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  • 150 word blog posts
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Jimbo la Kazi
2,000 150 word blog posts kazi zimepatikana

Hii sir my name ashvani exel master

$18 - $153 / hr
$18 - $153 / hr
0 zabuni

I need my website re-configured. I need someone to change the structure of my domain and redirect all links of the posts and the content to avoid the error 404. Website: Change from: to to to to

$22 Average bid
$22 Wastani wa Zabuni
10 zabuni

$26 Average bid
$26 Wastani wa Zabuni
14 zabuni

Pata habari mbalimbali kutoka hapa

$23 Average bid
$23 Wastani wa Zabuni
5 zabuni

Asalaamu Alaikum, mujeh eik paka video editor chahiyeh... joh mereh videos ko edit kar sakta hai... Maineh eik nai video blog sart ki hai and ye urdu meh hai... Aap ko scenes cut karneh hain, jornah hai, jump cutting, green screening etc... aap ko sample video dikaneh hain ta keh meh aap ko yeh project award kar sakoonnn... otherwise mera waqt nahi zaya kariyeh ga...

$24 Average bid
$24 Wastani wa Zabuni
2 zabuni

Stovani Freelanceri, zapoceo sam pisanje vise knjiga odjednom i trazim pisca s kojim mogu ubrzati proces. Radi se o grubo napisanih 50-100 stranica. Treba ih razvuci na 100 - 150, definirati chaptere, napraviti tranzite medu akcijama i chapterima. Opisati glavne i sub karaktere, te im definirati imena. Sve prepricati u prvom licu, ili kako vec trazi sadrzaj. molio bi da mi se javi netko tko je brz, ne mladi od 26g, koji ce se odma uhvatit posla. koji ima super razumjevanje za ono sto procita. koji ce vidjet perspektivu radnje - koncepta. urednost nije iskljucena. posaljem sinopsis i glavni tekst. ti moras mi dostavit gotovu knjigu. lekturiranje nije tvoja briga. telefonski razgovorom mogu prepricat cjelu pricu radi boljeg razumjevanja. u slucaju da se dogodi, da je potrebano j...

$284 Average bid
$284 Wastani wa Zabuni
4 zabuni

Trazim ljude koji imaju svoje sajtove/blogove (ili poznaju nekoga ko ih ima) da postave jedan clanak/vest. Sajt/blog mora da ima min PR2. Bilo bi pozeljno da budu stranice koje se bave arhitekturom, umetnoscu, automobilizmom i slicno (mada i svi drugi dolaze u obzir ukoliko imaju moderan dizajn). Ja obezbedjujem tekst koji se stavlja i slike visoke rezolucije, tako da vi samo treba da ga stavite u formu koja odgovara vasem sajtu ili blogu. Sajtovi bi trebalo da su na srpskom, hrvatskom, bosanskom, crnogorskom jeziku. Posao se obavlja obicno 2x godisnje i placanje je po postavljenom clanku na sajtu. Cena po postavljenom clanku je 5eura (za PR2-PR5) a 10eur (za PR6-PR7). Angazovacu vise ljudi, tako da se slobodno javite i posaljite mi adrese sajtova na koje mozete da postav...

$509 Average bid
$509 Wastani wa Zabuni
9 zabuni

تصحيح لغوى للمقاﻻت

$155 Average bid
$155 Wastani wa Zabuni
1 zabuni

Trazim ljude koji imaju svoje sajtove/blogove (ili poznaju nekoga ko ih ima) da postave jedan clanak/vest. Sajt/blog mora da ima min PR2. Bilo bi pozeljno da budu stranice koje se bave arhitekturom, umetnoscu, automobilizmom i slicno (mada i svi drugi dolaze u obzir ukoliko imaju moderan dizajn). Ja obezbedjujem tekst koji se stavlja i slike visoke rezolucije, tako da vi samo treba da ga stavite u formu koja odgovara vasem sajtu ili blogu. Sajtovi bi trebalo da su na srpskom, hrvatskom, bosanskom, crnogorskom jeziku. Posao se obavlja obicno 2x godisnje i placanje je po postavljenom clanku na sajtu. Cena po postavljenom clanku je 5eura (za PR2-PR5) a 10eur (za PR6-PR7). Angazovacu vise ljudi, tako da se slobodno javite i posaljite mi adrese sajtova na koje mozete da postav...

