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Barua pepe imethibitishwa kwa ufanisi.
Ghayas A.
Electrical Engineer & Researcher
$15 USD / Saa
Saudi Arabia (6:53 AM)
Alijiunga mnamo Oktoba 2, 2022
$15 USD / Saa
Experienced electrical engineer with six years in the field, currently serving as a Senior Engineer in Saudi Arabia. Proven track record in diverse projects encompassing Electrical Design, Microcontrollers, Arduino, ESP 32, ESP8266, PIC MCU, Circuit Designing, PCB designing, display interfacing, IOT, Sensors, and actuator interfacing, Raspberry Pi, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and various Circuit Designs. Demonstrates proficiency in crafting innovative solutions and optimizing circuitry for optimal performance. Eager to contribute expertise to impactful projects and collaborations.
Absolutely fantastic experience! I hired Ghayas for a complex coding project, and they exceeded all expectations. The project was delivered not only on time but also precisely to my specifications. Their communication was excellent throughout, and they were incredibly responsive to any questions or concerns I had. I would highly recommend Ghayas to anyone seeking a top-notch freelance coder. They're professional, skilled, and a pleasure to work with. Five stars all the way!
Mr. Ghayas A. is an awesome engineer that was able to follow instructions and bring our project to life. We appreciate his hard work and dedication and attention to detail.