Facebook viral application scriptKazi
mmkn ntklm f sho8l shwyaa ... bs b3eed 3n freelancer .. ya ret face aw ay 7aga mota7aa just message on facebook
هو مشروع استطيع من خلاله ان اقدم لكم كل ماتحتاجونه
i want social media website with best design like facebook
social media website Like Facebook, i want social media website like facebook
ANDROID PHONE EK BEST MOBILE KA AVISHKAR HUAA HE JISE INTERNET KI DUNIYA ME EK ACCHA NETUR BHI MILA 1-apps ki duniya 2-garibo ka accha sadhan 3-android phone kisi bhi kam ko kar sakta he 4-ajj ka yug android yug he
i want a appi want a appi want a appi want a appi want a appi want a appi want a app
Promote Fashion Site facebook page (Korea, Japan, HK, Taiwan)
nilikuwa na ulizia jinsi ya kuingiza data kwenye cm yangu ya mkononi
<div class='fln-affiliate' data-username='jaintanmay07' data-style='compact' data-qts='//' data-type='textAds' data-theme='writing' data-size='1' ></div> <script type='text/javascript'>(function(d) { var po = ('script'); = 'text/javascript'; = true; = '//'; var s = ('script')[0]; (po, s); })(document);</script>
Esli u vas horo6aya skripta/proekt dlya Hotel Management/Booking, pozhulsta pi6ite mne. Ho4u 6to bi mi dogovorilis. Ya budu platit tolko v dolarah!
...izrade igre za Android i IOS uredjaje(Unity 3D). Rec je o "fudbalskoj" multiplayer igri koja ce imati elemenente a sama igra se odvija nesto slicno kao sto je Potrebne su mi potpuno iste funkcije kao u "8 Ball Pool". Pod funkcijama mislim na facebook login, uvodni ekran, igru jedan na jedan(razlicite sobe u zavisnosti od rejtinga igraca) dok kasnije kao nadogradnju mozemo dodati turnire koji ce se odvijati po istom principu kao u ovoj igri(bilijar). Igra ce imati chat kao i mogucnost da neko treci udje u "sobu" i prati odvijanje same partije. Bavim se Web programiranjem(PHP) tako da mogu kreirati celokupnu semu baze(mysql) na osnovu koje
changes in extension add category : magento remove category wordpress facebook etc
Pozdrav, Pozvao si me na bidovanje za portovanje MauMau facebook igrice na Android, pre par dana. A vidim da je sada projekat zatvoren. Pravio sam slicno nesto za Android ranije , pa sam hteo da proverim da li je projekat jos uvek u planu, ili si vec nasao nekog za freelancera. Saljem ti ovo, jer koliko vidim ne mogu da se salju privatne poruke direktno u inbox ako nismo na istom projektu. :) Ukoliko budes imao nekih novosti veljkoi@ Pozdrav.
التفاصيل موجودة في المرفقات .. وياليت يتم ذكر السعر والمدة في حالة الموافقة .. وشكرآَ
Poštovani Programeri & Dizajneri, U pitanju je internet prodavnica: www.korisnaknjiga.com. 1. Potrebno je implementirati novi responsive dizajn, tj. izraditi html i css po ugledu na dostavljene slike. 2. Potrebno je isprogramirati site map. 3. Potrebno je implementirati kodove za praćenje konverzija za adwords i facebook. 4. Isprogramirati sekciju “Kupci ove knjige kupili su i ove knjige” 5. Isprogramirati sekciju “Poslednje pregledani proizvodi”.
Dooro ilaa 20 xirfadaha ugu fiican ee u dhigma aqoontaada iyo khibradda iyo waxaan ku siin doonaa shaqooyin kuwaas oo ugu fiican u waafaqayaan profile.