$490 Average bid
$490 Wastani wa Zabuni
5 zabuni

Trazim ljude koji imaju svoje sajtove/blogove (ili poznaju nekoga ko ih ima) da postave jedan clanak/vest. Sajt/blog mora da ima min PR2. Bilo bi pozeljno da budu stranice koje se bave arhitekturom, umetnoscu, automobilizmom i slicno (mada i svi drugi dolaze u obzir ukoliko imaju moderan dizajn). Posao se obavlja obicno 2x godisnje i placanje je po postavljenom clanku na sajtu. Cena po postavljenom clanku je 5eura (za PR2-PR5) a 10eur (za PR6-PR7). Angazovacu vise ljudi, tako da se slobodno javite i posaljite mi adrese sajtova na koje mozete da postavite clanak. Trenutno pravim bazu ljudi koje cu angazovati kada bude bilo prvo postavljanje (ocekuje se u avgustu). Ukoliko imate neka pitanja ili nejasnoce pitajte slobodno.

$750 Average bid
$750 Wastani wa Zabuni
1 zabuni

السلام عليكم عندي ثيم لوورد بريس جاهز للتنصيب ويدعم اللغه العربيه ويدعم اليمين الى اليسار ... وعندي ويبسايت اريد ان اجدده باستخدام هذا الثيم ... الويبسايت هو للاغاني فانا بحاجه الى احد ان يقوم بتنصيب بلكن او يعمل تحوير عليه ليعمل ام بي ثري بلاير يتناسب مع تصميم الموقع. طريقة عمل الاغاني يجب ان يكون كل اغنيه تعرض في صفحه جديده مع وجود نفس محتويات الصفحه فقط كلمات الاغنية تكون حسب الاغنيه التي تعرض حاليا .. والسبب لعرض كل اغنيه في صفحة جديده هو لوجود كووكل ادسنس .. هناك بعض المتطلبات الاخرى يمكن ان نتناقش بها .. تحياتي

$248 Average bid
$248 Wastani wa Zabuni
6 zabuni

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته أحتاج للعمل مع مصمم لانجاز التصاميم الخاصة بالشبكات الاجتماعية وذلك بمقاييس محددة كما يالي: = Twitter: Header photo 500x1500 Background 1920x1080 =Facebook: Coverage Photo 851x315 10 Facebook posts Google+: Cover Photo 1010x608 سأقوم بتزويدك ببعض النماذج والايضاحات كما أن هناك الحاجة لانجاز بعض المهام في اسرع وقت ممكن

$11 / hr Average bid
$11 / hr Wastani wa Zabuni
9 zabuni
Create maps
Imeisha left

...ekonomiju, dakle ljude iz nase regije koji zele raditi, kako bi se reklo "kupujmo domace". Volim ostvariti produktivnu poslovnu vezu i dugotrajnu, cijenim kad se ostvari medusobna dobra veza, komunikacija i zelja da obje strane budu zadovoljne. Prvi projekt, stvaranje mapa, nije u vezi pisanja, ali je u vezi putovanja i nadam se da vam to nece biti prepreka. Ostali projekti mogu biti pisanje za blog na primjer i istrazivanje podrucja i prikupljanje materijala vezano uz zemlje kroz koje putujem, tipican materijal za vodica. Konkretno, sto se tice moje momentalne potrebe, zelim stvoriti personalizirane mape za moje putnike od gradova kroz koje ih vodim. Ti ljudi dolaze iz daleka i zgodno im je da imaju mapu na kojoj se nalazi njihov hotel i sve na dohvat ruke oko to...

$60 Average bid
$60 Wastani wa Zabuni
1 zabuni

We're looking for an experienced marketing specialist to join our team full-time. In this long-term role, you'll be responsible for: • Developing and executing innovative marketing campaigns • Managing Google SEO efforts • Creating and overseeing engaging blog content • Running Instagram and LinkedIn campaigns • Formulating new marketing strategies to boost our online presence Ideal Candidate: • Proven track record in digital marketing • Expertise in SEO, content creation, and social media management • Ability to work independently and as part of a team • Strategic thinker with up-to-date knowledge of marketing trends Budget & Application: Compensation is open and will be determined based on the candidate's experienc...

