Mpango wako wa uanachama unaruhusu tu ufautiliaji 0. Boresha hapa.
Umefaulu kuacha kufuata
Hitilafu wakati wa kuacha kumfuata mtumiaji.
Umefaulu kupendekeza
Hitilafu katika kumpendekeza mtumiaji
Hitilafu fulani imetokea. Tafadhali onyesha upya ukurasa na ujaribu tena.
Barua pepe imethibitishwa kwa ufanisi.
Ahsan I.
Software Engineer || Full Stack Developer
$15 USD / Saa
Pakistan (6:32 AM)
Alijiunga mnamo Julai 9, 2019
$15 USD / Saa
I am a full stack developer with a lot of experience in different projects. I have worked in various technologies on both the front-end and back-end. I am passionate, hard-working with incredible attention to detail.
My Expertise is full-stack development but is not limited to WordPress, PHP, laravel,Node.js, React.js, React Native, C#, C++, HTML, CSS, Ajax, Jquery & Data Extraction, etc.
I like challenging myself and will help you to get the project done according to your requirements.
Why should you hire me?
Client Satisfaction Is My first priority—understanding requirements to provide an accurate estimation of time and cost.
Amazing Have been working with Ahsan for a very long time.
Reliable and trustworthy as this is enough to say he is the best on freelancer
Do not miss out !! If you need anything done Ashan will help and get it sorted within time or earlier.
Thank you Ahsan