How to jailbreak iphone 4 ios 7Kazi


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    Jimbo la Kazi
    2,000 how to jailbreak iphone 4 ios 7 kazi zimepatikana
    Foto Desenzano
    Imeisha left

    Foto di un posto a Desenzano consegnate 7

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Wastani wa Zabuni
    1 zabuni

    hishamjaouni مرحبا أستاذ Android & iOS أنا مطورة لدي خبرة طويلة ومهارات عالية ومعرفة شاملة بجميع أساسيات العمل وقوانين متجر آبل وجوجل يمكنني جعل تطبيقك يظهر بطريقة احترافية وبسيطة وسهلة الاستخدام والأهم من ذلك أنها عالية الجودة وخالية من المتاعب جاهز لأية استفسارات ، فلا تتردد عندما تتواصل معي ، أقدم لكم بعضًا من أعمالي في المتجر وأنا متأكد من أنك ستحبها ، لا تتردد ايضا لدي فريق عمل كامل راسلني انتظر ردك

    $250 Average bid
    $250 Wastani wa Zabuni
    1 zabuni

    jamilht مرحبا أستاذ Android & iOS أنا مطورة لدي خبرة طويلة ومهارات عالية ومعرفة شاملة بجميع أساسيات العمل وقوانين متجر آبل وجوجل يمكنني جعل تطبيقك يظهر بطريقة احترافية وبسيطة وسهلة الاستخدام والأهم من ذلك أنها عالية الجودة وخالية من المتاعب جاهز لأية استفسارات ، فلا تتردد عندما تتواصل معي ، أقدم لكم بعضًا من أعمالي في المتجر وأنا متأكد من أنك ستحبها ، لا تتردد راسلني انتظر ردك

    $250 Average bid
    $250 Wastani wa Zabuni
    1 zabuni

    I need Kashi bund

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Wastani wa Zabuni
    1 zabuni

    setup akipthem

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Wastani wa Zabuni
    1 zabuni
    Need any ios apps
    Imeisha left

    Hii i needs ios apps, any app is ok.

    $15 Average bid
    $15 Wastani wa Zabuni
    1 zabuni
    $225 Wastani wa Zabuni
    10 zabuni

    Namreen muje tum se bat karni hai yar tum chiz kia ho akhir, pathar ho pathar samji. kindly skype par online ajao aur yahi reply kardo atleast

    $150 - $150
    $150 - $150
    0 zabuni
    $20 Wastani wa Zabuni
    1 zabuni

    i want a appi want a appi want a appi want a appi want a appi want a appi want a app

    $1748 Average bid
    $1748 Wastani wa Zabuni
    2 zabuni

    Sutra bi trebao neke minijaturne aplikacije, pa ako si zainteresiran mogu ti objasniti preko maila? Nema puno posla ali je bitno da sutra to odradimo.

    $30 / hr Average bid
    $30 / hr Wastani wa Zabuni
    1 zabuni


    $180 Average bid
    $180 Wastani wa Zabuni
    5 zabuni

    يتكلم عن الكون والفضاء والمجرات

    $23 / hr Average bid
    $23 / hr Wastani wa Zabuni
    22 zabuni
    Izrada igre
    Imeisha left

    Pozdrav, Kontaktiram vas u vezi izrade igre za Android i IOS uredjaje(Unity 3D). Rec je o "fudbalskoj" multiplayer igri koja ce imati elemenente a sama igra se odvija nesto slicno kao sto je Potrebne su mi potpuno iste funkcije kao u "8 Ball Pool". Pod funkcijama mislim na facebook login, uvodni ekran, igru jedan na jedan(razlicite sobe u zavisnosti od rejtinga igraca) dok kasnije kao nadogradnju mozemo dodati turnire koji ce se odvijati po istom principu kao u ovoj igri(bilijar). Igra ce imati chat kao i mogucnost da neko treci udje u "sobu" i prati odvijanje same partije. Bavim se Web programiranjem(PHP) tako da mogu kreirati celokupnu

