Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithm, Nelder Mead, Particle Swarm, Ant Colony Optimization, Cuckoo's Search, Pigeon-inspired Algorithm)
Physics-Guided Machine Learning
System-Level Optimization
Software-Based Frameworks
Advanced Propulsion
Shape Optimization
Electric Motors Optimization
Liquid Propellant Rocket Engines
Gas Dynamics
Supersonic Aerospace Vehicles
Experience Snapshot:
In my academic journey, I graduated as an Aerospace Engineer and honed my programming skills during the final year of my engineering. Subsequently, I pursued a Master's degree, where my passion for computer simulations and computational mathematics flourished. Over the course of three years in the industry, I have contributed significantly to the development of automation frameworks for diverse software applications.
Research and Optimization Expertise:
My research background is marked by extensive work in aerospace research and optimization. I have developed proprietary codes for vehicle design, performance analysis, and innovative applications like inverse heat transfer for combustion chamber temperature measurement. My proficiency extends to developing hybrid algorithms for optimization and leveraging deep machine learning for complex engineering challenges.
Future Goals:
Looking ahead, I am enthusiastic about exploring advanced propulsion, shape optimization, and developing bespoke engines for performance advancements. My goal is to contribute to cutting-edge projects, utilizing both commercial software and multi-platform codes to achieve remarkable results.
Let's Collaborate!
If you are seeking a highly skilled aerospace engineer with a proven track record in research and optimization, let's connect! I am eager to explore the possibilities of collaborating on challenging projects and pushing the boundaries of aerospace engineering.