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Zdravo Mire, Zelio bih te pitati da li si zainteresovan za full time job. Vise o tome pricat cemo na chatu!
yar app baat kar skaty ho plz malikloya@gmail .com ya email ha mary ya skype py malik_rahmat2000 ya id ha
yar app baat kar skaty ho plz malikloya@gmail .com ya email ha mary ya skype py malik_rahmat2000 ya id ha
ستارےجوچمکتےہیں کسی کےچشمِ حیراں میں ملاقاتیں جوہوتی ہیں جمالِ ابروباراں میں یہ ناآبادوقتوںمیں دلِ ناشاد میں ہوگی محبت اب نہیں ہوگی، یہ کچھ دن بعدمیں ہوگی گزرجائیں گےجب یہ دن یہ اُن کی یاد میں ہوگی محبت اب نہیں ہوگی،محبت اب نہیں ہوگی بچھڑکرتجھ سےیہی خودکوسزادی میں نے تیری تلاش میں اِک عمر لگادی میں نے تجھےجودل سےنکالوں تویوں لگتاہے جیسے اپنےاندرکوئی دیوارگرادی میں نے محبت اب نہیں ہوگی ، یہ کچھ دن بعدمیں ہوگی گزرجائیں گےجب یہ دن یہ اُن کی یاد میں ہوگی محبت اب نہیں ہوگی،محبت اب نہیں ہوگی
ستارےجوچمکتےہیں کسی کےچشمِ حیراں میں ملاقاتیں جوہوتی ہیں جمالِ ابروباراں میں یہ ناآبادوقتوںمیں دلِ ناشاد میں ہوگی محبت اب نہیں ہوگی، یہ کچھ دن بعدمیں ہوگی گزرجائیں گےجب یہ دن یہ اُن کی یاد میں ہوگی محبت اب نہیں ہوگی،محبت اب نہیں ہوگی بچھڑکرتجھ سےیہی خودکوسزادی میں نے تیری تلاش میں اِک عمر لگادی میں نے تجھےجودل سےنکالوں تویوں لگتاہے جیسے اپنےاندرکوئی دیوارگرادی میں نے محبت اب نہیں ہوگی ، یہ کچھ دن بعدمیں ہوگی گزرجائیں گےجب یہ دن یہ اُن کی یاد میں ہوگی محبت اب نہیں ہوگی،محبت اب نہیں ہوگی
We are looking for a Full Stack Software Developer to join our team, responsible for developing both front-end and back-end solutions. You will be working on cutting-edge applications that leverage GraphQL, Semantic Web technologies, graph databases such as Amazon Neptune and modern web development. The ideal candidate should have experience coding in Python, with a strong understanding of building APIs and working with structured data models. This role will provide opportunities to work on machine learning and graph technologies, making it an excellent opportunity for someone looking to grow in these areas. Key Responsibilities • Develop and maintain scalable front-end and back-end applications. • Design and implement GraphQL APIs for efficie...
Requisitos: Preferencialmente morar em Brasília. Usar iPhone. Ser organizado. Ter habilidade em vendas. Ter experiência prévia em vendas. Aprender rápido. Ter pelo menos 2h disponíveis por dia para se dedicar O que você vai fazer: Fazer captação de leads ativos para minhas empresas de agência de social media e aulas de inglês. Realizar follow-up com os leads. Marcar calls do cliente comigo. Preencher uma planilha de acompanhamento no Google Sheets para registrar e monitorar o progresso dos leads. Participar de reuniões semanais comigo para adaptação e alinhamento. Enviar um relatório geral semanal das atividades feitas e do tempo gasto (buscando equilíbrio entre tempo e eficiên...
...WhatsApp, com foco em agendamentos e acompanhamento de leads. O trabalho será remoto, utilizando Trello para organização de tarefas e Calendly para agendamentos. O que oferecemos: Leads gerados automaticamente por tráfego pago e ferramentas de automação (sem necessidade de prospecção ou pesquisa manual) Suporte para aprendizado das ferramentas Trello e Calendly Pagamento fixo + comissões + bônus por desempenho Trabalho remoto e flexível Atividades: Atendimento via WhatsApp (pré-vendas e suporte) Agendamento de reuniões pelo Calendly Organização de tarefas e follow-ups no Trello Garantir a confirmação e realização dos agendamentos Relat&oac...
