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Barua pepe imethibitishwa kwa ufanisi.
Ayxan H.
Creative Front-End Development & Web Solutions
$7 USD / Saa
Azerbaijan (5:11 AM)
Alijiunga mnamo Julai 7, 2024
$7 USD / Saa
Hello! I’m Ayxan, a passionate Front-End Developer with strong expertise in designing and building modern, user-friendly websites. My focus is on creating responsive, visually appealing, and interactive web applications that offer excellent user experiences.
Skills & Technologies:
HTML5 & CSS3: Structuring clean, semantic HTML and writing responsive, well-organized CSS to ensure compatibility across all devices and browsers.
JavaScript: Implementing interactive features using JavaScript to enhance the user experience, including dynamic content and animations.
Bootstrap: Utilizing the power of Bootstrap to create responsive and visually consistent layouts quickly and efficiently.
React.js: Developing modern, single-page web applications with React, focusing on component-based architecture and seamless user interfaces.
SASS/SCSS: Writing modular and maintainable CSS with SASS/SCSS for more flexibility and better project structure.
Version Control (Git): Using Git and GitHub for efficient version control and collaboration on projects.
Responsive Web Design: Ensuring websites adapt perfectly to any screen size, from desktops to mobile devices.
Cross-Browser Compatibility: Testing and optimizing web applications to ensure they work seamlessly across all popular browsers.
UX/UI Design Principles: Applying user experience and user interface design principles to ensure websites are intuitive and easy to navigate.
Web Development Projects:
Personal and Business Websites: Designing and building fully functional, aesthetically pleasing websites that meet business objectives.
Landing Pages: Creating high-converting landing pages tailored to business needs.
E-commerce Sites: Developing e-commerce platforms with seamless user flows and integrated payment solutions.
Interactive Web Applications: Building dynamic web apps that offer real-time functionality and interactive user experiences.
Mobile App Development:
Progressive Web Apps (PWA): Developing mobile-friendly, app-like experiences with progressive web technologies.
Responsive Design for Mobile: Ensuring that all web applications are fully optimized for mobile platforms.
I’m always eager to bring your ideas to life by combining design aesthetics with efficient, reliable code. Whether you're building a new project or improving an existing one, I’m here to collaborate and make sure your vision becomes a reality. Don’t hesitate to get in touch!