$7739 Average bid
$7739 Wastani wa Zabuni
9 zabuni

I'm looking for a marketing assistant to help boost my presence on Facebook and Instagram. The ideal candidate will be adept at creating posts that promote products and offers, as well as educational or informative content. I also want to see more interactive posts that drive engagement. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement strategies to increase reach and interactions - Create posts covering promotions, educational content and interactive material - Explore innovative ways to drive engagement Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in social media marketing - Creative thinking and problem-solving skills - Excellent understanding of Facebook and Instagram - Ability to create engaging content Please note, I may need help with graphics and images in...

$6 / hr Average bid
$6 / hr Wastani wa Zabuni
10 zabuni

I'm searching for a seasoned web developer to construct a dynamic, SEO-centric WordPress blog. The ideal candidate should possess robust coding skills, have a history of working closely with CEOs and marketing teams, and demonstrate a proven ability in keyword optimization. must have experience in creating web for plastering & gyprock. painting business Key Responsibilities: - Develop a WordPress blog with a focus on SEO - Incorporate SEO optimization tools, Social media integration, and Custom post types - Ensure the website is dynamic and user-friendly Ideal Skills: - Strong coding skills - Proven track record in keyword optimization - Experience collaborating with CEOs and marketing teams - Expertise in WordPress and SEO tools - Experience with social media int...

$113 Average bid
$113 Wastani wa Zabuni
41 zabuni

The posts must be in Portuguese I need someone to help with my Instagram content from the Vipassana meditation podcast. The tasks will include: 1. Listening to the podcast episodes, which are about 30-60 minutes long, and selecting approximately 4 interesting clips from each episode. 2. Creating an inspirational title and description for each clip. 3. Editing and posting these clips on Instagram as video clips. The ideal candidate will have experience with content creation for Instagram, particularly video editing, and a deep understanding or strong interest in meditation and mindfulness. The goal is to create engaging and inspirational content for my followers.

$6 / hr Average bid
$6 / hr Wastani wa Zabuni
13 zabuni

I'm on the lookout for an Instagram clipping professional who understands the platform's algorithm and ca...algorithm and can help promote a specific product - a Crypto Memecoin. The ideal candidate for this role should have experience with Instagram clipping and be able to generate views organically, as the content must not be botted. - Payment: This role will pay $0.4 for every 1000 views generated, with payment made at the end of the 2-week project period. - Content: I will provide the specific posts to be shared. - Target Audience: The primary audience for this campaign is young adults who are fans of meme culture. Please note, I have a zero-tolerance policy for botting. Any attempt to use such services will result in immediate termination of the contract and report...

$72 Average bid
$72 Wastani wa Zabuni
7 zabuni

...“simplify everything” packages/tools, but I’m now so confused and overwhelmed. I thought Paperbell would be the answer, but I can’t connect Stripe for some reason—and I’ve never used stripe and don’t really want to figure it out—I need someone who can take my jumbled files/site/business assets and organize it into a functioning website with email mkt, service packages, scheduling, invoicing/payments/blog/socials? I’m a mental health coach specializing in betrayal trauma and recovery—and I just want to help people navigate it, not spend 200 more hours trying to figure out how to do it. Hoping to find an intuitive designer/tech wiz that likes to make sense of chaos (maybe it’s not as bad as I think…but&helli...

$1037 Average bid
$1037 Wastani wa Zabuni
54 zabuni

...need this done each month for the next couple months (probably). Website: ( I will provide credentials ) > Search Companies >Open a Saved Search Search saved searches in this order: 1. Houston Roofers 2. San Antonio Roofers 3. Dallas Roofers 4. Fort Worth Roofers 5. Austin Roofers Steps: On each company in list: 1. Click on the company (ONLY as long as the company name has the word “roof” in it). 2. Click on “Find Contacts”. Search for first 3 in this list, in order: a. [any title with name “Sales” in it!!], b. Owner, c. Founder, d. CEO, e. President 3. 3. **Click “Reveal this contact's mobile and direct number” for ph# field(s). ** I get charged 4 credits on the account for each download so must be accurate...