I'm seeking a seasoned full-stack developer or a reputable company to help bring my auction website vision to life. This platform will allow users to list items for auction and engage in bidding, with an option for fixed price sales. Key Project Details: - Conceptual design for the website's layout is available - Collaboration on design and features will be welcomed post initial agreement Technical Requirements: - Frontend: Vue.js - Backend: Node.js (Express) - Database: MySQL - Real-time Bidding System: WebSockets - UI/UX Design Tools: Figma, Adobe XD Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Vue.js for frontend development - Extensive experience with Node.js (Express) for backend development - Strong understanding of MySQL for database managemen...
I am an entrepreneur starting an online pet products business in Israel and seeking a professional sourcing agent with specific experience in the pet products industry in China. Requirements: - Experience with pet products manufacturers in China - Expertise in sourcing from 1688.com and other Chinese markets - Ability to negotiate low prices and MOQs (this is critical) - Quality control and inspection before shipping - Knowledge of shipping logistics to Israel - Clear communication in English Your responsibilities will include: - Finding reliable factories for pet toys, beds, feeding accessories, and collars/leashes - Negotiating the best possible prices (essential for my business model) - Verifying product quality through photos/videos and samples - Managing orders and coordinati...
Are you a problem-solver who wants to transform an entire industry? We're a fast-growing UK tech startup revolutionising e-commerce sustainability, with a waiting list of 60 brands ready to implement our solution. What We're Looking For: Senior Full-Stack Developer with exceptional technical skills Experience in React, Node.js, and cloud infrastructure Strong background in building scalable, high-performance applications Passion for solving real-world challenges What Makes This Different: Not just another job - a chance to build something that transforms an entire industry Potential to become our CTO if you prove your exceptional capabilities Startup equity as part of your compensation package Working on cutting-edge circular economy technology Opportunity to signific...
Estou em busca de um freelancer com experiência em edição de vídeos e criação de anúncios para plataformas como YouTube e Facebook, voltados para a divulgação de produtos encapsulados. A proposta é editar criativos que chamem a atenção do público e gerem engajamento. Detalhes do Projeto: Valor: R$300,00. Primeiro Trabalho: Entrega de 5 anúncios (ads) com 4 variações de início para cada anúncio, totalizando 20 vídeos com duração média de 2 minutos. Prazo: 2 dias para a entrega do material completo. Possibilidade de Projetos Futuros: Se o trabalho inicial for satisfatório, há chance de fechar mais trab...
...for a café, allowing customers to view menu items, make orders, and facilitate payments through a single-page layout. 2. Design Requirements: - User-Friendly Interface: The website should have a clean, modern design that is easy to navigate. - Responsive Design: The website must be mobile-friendly and function smoothly on various screen sizes (desktop, tablet, and mobile). - Branding: Use the café's logo, color scheme, and typography consistently throughout the site to reflect the café's identity. 3. Sections of the Website: - Header: - Café name and logo. - Navigation links (if any are necessary, e.g., to social media). - Menu Section: - Foods: - List of food items with names, descriptions, images, a...
If you know how to use it, then I have a job for you
I'm looking for a seasoned developer who can finish a Chrome extension for me. This extension should be able to capture both the entire screen and audio simultaneously. Key Requirements: - The captured screen images should be saved in PNG format. - The captured audio must be saved in MP3 format. - The extension should detect screen change and capture screen when changed - Ask for necessary audio permissions, list out microphones, show microphone status etc. - User will enter a project or select existing project to store screens and audio - Each start/stop creates a session in the project. - Session can be paused and resumed - The files will be stored on the local file system and metadata in the local mongodb - I have code for the server already written in Pytnon/Flask Ideal skills...
I need an expert in to complete a full stack project, primarily focused on the front end. The project is expected to last around 3-4 months and will require full-time commitment. You'll be working directly with me via Anydesk or Teamviewer. The Figma designs for the project are ready, and while the complexity of the design elements can be described as moderately complex, the majority of the work will involve implementing specific functionality and features on the front end. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in - Experience with Redux or a state management library - Familiarity with SASS - Ability to understand and implement moderately complex design elements Key Responsibilities: - Working on the front end of a full stack project - Implementing fea...