    $25 / hr Average bid
    $25 / hr Wastani wa Zabuni
    1 zabuni

    IOS Tablet,Phone,Android Tablet,Phone Sencha Touch,Sencha Extjs5,PhoneGap,Json

    $375 Average bid
    $375 Wastani wa Zabuni
    2 zabuni

    Buy Cheap Fifa Coins, Fifa 14 Coins, Fifa 15 Coins, Fifa 15 Ultimate Team Coins. Full Stock for Ps3, Ps4, Xbox 360, Xbox one, PC, IOS.

    $182 - $546
    $182 - $546
    0 zabuni

    for sturdy the holy Quran easyly 401037Avj-Kzivb cÖwkÿY ‡K›`ª jv°vZziv Rv‡g gmwR` kvLv| mgvcwb cwiÿv 2014 wLª÷vã 1| cÖkœ: Aviex nid KqcÖKvi I wK wK ? 2| cÖkœ: Aviex wPý KqwU I wK wK ? 3| cÖkœ: j¤^vK‡i covi wbqg KqwU I wK wK? 4| cÖkœ: bybQvwKb I Zvbexb Kv‡K e‡j wK wK? 5| cÖkœ: bybQvwKb I Zvbexb covi wbqg KqwU I wK wK? 6| cÖkœ: Bhnv‡i nvKxwK I BLdv‡q nvKxwK Kv‡K e‡j ? 7| cÖkœ: Bhnvi I BLdvi nid KqwU I wK wK? 8| cÖkœ: Bhnvi I BLdvi D`vniY `vI? 9| cÖkœ: GK¡jv‡ei D`vniY `vI? 10| cÖkœ: G`Mv‡g gvÕj¸bœvi D...

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    0 zabuni
    islami book
    Imeisha left

    for sturdy the holy Quran easyly 401037Avj-Kzivb cÖwkÿY ‡K›`ª jv°vZziv Rv‡g gmwR` kvLv| mgvcwb cwiÿv 2014 wLª÷vã 1| cÖkœ: Aviex nid KqcÖKvi I wK wK ? 2| cÖkœ: Aviex wPý KqwU I wK wK ? 3| cÖkœ: j¤^vK‡i covi wbqg KqwU I wK wK? 4| cÖkœ: bybQvwKb I Zvbexb Kv‡K e‡j wK wK? 5| cÖkœ: bybQvwKb I Zvbexb covi wbqg KqwU I wK wK? 6| cÖkœ: Bhnv‡i nvKxwK I BLdv‡q nvKxwK Kv‡K e‡j ? 7| cÖkœ: Bhnvi I BLdvi nid KqwU I wK wK? 8| cÖkœ: Bhnvi I BLdvi D`vniY `vI? 9| cÖkœ: GK¡jv‡ei D`vniY `vI? 10| cÖkœ: G`Mv‡g gvÕj¸bœvi D...

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Wastani wa Zabuni
    1 zabuni
    iOS development
    Imeisha left

    Pozdrav G-dine Jovanovicu, Ovom prilikom bih zeleo da Vas pitam da li ste raspolozeni da uskocite u razvoj jedne iOS aplikacije. Naime, projekat je na samom kraju, ali je i deadline blizu, pa nam je potreban saradnik koji bi mogao da odvoji 10-15 sati da implementira odredjene preostale funkcije. Ako imate vremena, javite se cim pre! Unapred hvala, Brindic Nebojsa