$24 Average bid
$24 Wastani wa Zabuni
32 zabuni

a comprehensive website tailored for entrepreneurs and founders. This platform should encompass a variety of content types, from...system for invite-only contributors, to maintain exclusivity and quality of content. - A robust paywall feature, to monetize the site effectively. - An integrated newsletter subscription system, to keep our audience engaged and updated. All content types, from how-to guides to case studies and reviews, are deemed equally important for this blog. Therefore, the ideal candidate should possess: - Extensive experience in web development, particularly in creating blog websites. - Proficiency in implementing paywall and subscription systems. - A knack for creating engaging, user-friendly interfaces. Experience in managing and integrating content from di...

$43 Average bid
$43 Wastani wa Zabuni
15 zabuni

Tafadhali Jisajili ama Ingia ili kuona maelezo.

Imefichwa Makubaliano ya Kutotoa Taarifa

I'm looking for a talented content writer who can help me create engaging social media posts. The primary goal of this project is to connect with my audience in a meaningful way. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in content writing, specifically for social media - A strong understanding of audience engagement strategies - Creative thinking to come up with appealing and interesting posts - Ability to work on a flexible schedule, dedicating a few hours a day to this project Honesty and dedication to work are key. I am looking for someone who is willing to put in the effort to help me achieve my goals and who I can trust to deliver high-quality content. Prior experience in social media content creation is a plus. Let's work together to make my soci...

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Wastani wa Zabuni
13 zabuni manager: - [ ] Strategy development:
Create and implement a comprehensive social media strategy aligned with brand identity and marketing objectives. 
Content creation:
Generate engaging and relevant content across various social media platforms including text, images, videos, and stories, tailored to the target audience. 
 - [ ] Content calendar management:
Plan and schedule social media posts across platforms to maintain consistent brand messaging and optimize posting times. 
 - [ ] Community engagement:
Respond to comments, direct messages, and mentions promptly, fostering positive interactions and building relationships with followers. 
 - [ ] Social listening:
Monitor social media conversations and trends to identify potential customer issues, oppo...

$7 / hr Average bid
$7 / hr Wastani wa Zabuni
9 zabuni

I need someone to convert a PDF to a Word doc and correct font, space, and formatting issues so I can easily edit the text. I am looking for this to be in one day or less. The Word doc should be formatted correctly with any spacing and font issues addressed when converting the content.

$362 Average bid
$362 Wastani wa Zabuni
220 zabuni

I need help organizing my car racing photos. There are about 100 to 150 pictures. The photos need to be sorted automatically based on the car's door or glass number, car color, and car type. Here's the breakdown of the organization: - First, sort the photos by car color and car number. - Then, group them by car type or car number. To facilitate this, I'll create a file for each car with its number and select 2 or 3 photos of the car to simplify the organization. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Photo organization and sorting - Familiarity with car racing (a plus) - Proficient in using file sorting software - Attention to detail to ensure accuracy

$32 Average bid
$32 Wastani wa Zabuni
3 zabuni

✅ Google Rank Visibility | ✅ SEMrush Error Solutions | ✅ Live Quality Backlinks | ✅ Increased Traffic Elevate Your Online Presence with SEO4Ranking Solutions! Dear Sir/Madam, We’re excited to share the outstanding results and clien...txt Optimization 8. Image Alt Optimization 9. External Link Optimization 10. Broken Link Analysis 11. Page Content Optimization 12. Canonical Error Fixing 13. Sitemap Optimization Off-Site Optimization: ✔ Backlinks from DA 40+ Sites ✔ Social Bookmarking ✔ Article Submissions ✔ Classified Ads Posting ✔ PDF & Image Sharing ✔ Business Listings ✔ Directory Submissions ✔ Web 2.0 Strategies ✔ Blog Promotions ✔ Profile Link Building ✔ Forum Posting Let’s connect and take your website to the next level! Best regards, SEO4Ranking Te...