Boa tarde, criei uma logo com o chat GPT e quero ter a versão editável dela com algumas opções. Estou aberto a negociação
Clonei uma página de vendas e hospedei no meu domínio na Hostinger. No entanto, a página original foi desenvolvida com Elementor, e como não possuo esse construtor, alguns ícones, como setas de navegação e o botão do WhatsApp, não estão aparecendo corretamente na minha versão. Preciso de um profissional para comparar as duas versões e corrigir esses problemas. Caso seja necessário, podem ser feitas otimizações no HTML para garantir que tudo funcione corretamente. Observação: Quando acesso meu site sem o /inicio, ele exibe uma tela padrão "Hello World". O ideal seria corrigir isso também para que a página principal carregue corretamen...
...estruturado com UX_Blocks do tema Flatsome. É sobre template kits da envato elements, que dem ser convertidos para suporte wordpress e editáveis com tema flatsome. As seções podem ser convertidas dentro de ux_blocks para depois consolida-las em uma página, se preferir. No entanto é necessário que as areas que contenham textos e imagens precisam ser convertidos para o padrão flatsome [ux_image] e [ux_text]. O menu deve ser desenvolvido à partir do próprio tema, aplicando as estilizações globais do template kit. As cores globais, tipografias e demais estilos que forem possíveis aplicar diretamente via personalizador do tema deve ser feito. Os arquivos assets (css, js...) devem sem hos...
Estou busca...para fácil atualização de produtos - Integração com métodos de pagamento seguros e opções de envio - Otimização SEO para melhorar a visibilidade nos motores de busca - Design responsivo para garantir uma experiência de usuário impecável em dispositivos móveis - Recursos de compartilhamento social para impulsionar o engajamento e a visibilidade Idealmente, o freelancer terá experiência com: - E-commerce e plataformas de vendas online - Design gráfico e web design - SEO e marketing digital - Desenvolvimento web, incluindo conhecimento em HTML, CSS, JavaScript e plataformas de e-commerce Estou ansioso para trabalhar com alguém que pos...
1- Interface inicial do jogo Com um chat que traduza automaticamente o idioma escrito pra quem está lendo.. 2 - Uma loja em game com 12 slots de categorias para que eu possa vender 12 diferentes tipos de coisas separadamente 3 - Um inventário com 8 slots diferentes para armazenar 8 tipos diferentes de itens 1. para Armas: Sword, Machados e cajados. 2. para Armaduras: armaduras e mantos 3. para Characters: nesse slot o jogador poderá acompanhar todos os characters que ele já possui 4. para animal de estimação: nesse slot o jogador poderá acompanhar todos os animais de estimação que ele já possui 5. Para Escudos: Escudos 6. Para runas: será um tipo de equipamento apenas para dar mais atribut...
I'm looking for a ready-made colon website, similar to https://kingexch9.com/. If you have developed such a site or have the code, please contact me. Don't waste your time or mine.
...marketing company in need of a highly organized and proactive Executive Assistant (EA). This is a full-time, long-term role (minimum 1 year). Key Responsibilities: - Email management - Calendar scheduling - Travel bookings - Project coordination - Reporting and research - Handling any incoming tasks Ideal Candidate: - Proficiency in administrative work - Experience with ClickUp - Excellent communication skills - Able to work full-time with some schedule overlap with the team Please start your application text with "I am the best fit for this role, because.. ". In your application, include: 1. A brief description of yourself 2. Why do you feel you qualify 3. What is your expected monthly salary for a full time job Please do not add your CV or any other...
mi sitio web tiene algunos errores que da algunos pequeños errores en rendimiento de cel.
objetivo principal avaliar a eficiência de fundos de investimento que seguem critérios ESG, comparando-os com fundos tradicionais, e investigar se a adoção de práticas ESG impacta positivamente o desempenho financeiro desses fundos. Para isso preciso que a pessoa tenha capacidade de coletar os dados, pelo REFINITV, moornin, Bloomberg Terminalgstar ou MSCI ESG Research. Preciso que seja Feita a analise DEA pelo R STUDIO e me traga os resultados encontrados bem explicados. Quero ter acesso a base de dados usada para analise e preciso que seja esclarecida como foram coletadas cada variaivel. E simplesmente depois fazer a analise dos resultados. A base de dados deve trazer pelo menos os dados de 5 anos sendo de 30 fundos ESG e 30 fundos tradicionais ...
