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Ludiac Solutions
.NET | PHP | MERN | MEAN | Azure
$30 USD / Saa
Canada (5:13 AM)
Alijiunga mnamo Aprili 26, 2016
$30 USD / Saa
We are client oriented transparent solutions provider. We work in the latest and most trendy technologies used globally. We offer a range of services in the field of Information Technology. We have a team of expert resources with excellent technical skills to convert your every idea into a software reality.
Our team of skilled professionals has extensive experience in providing a wide range of digital services such as:
✅ Logo Designing to give your business a Brand Identity.
✅ Website Design and Development that tells your business story and sells your products/services globally.
✅ Mobile App Design and Development to make your business available at your customers' fingertips
✅ CRM Design and Development to effectively manage your customers
✅ SAAS-based platform Design and Development to streamline your business processes and increase efficiency.
✅ ERP solutions Design and Development to integrate all business operations and provide real-time insights
We also have an offshore development team in Pakistan working for us.
What we Offer:
✅ 100% Client Satisfaction Rate.
✅ 100+ List of Satisfied Clients.
✅ 45+ In-house Resources.
✅ 35+ Countries in Which Our Clients are Based.
✅ Quick Response Time < 1-2 Hours.
✅ 5 Star Rated Profile Across All Platforms.
✅ Dedicated Project Managers with Fluent English.
✅ Support Services are available 5 days a week in EST, PST, MST, and GMT time zones.
Let's start a chat here on so we can discuss your requirements in detail and share our ideas with you.
You can also google us “Ludiac Solutions” and enjoy exploring more about our amazing services and reviews.
Thanks for Visiting our Profile!!
Comprehensive Kiosk Revamp
Great to work with and very good commutations.
I have complete a number of small projects and keep coming back.