$155 Average bid
$155 Wastani wa Zabuni
1 zabuni

...PROPOSAL IF YOU ARE NOT FROM A WESTERN COUNTRY. HIGHEST PRIORITY TO US FREELANCERS I'm looking for a professional who can help me establish and manage multiple social media pages. The platforms include Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. - Content: The primary type of content will be promotional videos that I will provide. - Posting: I'm uncertain about the need for help with scheduling the posts - your expertise and advice will be appreciated. The ideal candidate for this project should have proven experience in social media management, particularly in creating pages and posting content on these platforms. Skills in content marketing, video editing, and social media analytics would be a plus. Please provide examples of similar projects you have done in the pas...

$9 Average bid
$9 Wastani wa Zabuni
9 zabuni

I'm looking for a professional who can design a Wordpress website template specifically for a law firm. This template should be tailored to the specific needs of a law firm, with a professional and trustworthy look and feel. Key Features: - A fully functional Contact form - A dedicated space for a monthly Blog - Customizable Team profiles section - An area for potential Appointment booking (this can be left as a placeholder for future use) The Contact form should include the following fields: - Name - Email - Phone Number - Message Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Wordpress - Strong background in web design, particularly for professional services - Ability to create user-friendly, engaging templates - Knowledge of SEO best practices for Wordpress - Experience with ...

$433 Average bid
Dharura Makubaliano ya Kutotoa Taarifa
$433 Wastani wa Zabuni
79 zabuni

...404/403 errors and invalid tokens). Project Goals for MVP: Screens (3–4): -Home/Search Page: A simple page where users can enter a product query and zip code. -Results Page: Display aggregated grocery deals from the Kroger API (or fallback dummy data) based on the search query and location. -Product Details Page: Show detailed product information including nutrition data and images. -Blog Section: A minimal blog page with SEO content to boost organic traffic. Core Issues to Resolve: -Correct API endpoint configuration (avoid duplicate “/v1” segments). -Ensure the token is refreshed properly and used in API calls. -Improve error handling and logging for API responses. -Validate that the user interface displays data correctly. Responsibilities: Code ...

$483 Average bid
$483 Wastani wa Zabuni
62 zabuni

I am seeking a professional with a proven track record in increasing...content. We will be doing dog breeding next year and soon launch a dog apparel brand We want to boost follower, engage in photos and videos A nice theme with colours in the account would be good We would like to post daily or a few times a week I can share IG accounts I like - Goal: The primary objective is to boost the follower count on my Instagram account. - Content: The majority of posts will be images, so experience in promoting image-based content is essential. Colour and theme based with our brand Ideal skills and experience would include social media marketing, content creation, and follower engagement strategies. A strong understanding of Instagram's algorithm and follower growth tact...

$9 / hr Average bid
$9 / hr Wastani wa Zabuni
34 zabuni

...(keywords they rank for, but you don’t). - Local SEO keywords (e.g., "best [service] in [city]"). - **Competitor Analysis**: - Reverse-engineer top competitors’ backlink profiles. - Analyze their content strategy, on-page SEO, and technical weaknesses. - Identify "low-hanging fruit" keywords with high traffic/low difficulty. --- ### **5. Content & Blog Strategy** - **Blog Requirements**: - Weekly/monthly SEO-optimized blog posts (topical authority clusters). - Pillar pages + subtopic content (hub-and-spoke model). - Content calendar aligned with keyword trends and seasonality. - **Additional Content**: - Product/service pages optimized for transactional keywords. - Guest posting/outreach strategy for bac...

$406 Average bid
$406 Wastani wa Zabuni
77 zabuni

I need a professional skilled in Wix Studio to enhance our website for dynamic screens and mobile compatibility. The entire website needs to be optimised, from the home page and service pages to the blog section. In addition to the website optimisation, I would also appreciate someone who can implement basic SEO strategies to improve our site's visibility. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in Wix Studio - Experience with mobile and dynamic screen optimisation - Basic understanding of SEO principles and strategies - Ability to implement website improvements across all sections of the site.