I'm in need of a logo that is both playful and modern, using bright and vibrant colors. Ideal candidates should be: - Creative designers with a knack for fun and playful aesthetics - Experienced in logo design - Able to work with bold, bright, and vibrant color schemes Please, no time wasters. We want you to design our """" Food4Thought com Gelato Bar "" concept using this type van. We want a 50-60"s theme to the designs ... like "" Elvis Presley, Roy Orbinson, "" type themes (u must research this musical era to enter this competition
...** We will not create or release milestones in advance. I will make payments on a weekly or monthly basis. ** Maybe Before Award, we will take a small unpaid test. ** Maybe you have to attend 7 days training before joining. Candidate will be get paid Rs.1000 for this training. ** bid ONLY if our rate and terms suit you. ** DON'T BID IF YOU'RE WILLING TO WORK 1 WEEK FOR A GOOD REVIEW. This is a full-time position offering ₹10,000/month....
I need assistance in sharing a Google spreadsheet with full editing access to specific collaborators, while ensuring the sheet is secure from unauthorized copying or downloading. Key Requirements: - Share the spreadsheet with full editing access to selected collaborators. - Implement security measures to disable the copy and download options. - Manage sharing settings manually for each user. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Google Sheets. - Experience with Google Sheets' sharing and security features. - Strong attention to detail and commitment to data security.
We are building a custom web platform for an international package redirection service. We seek an experienced full-stack developer to design and develop a scalable solution. A professional, responsive layout with corporate colors (e.g., blue, gray), shadows, and elegant typography, inspired by the user-friendly interface and functionality of leading logistics platforms like ().
I'm looking for an industrial exterior design for a mixed-use building. The design should embody the unique aesthetic of industrial architecture, which includes elements like raw materials, utilitarian structures, and a minimalist approach. Ideal skills and experience for this project include: - Proven experience in industrial style architecture. - Strong understanding of mixed-use building requirements. - Proficiency in creating designs that balance functionality and aesthetic appeal. - Excellent communication skills for understanding and integrating client feedback.
We have XD design of this project and I need to React, Django Developer who can build this web app. It is 2~5 pages and timeline is one week. If you can meet our timeline and budget please apply. If you have portfolio of Japanese web development, please include it in your proposal. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Sou apaixonado por histórias e especializado em ajudar autores a refinar suas obras! Com um olhar atento e construtivo, ofereço feedback detalhado sobre narrativa, desenvolvimento de personagens, ritmo, coerência e muito mais. Meu objetivo é ajudar você a transformar sua história na melhor versão de si mesma, mantendo sua voz única. Trabalho com diversos gêneros, desde ficção e fantasia até romances e não ficção. *"Um bom livro é feito não apenas de boas ideias, mas de revisões e aprimoramentos constantes."* Entre em contato e vamos conversar sobre seu projeto! ✍️✨
objetivo principal avaliar a eficiência de fundos de investimento que seguem critérios ESG, comparando-os com fundos tradicionais, e investigar se a adoção de práticas ESG impacta positivamente o desempenho financeiro desses fundos. Para isso preciso que a pessoa tenha capacidade de coletar os dados, pelo REFINITV, moornin, Bloomberg Terminalgstar ou MSCI ESG Research. Preciso que seja Feita a analise DEA pelo R STUDIO e me traga os resultados encontrados bem explicados. Quero ter acesso a base de dados usada para analise e preciso que seja esclarecida como foram coletadas cada variaivel. E simplesmente depois fazer a analise dos resultados. A base de dados deve trazer pelo menos os dados de 5 anos sendo de 30 fundos ESG e 30 fundos tradicionais ...
Job Description: Full-Stack Developer (AWS & AI-Powered Web App) Role: Full-Stack Developer (AWS, AI, Web App) Location: Remote Contract Type: Contract (3 months) with potential for extension About the Role We are developing an AI-driven career and workplace support platform to enhance job success and engagement. The platform will include a mobile-friendly web app, AI-powered chatbots, and a data-driven analytics dashboard. We are seeking a Full-Stack Developer with expertise in AWS services, AI integration, Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) and modern web development to build our prototype. Key Responsibilities Set up AWS IAM roles, permissions, and database schemas. Develop a mobile-friendly web app using AWS Amplify. Implement AWS Cognito authentication ...