    $15 - $15 / hr
    $15 - $15 / hr
    0 zabuni

    مطلوب عدد ٢ بوستر فاس بوك لمعطهم سى فوود هاوس اى٤ بنسبة ٢٠ % كتابة والبقى صور الجمل التسويقية رمضان كريم - اقوى العروض سى فوود هاوس-من الفطور للسحور وجبات تبداء من١٢٠ جنيه - اسعار خاصة للشركات والمجوعات مطلوب عدد ٢ بوستر فاس بوك لمعطم سى بيت المعلم اى٤ بنسبة ٢٠ % كتابة والبقى صور الجمل التسويقية رمضان كريم - بيت المعلم على النيل يجمعنا- من الفطور للسحور وجبات افطار تبداء من ٩٠ جنيه - وجبات السور ب ٥٠ج اسعار خاصة للشركات والمجوعات

    $40 Average bid
    $40 Wastani wa Zabuni
    1 zabuni

    ...التعامل مع المدونات وردبريس وذلك لإشهار موقعنا وجلب المهتمين والمتابعين. الشروط : 1.أن تكون هذه المقالات حصرية لنا و في المجال من المجالات النسائية التي يحتويها الموقع. 2.أن تكون هذه المقالات باللغة العربية الفصحى و بدون أخطاء إملائية. 3.أن نمتلك كاملة الحقوق والملكية في هذه المقالات اى بامكاننا التصرف فيها كما نشاء. 4.أن تكون هذه المقالات متوافقة مع السيو. 5.الاتفاقية معنا تكون مستمرة ويمكن مناقشتها لاحقا. 6.٦٠٠ كلمة في كل موضوع، بإتباع طريقة عمل الموقع بعناية تامة. 7.على كل من المتقدمات عرض سعر للمقال الواحد وكم من مقال يمكنكن كتابته أسبوعين. الدفع يكون حسب عدد الزوار على كل مقال يتم كتابته، 5 دولارات على كل 5000 زيارة (يعني 50 دولار على 10 مقالات تحصلت على 50000 زيارة)، مع ضمان منحة شهرية لا تقل عن 10 دولارات إذا تم ضمان كتابة مقالين على الأقل في اليوم ، شفاف...

    $1035 Average bid
    $1035 Wastani wa Zabuni
    7 zabuni

    متخصص في اكواد الاجهزة الالكترونية و الحاسوب و اشياء اخرى

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr Wastani wa Zabuni
    1 zabuni

    ...Prozori I vrata – brojevi. Svaki prozor da ima svoj broj. Na primer W1, W2, W3 I tako. U schedule-e, ispod Window Type 1 – treba staviti, na primer W1, W3, W4 itd. Isto tako Lokacije – Office, Guest WC, itd. 4. Na preseku nota, za vatru. Zid izmedju Fabrike I Offica, zid treba da ide do ispod krova, zbog regulazija protiv pozara I vatrene bezbednosti. 5. Dimenzije prozora I vrata – molim te proveri. Ako je W1 900 sirok na Schedul-u onda bi trebao da bude 900mm sirok I na Planu. To su te starije greske koje sada vidim. 6. Dodati dupla vrata – Boardroom I staviti ih na schedule kao dodatni broj 7. Stavio sam nov Title Blok sa novom informacijom I tako, ako mozes da stavis na svaki Unit, stranu 1,2 I 3. Vidis broj crteza je prema Unit-u; 2...

    $110 Average bid
    $110 Wastani wa Zabuni
    1 zabuni

    5od yasta project 7lw kda 5lek ttgwz :D y wla y wla ..a5dk gamen 5/0 atlitco madrid yad..diego costa yad :d..ht3rona odam elaganb :D

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Wastani wa Zabuni
    1 zabuni
    decrypt data
    Imeisha left

    i need you to decrypt the data, make some changes and encrypt it back and it's urgent. Here are piece. if you can do, please respond, i will send you the whole data. Rar! Ï s ú t@ 8 ( Ë óÂ%sp‹YC 3 ° ™PÌÌý wÐ/ƒ ·´¬Ñ@ …dŒ0€° ÝaÇmØÁi ™ "P$¨ìžõ@”I )L1$Ò WET]‹ZÎ ó™Â™~7 :Žg0~?Û÷‚¹ÓøŠ ;Ft Åù3Ì×Á– WŒù ºDìÁÎÏOG¿ÜäB)6 cÏ|æ#øjµÆ¥ . ã ˜Qxk žÜ( ...