$291 Average bid
$291 Wastani wa Zabuni
68 zabuni targeting a young audience. E-commerce An online store featuring 4 digital products. Seamless checkout and payment integration. Blog Section A dedicated area for blog posts. Automated setup to publish 5 daily SEO-optimized posts. Contact Form A user-friendly contact form for inquiries or support requests. SEO & Performance SEO-friendly structure to improve organic search visibility. Fast loading times and responsive design for all devices. What I'm Looking For: A freelancer who can deliver a high-quality result at an affordable rate. Strong communication skills and openness to feedback throughout the project. Experience with e-commerce solutions, blog setup, and SEO optimization. If you believe you’re the right fit for this pr...

$65 Average bid
$65 Wastani wa Zabuni
31 zabuni

I'm in need of an efficient automated tool that can assist me in monitoring a specific website for new posts, downloading attached files (such as PDFs and DOCs), extracting pertinent details, and organizing the data in a structured manner. Key functionalities of the tool should include: - Monitoring the website for new posts. - Filtering the posts based on pre-defined keywords. - Downloading attached documents. - Extracting essential information such as names, quantities, and dates from the downloaded files. - Compiling a structured summary of the extracted data. I'm open to various methodologies to achieve this. The final solution should be quick, dependable, and easy to upkeep. Ideal skills for the job include: - Proficiency in Web automation - Expertis...

$456 Average bid
$456 Wastani wa Zabuni
86 zabuni
Human-Style Blog Posts
6 siku left

I'm seeking a talented writer to create engaging, professional, and informative blog posts . The primary goal of these posts is to foster reader engagement. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in content writing - Exceptional writing skills with a human touch - Ability to create engaging content - Experience in professional and informative writing - SEO knowledge to drive site traffic I'm looking for a writer who can produce regular, human-written style blog posts that are not limited to any specific category within tech and innovation. Posts should be crafted with a professional and informative tone, yet still maintaining the engaging, reader-friendly style that will keep our audience coming back for more.

$6 / hr Average bid
$6 / hr Wastani wa Zabuni
36 zabuni
Russian Recording Project -- 5287
6 siku left

Russian Recording Project We need Russian Speakers for long term recording project. Recruitment (Russian) Recording Project Russian Native Speaker 1: Very simple recording project 40 sentences in total. Every sentences is just 2 word. No skills required. As long as you are a Russian speaker. 2: We have two requirement. 1: As long as your native language is Russian speaker. You can participate in this project. 2: you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. Each person Price is 2$ for 40 short sentences record, After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50% and then after checking completed and then we will pay u remaining 50%. It will take 5-7 days. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact ...

$3 / hr Average bid
$3 / hr Wastani wa Zabuni
8 zabuni

I'm looking for a creative digital content specialist for a women's clothing boutique. The primary focus is to create engaging social media posts aimed at driving sales. The platforms for target are Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Tiktok. Ideal Skills Include: - Proficiency in social media content creation - Understanding of e-commerce and sales strategies - Experience with women's fashion brands - Creativity and trend-awareness Previous experience with clothing boutiques and a portfolio demonstrating your impactful content will be highly regarded.

$121 Average bid
$121 Wastani wa Zabuni
60 zabuni from a variety of sources, including scanned documents, websites, and PDFs, into Excel, Word, or other software. - Data Cleaning: Organize and tidy up data, remove duplicates, and ensure everything is accurate. - File Conversion: Convert files between different formats, primarily from PDF to Excel and PDF to Word. - Web Research: Gather data or information from online sources, ensuring the data is both accurate and complete. - Data Organization: Help structure large sets of data into organized formats, making them easy to analyze or use. Ideal candidates should have substantial experience with data entry and cleaning, as well as file conversion and web research. Proficiency in Excel and Word is essential. Attention to detail and a commitment to accuracy are ke...

$11 / hr Average bid
$11 / hr Wastani wa Zabuni
69 zabuni
Trophy icon Naming New Co
2 siku left

To find a name for the new corporate and luxury event agency that includes the word "NEXT" and embodies a strong, modern, and recognizable identity. The name should convey innovation, growth, and a strong connection to the Saudi market, reflecting the agency’s focus on high-end and business-driven events. Naming Guidelines: International Appeal: The name should be easily understood globally, with no pronunciation difficulties or negative meanings in English or Arabic. Cultural & Regional Relevance: It may incorporate references to Saudi Arabia’s futuristic vision (Vision 2030), its rich history, the desert landscape, iconic cities like Riyadh or Neom, or concepts related to luxury, exclusivity, and premium corporate experiences. Modern & Intuitive: Th...