I-Shop, ComwayOnline Magento, PHP, AJAX, HTML, JAVA SCRIPT,JQUERY MySql Developer AMC(Annual Management Contract), Matrimonial Portal, CodeIgniter, PHP, HTML, JAVA SCRIPT, JQUERY, MySql. Developer Uniecommerce, Mazaya, Engagedots Kohana Framework, PHP, HTML, JAVA SCRIPT,JQUERY MySql Developer
السلام عليكم اسمي محمد درويش بدور على واحد يكون بيفهم في الVoIP كل اللي محتاجه نص ساعه من وقتك في مكالمة على سكايب استشيرك في بعض الامور. الخلاصه اني عايز اعمل برنامج اساسه زي فايبر للموبايل بس طبعا لاستخدامات تانيه. محتاج اتكلم معاك علشان توجهني حسب خبرتك في الموضوع . انا بس عايز مكالمة استشاره نص ساعه وحسب ملفك قيمة النص ساعه هتبقى 15$ وممكن ادفعها paypal لو مناسب ليك. انا مش مبرمج ف مش عارف اذا كنت خبرتك في الVoIP في الشبكات الداخليه ولا ده يتضمن VoIP لبرامج زي skype مثلا؟ عموما لو انت شايف انك ممكن تساعدني ياريت ترد عليا . شكرا
انه برنامج لانظمة الاندرويد يتيح لهم التعرف علي التعرف علي أسواق المال والبورصه في الحال و متايعة كل ما هو جديد
هتيتؤتعرترهرنبخرنبمؤورخنينينؤ مةبؤنخ نينبنقخقنىق
Pozdrav.....zovem se Zoran Dincic i iz Subotice sam....nedavno sam poceo da razgledam ovaj sajt jer trazim neki posao i vec sam ocajan,a mislim da bih mog...mogao da te kontaktiram na bilo koji nacin (skype,facbook...) i da mi u najkracim crtama pomognes bar da pocnem da se bavim ovime...mnogo bi mi znacilo,jer zelim da pocnem sto pre....ostavicu ti i link od mog facebook profila,pa ako imas volje javi mi se pa cemo se vec ostatak dogovoriti nekako....cak bih bio spreman da dodjem da Beceja pa da mi direktno pokazes kako se radi ovo...naravno,pocastio bih te vec na neki nacin u znak zahvalnosti. :) Odgovori mi bar da znam sta si odlucio... (ne znam da li ti mogu ovde poslati poruku,pa sam ti zato poslao na ovajnacin...) Unapred Hvala. facebook profil:
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته أحتاج للعمل مع مصمم لانجاز التصاميم الخاصة بالشبكات الاجتماعية وذلك بمقاييس محددة كما يالي: = Twitter: Header photo 500x1500 Background 1920x1080 =Facebook: Coverage Photo 851x315 10 Facebook posts Google+: Cover Photo 1010x608 سأقوم بتزويدك ببعض النماذج والايضاحات كما أن هناك الحاجة لانجاز بعض المهام في اسرع وقت ممكن
>> Target Users (Only): Arabian Gulf (Countries: Kuwait, Qatar, , UAE, & Bahrain)
متخصص في اكواد الاجهزة الالكترونية و الحاسوب و اشياء اخرى
>> Target Users (Only): Arabian Gulf (Countries: Kuwait, Qatar, , UAE, & Bahrain)
I'm seeking a seasoned digital marketer with expertise in managing Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. The primary goal is to generate leads and sales through engaging promotional content. Key Responsibilities: - Create and manage promotional posts across various platforms - Develop strategies to boost engagement and increase followers, with a focus on lead conversion - Utilize YouTube shorts and Instagram reels for wider reach Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in social media handling and digital marketing - Proficiency in content creation for promotional purposes - Strong understanding of lead generation through social media Your aim is to transform our social media presence into a powerful sales tool.
...duration to calculate potential repayments. o Pre-Approval Forms: Offer online applications for financing pre-approval to streamline the purchasing process. 7. Social Media Integration: • Functionality: Connect your website with social media platforms to expand reach and engage with a broader audience. • Implementation: o Share Buttons: Enable users to share vehicle listings on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. o Social Feeds: Display your dealership's social media updates directly on the website to showcase active engagement. 8. Personalized User Accounts: • Functionality: Allow users to create accounts to save favorite vehicles, receive personalized recommendations, and track their inquiries. • Implementation: o Account Dashboard: Provide...
I'm looking for a developer to create a straightforward online quiz application. The quiz will consist solely of multiple choice questions. Key Features: - Predefined Static Key: Users will be provided with a single static key, which they'll use as a password to access the quiz. - Error Handling: If a user inputs an incorrect key, the application should simply display an error message. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web development and programming languages suitable for creating interactive online applications. - Experience in developing simple quiz applications is a plus. - Ability to implement basic error handling mechanisms.
...campaigns. The reports I need configured include: 1. eCommerce & Revenue 2. Product Performance 3. Audience & Traffic Performance 4. Engagement & Behavior 5. Conversion & Funnel 6. Ad Campaign Performance 7. Scaling & Retargeting 8. Page Speed & Technical Health 9. Data Accuracy & Tagging 10. High Cost per Purchase Report Data Sources These reports should pull data from: - Google Analytics - Facebook Ads - Shopify - Google Ads Insights Required Specifically, in the eCommerce & Revenue report, I'm interested in understanding revenue by source. Ideal Skills and Experience The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience with Looker Studio and the aforementioned data sources. They should be able to provide insightful, we...
I'm looking for a savvy social media marketer with expertise across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. The main goal of this campaign is to boost sales through leveraging user-generated content (UGC). Key responsibilities: - Craft strategies that encourage audience participation and content creation - Drive sales through effective UGC marketing - Monitor and analyse campaign performance Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in increasing sales via social media - Deep understanding and experience with UGC - Excellent analytical skills to interpret data and adjust strategies accordingly.
I'm seeking assistance with data entry tasks focused on the retail sector. The task involves simple copy-pasting and verifying information from the internet. You'll need to gather the following data for local companies in the retail sector: - Name of the company/Firm - Address - Contact Number - Email - Website - Facebook Page Ideal skills: - Proficiency in data entry - Strong attention to detail for checking data - Familiarity with the retail sector is a plus - Ability to navigate company websites and Google efficiently Please note, the primary sources for this data will be company websites and Google.