    $350 Average bid
    $350 Wastani wa Zabuni
    1 zabuni

    ...with both iOS and Android. This app should not only incorporate full-fledged ecommerce functionalities but also integrate advanced AR interior design features. Key App Features: - Virtual furniture placement: Users should be able to visualize how different pieces of furniture would look in their own space. - Room measurement: The app should assist in measuring rooms to ensure accurate fit and scale of furniture. - Color visualization: Users should be able to see how different colors would look on their walls with potential new furniture. Payment Integration: The app should support a variety of payment methods to ensure seamless transactions. These include: - Credit/Debit cards - Online wallets - Bank transfers Ideal Skills: - Proficien...

    $308 Average bid
    $308 Wastani wa Zabuni
    5 zabuni

    I'm in need of a seasoned app developer to help bring my vision for a mobile e-commerce application to life. The app has to be compatible with both iOS and Android platforms. Key Requirements: - Development of a user-friendly, intuitive mobile e-commerce application. - Cross-platform compatibility (iOS and Android). - Strong focus on UI/UX design principles. - Experience in e-commerce app development is a plus. - Ability to integrate secure payment gateways and implement essential e-commerce features. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in mobile app development (specifically using frameworks like React Native, Flutter, etc. for cross-platform compatibility). - Strong understanding and experience in UI/UX design. - Previous experience developing e-...

    $417 Average bid
    $417 Wastani wa Zabuni
    25 zabuni

    I need assistance with a React Native project that is just starting. Your main task will be to check if the project is running smoothly on my Mac PC (Apple M3, OS: Sonoma 14.6). This is a simple check and does not involve any working on the project. Key Requirements: - You should show me your Mac PC with the same specifications. - You will only check the running of the React Native project, no working is required. - The project is being set up for iOS. - The main functionality of this project check is simply to see if it works. Ideal skills: - Experience with React Native - Knowledge of iOS development - Familiarity with Mac PCs, particularly Apple M3 - Ability to troubleshoot basic issues

    $51 Average bid
    $51 Wastani wa Zabuni
    8 zabuni

    My Android app is encountering crash errors during specific actions, and there are several UI/UX issues related to navigation, layout design, and user interactions. Key Issues: - Crash errors: These happen during specific actions within the app. - UI/UX Bugs: Problems with navigation, layout design, and user interactions. I'm looking for an experienced Kotlin developer who can help identify and rectify these issues. Please provide examples of your previous work with Kotlin and any relevant experience you have with troubleshooting Android apps.

    $13 Average bid
    $13 Wastani wa Zabuni
    2 zabuni

    I'm looking for an Affiliate Marketing Assistant with a strong focus on resourcing and team management, ad development, creative development, technical implementation and other tasks associated with CPA affiliate marketing. We are a high performance, 7 figure team onboarding experienced people in the CPA space to help us scale. If you have experience within the CPA space across nutra, SS, trials and scaling on paid platforms get in touch right away.

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Wastani wa Zabuni
    9 zabuni

    I need a cross-platform mobile application (iOS & Android) that serves as a front end to connect with the back end of an EMI/PSP provider. This app should provide secure user authentication, a comprehensive transaction history, and the ability to send and receive push notifications. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in mobile application development for both iOS and Android - Experience in integrating with EMI/PSP providers - Expertise in implementing user authentication systems - Proficient in creating interfaces for displaying transaction history - Skilled in setting up push notification systems

    $1323 Average bid
    $1323 Wastani wa Zabuni
    83 zabuni

    ...for an experienced Flutter developer to create a fully functional grocery delivery app. The app should support both Android and iOS platforms. Key Features: - User Profiles and Order History: Users should be able to create profiles and view their past orders. - Real-Time Order Tracking: Implement a system where users can track their orders in real-time. - Payment Gateway Integration: The app should have a secure and reliable payment gateway for seamless transactions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Flutter with a strong portfolio of similar apps. - Experience in integrating payment gateways. - Knowledge in implementing real-time tracking systems. - Understanding of e-commerce app development. Project Scope 1. User App (Flutter - Android & iOS...