I'm looking for a professional web developer with experience in Shopify to build a new e-commerce website for me. The site needs to have a user-friendly interface, be mobile responsive, and have all necessary e-commerce functionalities: product listings, shopping cart, secure payment gateway, etc. holypeach33 @ g mail dot com Key Requirements: - Proven experience with Shopify - Strong understanding of e-commerce website functionalities - Ability to design a mobile-responsive site - Knowledge of SEO best practices for e-commerce Please share your portfolio and examples of Shopify e-commerce sites you have developed in the past.
I'm seeking a seasoned Java Full Stack Developer to help me build a comprehensive social media application. Key Features: - User Profiles: The application should allow users to create and manage their own profiles. - Messaging System: A robust messaging system for user interactions is a must. - News Feed: The application should have a dynamic news feed to keep users updated. Platform Support: - The application should be compatible with Web, iOS, and Android. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in Java Full Stack development. - Prior experience in developing social media applications is a plus. - Proficiency in creating user-friendly interfaces for Web, iOS, and Android. - Excellent understanding of implementing secure and efficient messaging systems. - A...
I'm in need of a professional 3D rendering of my 4800 sq ft mixed-use commercial project. The focus will primarily be on the exterior and landscape design elements. Key Requirements: - Detailed exterior rendering with textures - Comprehensive landscape design inclusion - High-quality, professional-grade output Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software (such as AutoCAD, SketchUp, or similar) - Strong background in architectural design - Previous experience with commercial project renderings - Excellent attention to detail - Ability to understand and translate architectural plans into high-quality 3D visuals Please note, the final output needs to be a detailed design with textures. Previous portfolio examples of similar projects will be highly regarded.
I'm seeking a skilled architect to design a 10-floor, not including basement, art deco style mixed-use building. This building will serve a dual purpose of residential and commercial use. Key Features: - Each floor should not exceed 3200 square feet - Exterior should be mostly brick and weather resistant stone, similar style to image provided - Street level and second floor are commercial use with 14-foot ceiling on the first floor and 10-foot ceiling on the second - All residential floors should have 10-foot ceilings, except for the penthouse which has 14-foot ceilings - Attached parking garage for ~50 cars with matching art deco facade - The parking garage should be 3 stories (1 underground and 2 above) - A rooftop deck above the garage, designed as a wedding ...
Project Overview: We are currently developing a new version of our website. The current live site is , and the new version is being developed at new.[website].com. Once completed, the new site will replace the old one. 1. HOME/LANDING PAGE The homepage design is mostly completed, but some adjustments are required. Static Features: Certain static elements should function similarly to rolex.com. Icon Hover Effect: Change the red/pink highlight to gold (including the favourite icon). 2. SHOP PAGE Pop-up: The pop-up design is good, but the content needs to be revised, and a different image should be used instead of the watch. Image Sizes: Dial-only images should be uniform in size. The Tiffany Blue Sky-Dweller appears oversized and needs resizing. Currency Display: Should
I'm looking for a seasoned Full Stack Developer to help customize my startup's website, which uses React.js and Node.js. - Template-Modifications: We have a purchased template from ThemeForest that needs to be adjusted to match our requirements. - Frontend Focus: The work will be entirely frontend focused, so a strong expertise and experience in these technologies is crucial. - Long-term Collaboration: This could lead to a long-term partnership as we will need frequent updates. This is a theme which we want to use () Please note, that only reach out if you are genuinely interested and capable of delivering quality work. More details will be shared in the chat along with a document.
...Storing, organizing, and retrieving data efficiently with MongoDB. Security: Implementing secure authentication and authorization mechanisms to protect sensitive user data. Integration: Integrating the back end with third-party APIs and services. Keeping up with updates to the JavaScript ecosystem, including Node.js, , MongoDB, and Angular. Debugging and troubleshooting complex issues in a full-stack environment. Building responsive layouts with CSS and HTML Must Have: BSc. or MSc. in Computer Science or Mathematics 5+ years of NodeJS/MongoDB back-end experience 3+ years of Angular experience Experience with Angular Material Experience building responsive layouts with CSS and HTML Knowledge of Angular 15, RxJS Observables Work Requirements: Comfortable coding everything throug...
