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Mobile app & website developer & designer team
$15 USD / Saa
Canada (7:45 AM)
Alijiunga mnamo Januari 16, 2022
$15 USD / Saa
I've worked in It companies as a mobile app & website developer for 9 years. I've started freelancing for more flexibility. I also have taken UI/UX courses to help me create better looking interfaces for my clients.
I've worked with multiple technologies and frameworks for mobile apps and websites.
Message me so we can discuss your project.
I partnered with DevPro to build a high-risk merchant payment solution. Despite unforeseen complexities extending the timeline, DevPro delivered an MVP that exceeded my expectations. DevPro’s communication was unparalleled. Barry, in particular, went above and beyond, working weekends and even while sick. He showcased remarkable adaptability and quick learning, mastering the complexities of building a cutting-edge payment solution. I wholeheartedly recommend DevPro for any development work.
Working with the DevDro team was a mixed experience. They were able to quickly and effectively turn around our mockups on Next.JS, with minimal changes to be made up front. However, they did not communicate their technical requirements for hosting at all and struggled for weeks to set it up, so the website was late to launch. This happened again when they worked on developing the admin panel. Both of these caused significant delays. This was not helped by their poor communication.
Pros: He is friendly and easy to talk with which made me comfortable dealing with him, also, he tries his best to provide me with what I want.
you need to agree with him on the way of communication. I couldnt call him live to discuss not even once.
And unfortunately, he wasnt able to complete the project after 4 months ( our agreement was to deliver the project in 40 days). But he did a good move and let me keep the work he did even when I canceled the project, this counts for him.