    $690 Average bid
    $690 Wastani wa Zabuni
    61 zabuni

    I'm seeking an experienced mobile app developer to create an iOS travel application similar to OYO or Make My Trip. This app should facilitate booking, incorporate user reviews and ratings, and utilize geo-location services. Key Features: - A seamless booking system - An integrated platform for user reviews and ratings - Utilization of geo-location services Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven expertise in Android iOS app development - Strong skills in both frontend and backend development - Experience with creating travel or booking apps is a plus - Knowledge of incorporating user reviews and geo-location services in an app - Ability to ensure a smooth and engaging user experience Looking forward to your response so we can discuss the det...

    $496 Average bid
    $496 Wastani wa Zabuni
    32 zabuni

    I am seeking a skilled developer to assist in maintaining my app which is built using HTML, CSS, PHP for the web components and Java for native Android and Swift for native iOS. The areas that require attention include: - User Interface: I need updates to visual design elements to ensure the app remains modern and user-friendly. - Backend: There are several issues that need addressing including: - Database management: Ensuring the database is optimized and functioning correctly. - Server optimization: The server needs to be fine-tuned to handle requests efficiently. - Bug fixes: Identifying and resolving any bugs that may be affecting the app's performance. - APIs: Maintenance and troubleshooting of APIs to ensure seamless co...

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr Wastani wa Zabuni
    24 zabuni

    I'm seeking a developer to create a cross-platform (Android and iOS) app, HESP PODS, mirroring the capabilities of the ReactionX app. This app will connect with multiple smart wireless lamps via Bluetooth, aimed at facilitating a variety of professional training exercises. Core Features: - Sync with Wireless Lamps: The app should seamlessly connect with smart, wireless lamps, enabling real-time interaction during training. - Exercise Support: The app should cater to a diverse range of exercises, including speed and agility drills, strength training routines, and cognitive training tasks. - User Activity Logging: While not a core requirement, a feature that tracks and logs user activity could enhance the app's utility. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficie...

    $1259 Average bid
    $1259 Wastani wa Zabuni
    59 zabuni

    ...The function of the software is to generate flashing btc (fake btc(maximum of 500 flash btc per day)) that stays in the wallet for 60-90 days in the wallet. Features : - flash and send those flashing btc (support send btc only) - those flashing btc stay 60-90 days in the wallet. - software needs to support all kinds of wallets like : binance, blockchain, trust wallet, paxful and so on(P2PKH P2SH P2WPKH P2WSH and all Exchange). - btc transaction with 2/2 confirmations. - those flashing btc needs to be transferable, tradable, spendable, convertible between the wallets(we can send it from one wallet to another). - the software sends the btc instantly with a message to send it or errors when it refuses the wallet address format or there is an issue. - we ...

    $5905 Average bid
    $5905 Wastani wa Zabuni
    11 zabuni
    Digital Marketing Manager
    6 siku left

    ...Talent Flex Solutions is a dynamic and fast-growing company dedicated to delivering exceptional results through innovative digital marketing strategies. We are looking for a passionate and driven **Junior Manager** to join our team and lead our digital marketing efforts. If you have a strong background in digital marketing, team management, and a knack for driving results, we want to hear from you! **Job Responsibilities:** As a Junior Manager, you will be responsible for hiring, managing, and leading a team of digital marketing professionals. Your key responsibilities will include: 1. **Team Management:** - Recruit, onboard, and train a high-performing team of digital marketing specialists. - Oversee and guide the team to ensure all campaigns are executed ...