In need of a versatile Full-Stack developer well-versed in React. This project encompasses both the front-end and back-end. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in React for user interface development - Experienced in full-stack development, capable of managing both the front-end and backend - Familiar with API integration, data storage and retrieval, and user authentication and authorization The project is designed for freelancers who are capable of creating interactive and robust web applications using React. Your expertise will be pivotal in delivering a seamless user experience, while also ensuring a well-functioning and secure backend.
Needs to hire 2 Freelancers We are seeking a Full Stack Developer with expertise in Node.js, React.js, and Vue.js to enhance our existing system features. The role involves collaborating with stakeholders, refining and debugging programs, and sometimes directing third-party partners to achieve business and technology goals. Key Responsibilities: - Develop, enhance, and maintain system features using Node.js, React.js, and Vue.js. - Optimize applications for performance, SEO, and accessibility across devices. - Implement responsive design using semantic HTML/CSS and preprocessors like SASS/Babel. - Manage Git processes, branching strategies, and conflict resolution. - Utilize Webpack/Vite for efficient bundling and state management tools like Vuex, Redux, or Pinia. - Debug and optimi...
I need a freelancer who can convert my logo into a vector format. The final product must retain the original colors, shapes, and text of the logo. It is critical that the vectorised logo is suitable for use on the web. Must be proficient with Adobe Illustrator.
Somos uma empresa brasileira de venda de cafés especiais e locação de máquinas de cafés para B2B. Após dez anos de fundação, gostaríamos de fazer um rebranding da marca. Queremos deixá-la com um toque mais moderno, que tenha um ar mais de laboratório, tecnológico. Gostando dos tons preto e branco. Queremos atualizar não só nossa logomarca, mas também um manual para postarmos nas redes sociais com identidade, novos uniformes e principalmente novas embalagens dos cafés em grãos. Este é um novo momento da empresa que precisamos de ajuda para darmos uma identidade única, comunicativa. A empresa chegou até aqui sem esta preocupaç&ati...
I'm looking for a dedicated PHP/Laravel programmer who can assist with web application development. The primary focus will be building and updating a backend CRM and two existing platforms. Key Responsibilities: - D...robust backend CRM system with features for customer management, sales tracking, and reporting & analytics. - Update and maintain existing platforms, ensuring they're up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with PHP and Laravel. - Proven track record in web application development. - Full Stack Developer, familiar with Linux / Cpanel / WHM - Familiarity with building and managing CRM systems. Please note: The role is full-time, and the successful candidate will have the opportunity to work on a v...
Folowing our emaisl campaigns to our 34,000 subscribed architects, for our own publications as well as on behalf of our clients (companies suppliers to the construction industry), we collect the statistics from our router (groupmail). Currently, we only use Open rates and Unique clics statistics. AI could, perhaps, process all available statistics e.g.: which publication is the most widely read, by which target ? Which customer emailing is the most effective? What information is available based on the email address of 1 architect? Etc Our website: https//:, https//:, https//:, https//:
I'm in need of a proficient full stack developer experienced in PHP, SQL, CodeIgniter, Git, Java, and AJAX. This project involves creating a deep comprehensive market network as we prepare to launch our platform alongside our upcoming coin listing on exchanges. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in CodeIgniter framework - Strong skills in PHP, SQL, Git, Java, and AJAX - Previous experience in developing market network platforms - Clear English communication skills - A love for Christ In this role, you will receive a mix of salary, stock options, ILPs, and Hivecoin. Ideal candidates would have a passion for technology and a desire to make an impact in the market network landscape.
Job Title: WordPress Developer – 6-Page Website Implementation Design, photography, graphics, site map, animations already built. Budget: $2,250 Timeline: [Specify preferred timeline, e.g., 3-5 weeks] Location: Remote Job Overview: We are seeking an experienced WordPress Developer to design and develop a 6-page responsive WordPress website that is visually appealing, user-friendly, and optimized for performance. The website should be built with a modern design, easy content management, and SEO best practices in mind. Project Scope: - Pages Needed (6 Total): - Homepage - Platform - AI Agents - Workflows - Roles - Resources - Fully responsive design (mobile, tablet, desktop) - SEO-friendly structure and optimization - Fast-loading, lightweight ...