I'll be happy to build you the web crawler. Please send me the website for analysis.
However I have few questions.
Why you should hire me?
Because you get excellent code quality for lower rates for your first few projects.
I offer you lifetime code warranty, because my robust code never breaks, and if it breaks, I'll fix it free of cost even after 25 yrs.
Pay the full project money at the end, when you are happy with the work.
It's a typical customer psychology to judge quality and service by quoted price, please refrain from doing so, as price has nothing to do with quality and services, pricing depends on supply-demand curve, monopoly, negotiation, availability, distribution-chain, etc., but not always on quality.
With years of experience under my hat, I deliver code that loads fast and ranks well; a backend panel to manage content/design/func; secure code to withstand attacks; pixel perfect, responsive and cross browser design; engaging graphics, icons, typography to convert visitors into customers by subconsciously guiding them to take actions (Buy, Subscribe).
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