I'm looking for a PHP script that will check the availability of Zip codes using three different APIs, returning a result to the client as either "available" or "not available". Requirements: - The script should include data from each API in the availability result. - The APIs to be used will be a custom mix, which I will provide. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in PHP - Experience with API integrations - Ability to work with a custom mix of APIs
I'm a local retail firm specializing in chestnut products, seeking a designer who can create mockups for our social media posts. The posts should be tailored for Facebook and Instagram, and embody a 'Rustic and Traditional' style. Key Aspects: - Design mockups for social media posts - Platforms: Facebook and Instagram - Style: Rustic and Traditional Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in social media post design - Strong understanding of 'Rustic and Traditional' aesthetics - Experience designing for Facebook and Instagram - Ability to create engaging and brand-consistent mockups
I need assistance converting 13 files of Gujarati language image content into a Word file using specific fonts. Each file contains 5 pages, with full page text and one image per page. Specific requirements: - Use "Noto Sans Gujarati" or "Noto Serif Gujar...using specific fonts. Each file contains 5 pages, with full page text and one image per page. Specific requirements: - Use "Noto Sans Gujarati" or "Noto Serif Gujarati" fonts - Convert the images accurately to maintain the integrity of the original text Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in Microsoft Word and image manipulation - Familiarity with Gujarati language and script - Experience in document formatting and font management - Attention to detail to ensure ac...
I've recently set up a Shopify store specializing in home goods with dropshipping through dSers. I'm in need of a seasoned professional who can create and run ads across Facebook, Instagram, and Google to boost sales. This could turn into a long-term collaboration for someone who can consistently generate revenue. Key Responsibilities: - Create and manage ad campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, and Google - Target ads based on interests and hobbies - Optimize ads for maximum reach and conversion Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in eCommerce advertising - Familiarity with dropshipping and Shopify - Expertise in targeting and audience segmentation - Strong analytical skills for ad performance assessment - Experience in promoting home goods is a plus.
Rebranding d'une application Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux. Modifications de l'interface utilisateur : - Modification du nom et du logo principal de l'application. - Modification de la couleur principale dans toutes les vues de l'application et recoloration du jeu d'icônes. - Modification de l'écran Splashscreen (écran qui apparaît brièvement au lancement). - Modification du lien du centre d'aide dans le menu Aide, adresse e-mail du support. Modification supplémentaire : suppression d'une fonctionnalité d'envoi de logs. Stack : - iOS : Swift - Android : Kotlin - Desktop : C++ et QML Livraison du code source et des binaires. Début du projet : dès que possible Important :...
...payment processing for transactions. Optimize the website for speed, security, and scalability. Website Manager (Maintenance & Performance Optimization) Ensure smooth operation & bug fixes for the platform. Monitor inventory sync & Shopify integrations. Update product listings, descriptions, and pricing. Improve UI/UX design based on user feedback. Marketing Team (Ad Management & Brand Growth) Run Facebook, Instagram, Google Ads targeting dropshippers. Implement SEO strategies to rank higher in search results. Create email marketing campaigns for resellers. Develop a social media strategy to attract potential partners. Track ad performance & optimize campaigns for better ROI. Requirements: Proven experience in eCommerce platforms & Shopify API. Strong po...
I'm looking for a creative and engaging social media campaign to promote my u...is to boost social media engagement, particularly on TikTok and Instagram. Ideal Skills: - Social Media Marketing - Content Creation - Engagement Strategy Development - Video Promotion Expertise The campaign should be focused on: - TikTok: Given its popularity in music and dance trends, I want the campaign to go viral on this platform. - Instagram: I want to leverage this platform's visual appeal to promote the music video and engage with followers. Experience in creating viral campaigns, particularly in the music industry, will be highly valued. The ability to create engaging content that resonates with followers and encourages them to interact with the campaign is crucial. People ...
Project Overview: We are developing a healthcare application designed to aid psychiatric providers in managing patient interactions, generating AI-driven clinical documentation, and streamlining office operations. This application will be developed across web, iOS, and Android platforms, integrated with robust backend services hosted on Google Cloud Platform. Functional Requirements: The application must support the following key functionalities: 1. User Management: Secure registration, login, and profile management for system administrators, office staff, and healthcare providers. 2. Patient Management: Capabilities to add, edit, and manage patient profiles including demographic data, medical history, and visit records. 3. Visit Scheduling and Management: Tools to sc...
We are seeking a highly skilled Google Sheets expert to create a dynamic and efficient client profiling sheet. This tool will be used to input various client data points and generate structured outputs based on predefined parameters...calculations and summaries to enhance efficiency. Ensure the sheet is organized, and easy to navigate. Provide documentation or a brief guide on how to use and update the sheet. Requirements: Proven experience in creating advanced Google Sheets tools. Proficiency in Google Sheets formulas, scripting, and automation. Strong analytical and problem-solving skills. Experience with Google Apps Script (preferred but not required). Ability to work independently and deliver high-quality results. Excellent communication skills to understand project req...