Mpango wako wa uanachama unaruhusu tu ufautiliaji 0. Boresha hapa.
Umefaulu kuacha kufuata
Hitilafu wakati wa kuacha kumfuata mtumiaji.
Umefaulu kupendekeza
Hitilafu katika kumpendekeza mtumiaji
Hitilafu fulani imetokea. Tafadhali onyesha upya ukurasa na ujaribu tena.
Barua pepe imethibitishwa kwa ufanisi.
Abdul Rehman J.
Android App Developer
$10 USD / Saa
Pakistan (10:23 PM)
Alijiunga mnamo Agosti 15, 2022
$10 USD / Saa
With 3+ years of experience in developing Android apps, I am proficient in both Java and Kotlin. I have also created API's using Python for Android apps and understand what is needed when it comes to the security required for these projects. With my previous work with Raspberry Pi boards, you can count on me to bring your project through from start to finish.
With 3+ years of experience in developing Android apps, I am proficient in both Java and Kotlin. I have also created API's using Python for Android apps and understand what is needed when it comes to the security required for these projects.
Multan, Pakistan
Okt, 2021 - Wasilisha
3 years, 2 months
Bahauddin Zakariya University
2017 - 2021
4 years
2017 - 2021
4 years
Python, Android [Java/Kotlin]
MNS-University of Agriculture, Multan
Completed FYP (Final Year Project) in university, and some of projects in python in software house.
Also work on Android Kotlin and Java apps.
Python App (Automated Raspberry Pi connection)
Abdul Rehman Jamil
I had publish a Python App on snap store. Also available open source code on Github.
IoT base Python app, measures the sun set and rise time to turn home lights on/off.
Android App "Yad'dahani"
Abdul Rehman Jamil
I had publish an Android App on Google Play store. Also available open source code on Github.
Mwaliko umetumwa kwa mafanikio
Asante! Tumekutumia kiungo cha kudai mkopo wako bila malipo kwa barua pepe.
Hitilafu fulani imetokea wakati wa kutuma barua pepe yako. Tafadhali jaribu tena.