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Barua pepe imethibitishwa kwa ufanisi.
Nabs Studio
Logo l Brand Guide l Label l Brochure l Flyer
$30 USD / Saa
Pakistan (7:31 AM)
Alijiunga mnamo Julai 4, 2016
$30 USD / Saa
Hello there!
I'm Nabeel, a Top Rated Verified & Preferred Freelancer on this platform, your one-stop-shop for all your design needs.
With over 8 years of experience in the industry, I am specialize in delivering creative and innovative design solutions that meet your specific requirements. Whether you need a brand-new logo, a brochure, a label, or any marketing design-related project, I am here to help.
I have a proven track record of delivering top-notch quality work that is reliable and delivered on time. My objective is to bring your vision to life and exceed your expectations with simple and creative solutions to the communication needs of your project.
My primary skill set includes designing:
Logo/Brand Guide
Label/ Sticker
Business Card
PPT Pitch Deck/Company Profile
Product Packaging
T-shirt Designs
Social Media Kits
Don't just take my word for it! Explore my portfolio at [login to view URL] to see the quality of my work firsthand. You can also read reviews from recent clients which will give you a better sense of the results I have achieved.
Whether you need a logo for your brand or packaging for your product, I've got you covered. Simply click on 'Request Quote' to get a free quotation for your project.
Thank you for taking the time to review my profile, and I look forward to working with you!
Logo Design Help
Once again, Nabs Studio is *the* premiere design outfit on Freelancer. I would not work with anyone else. Thank you, Nabs.
[13 March, 2022] On Freelancer, I think we become desensitized to sub-par work. The delivery of something satisfactory becomes 'exceptional.' It should be observed that Nabs Studio is not this sort of average freelancer. This is a professional design outfit which employs real creatives; *actual artists.* Even I was not expecting the quality of work to which I was the recipient. Nabs treated my project with diligence, attention, enthusiasm, tender care, and a professionalism that I have not encountered elsewhere on Freelancer in my 11 years of using this platform. That he retains an impeccable command of the nuances of the English language is icing on the cake. I bless the day he bid on my project; will absolutely hire again.
[14 March, 2022] Re-hire; Nabs design quality is that which you rarely find on Freelancer. You will not get a stock clip-art or font-based design - Nabs actually draws concepts - you're getting the full creative experience of working face to face with a legit artist. Thanks Nabs!
[14 March, 2022] My only hesitancy in leaving feedback for Nabs is that he will become too popular, and I'll lose my designer! ;) Nabs is worth $50/hr. You will save money by just hiring straight at the top, believe me. I have wasted a lot of money trying to hire cheap or even mid-level designers. With Nabs, you're getting #1. He will present many concepts if you ask, but it's better to just let his creative expertise take over. Don't micro-manage; explain the goal of the design and where/why it'll be used, and he always hits a home run. Thank you Nabs!
Nabs Studio was very open and receptive to feedback, which made collaborating easy. His creativity around the design concepts challenged my thinking on the overall project and we ended up with a far better outcome. I have already hired Nabs Studio for another project!