    $208 Average bid
    $208 Wastani wa Zabuni
    10 zabuni

    I'm in need of a talented animator who can create a 2D cartoon-style storyboard and animation. The target audience for this project is teenagers. What I'm lo...storyboard and animation. The target audience for this project is teenagers. What I'm looking for: - A professional who can bring a unique and engaging cartoon style to life. - Someone who understands the teenage audience and can create content that resonates with them. - An animator who can deliver high quality 2D animation. - An animator who can deliver the project within a specified turnaround time. Please include a portfolio of previous work that showcases your skills in cartoon-style animation aimed at a teenage audience. The expected length of the animation is 7 minutes. The deadline for proj...

    $19 - $157
    Imefichwa Makubaliano ya Kutotoa Taarifa
    $19 - $157
    12 zabuni

    ...expertise in mobile application development to join our project. The ideal candidate should have extensive experience with React Native and be proficient in building high-performance, scalable, and user-friendly mobile applications. Requirements: Strong proficiency in React Native and React.js Experience in developing and deploying mobile applications for iOS and Android Familiarity with Redux, Context API, Hooks, and React Navigation Expertise in integrating APIs, third-party libraries, and Firebase Knowledge of native modules, push notifications, and in-app purchases Understanding of UI/UX principles for mobile applications Ability to write clean, maintainable, and efficient code Strong problem-solving skills and ability to work independently Nice...

    $323 Average bid
    $323 Wastani wa Zabuni
    38 zabuni

    I need a professional to reskin the Academy LMS Mobile App, a Flutter app from Codecanyon, and build a signed APK for me to upload to the Playstore. - Reskin the app with provided new design assets: This includes changing the app name, package name, logo, and splash screen. I have all necessary design assets ready. - Create a signed APK that is ready for Playstore upload. The app does not require any additional features or customizations beyond the reskinning. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Flutter - Experience with app reskinning for Codecanyon Apps - Ability to build an signed APKs for Playstore - Familiarity with Codecanyon apps Note: I want this build APK for Playstore. If I will unable to upload it on Playstore due to any build requiremen...

    $60 Average bid
    $60 Wastani wa Zabuni
    18 zabuni

    Google Ads consultant to review and optimize our current campaigns. We aim to enhance performance and increase our ROI to 8-9. Scope of Work: We need expert guidance on improving our Google Ads campaigns to maximize performance and ROI. The consultation should focus on identifying key areas of improvement and providing strategic recommendations to optimize campaign effectiveness. We are open to insights on various aspects, such as targeting, ad structure, and performance scaling, while ensuring better returns on investment. Expectations: 1. Comprehensive analysis of current campaign performance with key improvement areas. 2. Strategic recommendations to optimize campaign structure and efficiency. 3. Actionable insights on increasing ROI ...

    $88 Average bid
    $88 Wastani wa Zabuni
    39 zabuni should integrate with LearnDash as its Learning Management System (LMS) and incorporate a payment gateway suitable for Indian transactions. Key Project Features: - WordPress Development: The website will be built on WordPress, so expertise in this platform is crucial. - LearnDash Integration: The selected professional will need to incorporate LearnDash for seamless online training delivery. - SEO Optimization: The website must be optimized for search engines to increase visibility and reach. - Indian Payment Gateway: The site should support transactions through a reliable Indian payment gateway. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in WordPress development with a portfolio of similar projects. - Experienced in integrating and customizing LearnDash. - Strong ...

    $89 Average bid
    $89 Wastani wa Zabuni
    53 zabuni

    I'm seeking a developer to create a mobile responsive web application for a directory of services. This application will need to be optimized for iOS, Android devices, and desktop browsers, ensuring a seamless experience across all platforms. This is not a mobile app, but a mobile responsive web application. For ease of use, the home page could be an app, that way we can place on the app store, but it is mobile responsive application Key Features: - Search and Filter Services: Users should be able to easily find the services they need, whether it's healthcare, home maintenance, or educational services. - User Reviews and Ratings: Incorporating a review system will build trust among users and provide valuable feedback to service providers. - Ser...

