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Umefaulu kuacha kufuata
Hitilafu wakati wa kuacha kumfuata mtumiaji.
Umefaulu kupendekeza
Hitilafu katika kumpendekeza mtumiaji
Hitilafu fulani imetokea. Tafadhali onyesha upya ukurasa na ujaribu tena.
Barua pepe imethibitishwa kwa ufanisi.
Brochures, Logos, Flyers, Packaging, Websites
$20 USD / Saa
Sri Lanka (2:35 AM)
Alijiunga mnamo Oktoba 28, 2015
$20 USD / Saa
We are unlimited, we can turn your imagination into reality with the help of digital design. We are EXPERTS in the graphic and web design industries. Our team is well-skilled in business acumen and has a wide knowledge and experience in digital marketing which can empower your projects with maximum impact to meet your satisfaction and the target.
Experience of a decade is not an easy number. We’ve been gaining and learning from each project we did. As we were able to gain your trust we have come this far today. We work with a diverse range of clients and consistently deliver projects on time.
We can generate a wide range of design elements and assets, such as:
• Flyers
• Brochures
• Logos
• Banners
• Corporate Identity Assets
• Icons
• Infographics
• Caricatures and Cartoons
• Web - UI / UX
• Custom WP
• Frontend DEV
Since we work as a team your project is seen by many angels and creative eyes therefore we are capable of delivering unique creations for you. Also, we know the software takes a very important place when it comes to design which is why we are always updating the version of our software packages.
Our priority is to serve you our best and satisfy you with the result that is why we work closely with you. We know that after getting to know about us you have no patience to work with us. Fortunately, we're not difficult to reach! Simply message us through Freelancer or click the "Hire Me Now" button, and we'll get back to you right away!
Create new program fliers/brochures
FlyerEXPERT is hands down a flyer and brochure guru. I marvel at how I have given the exact same set of instructions to two other people and was underwhelmed by the results. I was starting to become disillusioned that I would be able to find someone who could complete this project according to my specifications. The end result has exceeded my expectations. I appreciated how communicative and responsive FlyerEXPERT was to my suggestions and revision requests. The amount of information and files that was requested at the onset gave me the impression that this freelancer was committed to doing excellent work. Good things do come to those who wait. I'm glad that instead of rushing to complete the project, time, care, and attention was taken. I am beyond satisfied with the finished project and very grateful to flyerEXPERT for making it a reality. Excellent work completed for a fair price? Can't beat that.
Everything was good, i asked a few extra things, a lot of different options and also the editable file and everything was delivered as requested. I recommend.
Simultaneously, my role as a Web Developer has been marked by a commitment to delivering robust and user-friendly websites. Proficient in languages like PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I've collaborated with cross-functional teams to create seamless online experiences. My strategic approach to web development ensures that not only are the technical aspects sound, but the user experience is also at the forefront of each project.
Senior Graphic Designer
Jan, 2010 - Wasilisha
14 years, 11 months
In my role as a Senior Graphic Designer, I've played a pivotal role in shaping the visual identity of our projects. Interacting with a myriad of clients, each with distinct tastes, has cultivated a mature approach to design. My keen eye for design has been a valuable asset, enabling me to create visually compelling and effective designs that align with clients' requirements and industry best practices.
Senior Graphic designer and Web Developer
Jan, 2010 - Wasilisha
14 years, 11 months
I have had the privilege of working at Fotura for over five years, contributing to both the graphic design and web development domains. This experience has been incredibly enriching, allowing me to hone my skills and take on diverse challenges in the creative and technical realms.
Jan, 2010 - Wasilisha
14 years, 11 months
University of Colombo
2009 - 2013
4 years
Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science (External degree, BIT, University of Colombo)
Sri Lanka
2009 - 2013
4 years
Participated Coding Bootcamps programs
2010 - 2011
1 year
Sri Lanka
2010 - 2011
1 year
Fine Arts Degree
2006 - 2009
3 years
Sri Lanka
2006 - 2009
3 years
Best Developer of the Year 2010 - University of Colombo
"Fotura" Skill Annual Ceremony 2010
Project Highlights:
Research and Design: The brochure aimed to introduce the company's products and services to potential clients and customers. Extensive research was conducted to understand the unique selling points and key features of Development projects. The development process involved translating this information into a visually compelling and informative content-based site with dynamic approach.
Nominated for Emerging Graphic Designer of the Year 2008 - University of Colombo
In 2008, I had the distinct honor of being nominated for the prestigious title of Emerging Graphic Designer of the Year at the University of Colombo. This recognition marked a significant milestone in my career and served as a testament to my dedication and proficiency in the field of graphic design.
During my tenure at Bull-Dog Pet Foods Pvt Ltd in the same year, I had the privilege of receiving this esteemed award. The nomination was a result of my outstanding work on this project.
Contribute to make Web Development Tutorial Series:
Futura Blog
Published a series of in-depth tutorials on Fotura blog, covering advanced techniques in full-stack development.
Contributor to Open Source Project Documentation:
JavaScript library
Actively contributed to the documentation of a widely used open-source JavaScript library.
Role as a Tech Conference Speaker:
"CMC" tech conference
Presented a talk at "CMC" tech conference on "Optimizing Front-End Performance for Mobile Devices."
Freelancer Orientation
Adobe Illustrator CS5
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
Basic Numeracy
UK English
Adobe Illustrator CS5
UK English
US English
US English
Adobe Illustrator CS5
US English
Mwaliko umetumwa kwa mafanikio
Asante! Tumekutumia kiungo cha kudai mkopo wako bila malipo kwa barua pepe.
Hitilafu fulani imetokea wakati wa kutuma barua pepe yako. Tafadhali jaribu tena.