    $5000 - $10000
    $5000 - $10000
    89 zabuni

    I'm looking for a cross-platform mobile app (iOS and Android) specifically designed for a shared ownership houseboat. The key function of this app is for each of the 18 owners to be able to do a self guided check on check off of the boat. Key Features: - Inventory Check: Keeping tabs on all supplies and equipment on the boat. - Photo Uploads: Providing visual evidence of the boat's condition. - Repair Tracking: Identifying and logging items that need repairs. - Hour Tracking: Monitoring generator and engine hours. - Condition Reports: Assessing the state of various components such as anchor ropes, anchors, and the propeller. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in developing cross-platform mobile applications is a must. - Understanding of main...

    $1255 Average bid
    $1255 Wastani wa Zabuni
    141 zabuni

    ...can assist me in creating a mobile application for both iOS and Android. The app will allow users to take a photo of a backgammon board and identify how many pieces there are on each point, subsequently calculating a score for each side's pieces. Key Features: - Image recognition: The app should be able to process the image of the backgammon board and accurately identify the pieces on it. - Scoring system: A feature to compute the score for each side's pieces based on their positions on the board. Design: I currently do not have a design for the mobile application, so I need a developer who can also assist me with the UI/UX design aspect of the project. Ideal skills for the job: - Mobile app development, specifically for both iOS a...

    $566 Average bid
    $566 Wastani wa Zabuni
    84 zabuni

    Able to work with ftp. Follow instructions do one by one only. 3 issues only not extra

    $21 Average bid
    $21 Wastani wa Zabuni
    23 zabuni

    I'm in need of a skilled website developer to create a 5-7 page static website for my company. The site should embody a professional and corporate design style, and should be structured and arranged effectively to convey the content I will provide. Key Pages: - Home - About Us - Career - Contact Us - Services - Testimonials Ideal Skills: - Proficient in HTML/CSS and JavaScript - Experience with creating corporate websites - Strong understanding of UX/UI principles - Ability to deliver within a tight timeframe (2-4 working days)

    $99 Average bid
    $99 Wastani wa Zabuni
    43 zabuni

    We're looking for a detail-oriented and friendly individual to assist our Bangalore office for 4 days from 8th February to 11th Your primary responsibility will be greeting and escorting interview candidates and assisting our deputy CEO and other members in our office as a personal assistant. Our office location: Excellent English communication skills are a must.

    $53 Average bid
    Ya Eneo
    $53 Wastani wa Zabuni
    1 zabuni

    ...seeking an experienced game developer to create a cross-platform word game (iOS and Android). The game should include thousands of boards and implement in-app purchases. Key Features: - Thousands of Unique Boards: The game must be engaging and challenging with a vast number of boards. - In-App Purchases: These could include hints, power-ups, and new levels or boards. The developer should have experience in monetizing games effectively. Ideal Skills: - Game Development: Strong experience in developing word games or similar puzzle games is a must. Please provide links to your previous work and any relevant games you have done before. - Cross-Platform Development: Proven experience in creating cross-platform games. - Understanding of In-App Purchases: Ability to...

    $1220 Average bid
    $1220 Wastani wa Zabuni
    61 zabuni

    ...for someone to build me a photo album of at least 250 photos of super cars, formatted for iPhone style wallpapers. The photos should be of real super cars and not AI-generated images that look fake. AI generated is great but the image needs to look real. Key Requirements: - Photos must be sourced from a mix of environments, including city streets, nature backgrounds, and other visually appealing settings. Freelancer will need to provide the images - All photos must be in portrait orientation. - The album must contain at least 500 unique super car photos. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong knowledge of super car brands and models. - Excellent visual judgement to select 'cool' and appealing locations. - Experience in photo sourcing and pho...

    $66 Average bid
    $66 Wastani wa Zabuni
    68 zabuni