$41 Average bid
Il'ohusishwa Imehakikishiwa
82 wasilisho

I need help shortening my IBDP extended essay in Business Management from 11,000 words to a concise 4,000 words. The primary focus should be on the analysis and discussion sections. It's crucial that the integrity of the essay is maintained throughout the process and that not a single word of AI is used. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with academic writing and editing, preferably with familiarity with the IBDP curriculum - Ability to maintain the integrity and quality of the original essay while condensing it significantly - Proficiency in creating clear and informative visual representations of data, such as charts Specific Tasks: - Prioritize shortening the analysis and discussion sections - Completely remove unnecessary background information, methodology details...

$17 Average bid
$17 Wastani wa Zabuni
8 zabuni

Construí a identidade verbal da Simplifique Seguros para a Boutique de Comunicação Setesete. Entregáveis: - Entrevista de briefing com alta gestão - Pesquisa e definição de arquétipo de marca - Redação de estrutura verbal da marca (Voz, Tom e Variações por canais) - Slogan e Taglines - Redação de Material Institucional (Folder, Apresentação) - Redação de Start Social Media (9 posts iniciais da marca) Projeto completo aqui:

$31 / hr Average bid
$31 / hr Wastani wa Zabuni
3 zabuni

I'm in need of a Microsoft Word professional who can assist with various document-related tasks. Ideal skills and experience include: - Proficient in Microsoft Word - Previous experience with document editing and formatting - Able to create new templates and utilize existing ones Please note that specific details about the type of document, formatting needs, and template usage have not been provided, so a flexible approach is required.

$3 / hr Average bid
$3 / hr Wastani wa Zabuni
27 zabuni

I'm looking for a talented graphic designer to help create visually appealing designs for my marketplace website and corresponding social media posts. These posts will be used across various platforms including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in graphic design software - Experience designing for e-commerce and social media - Understanding of modern design trends - Ability to create engaging and shareable content - Can work with deadlines and deliver quality work

$21 Average bid
$21 Wastani wa Zabuni
16 zabuni

I run a Residential and Commercial Cleaning company and I'm seeking a marketing expert to create professional yet relatable and friendly content for our spring cleaning promotion. This will involve: - Crafting engaging posts for our Facebook and Instagram, using our branding, colors, and logo. - Targeting our recurring deals and the launch of new areas. Given my decade of marketing experience, I can provide insights on our brand voice, but I need someone to take over the execution. Your content will need to balance professionalism with a friendly, approachable tone. Experience in creating social media content for cleaning or service-based businesses would be a big plus.

$312 Average bid
$312 Wastani wa Zabuni
43 zabuni

I have a 2,000-word insurance-related document that needs urgent translation from English into several languages: Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Telugu, Marathi, Malayalam, and Kannada. - Looking for individual translators not agencies. 0.75p per word. Key Responsibilities: - Accurate translation of the insurance document. - Verification of the final file. - Availability for revisions if needed. The ideal candidate will be a professional manual translator with experience in the insurance field. While I do not have a specific glossary for this project, I expect the use of industry-standard terms. Payment Terms: Please note that payment will be processed 30 days after the final DTP is completed and invoiced. Skills and Experience Required: - Proficiency in English and the lis...

$11 Average bid
$11 Wastani wa Zabuni
12 zabuni
SEO Feb 2024
9 siku left

...Per Month * Domain Authority (DA): Target 40+, 60+, 70+ * Page Authority (PA): Achieve 50+, 60+, 70+ * 100% Manual, White-Hat Work * Technical SEO: Fix crawl errors, broken links, and sitemaps * On-Page SEO: Optimize title tags, meta descriptions, and keywords * White-Hat Link Building: Guest blogging, broken link building, and outreach * Toxic Backlink Monitoring & Removal * 3 Engaging Blog Posts Per Month (750 Words) We focus on sustainable, long-term growth using only white-hat SEO tactics. This ensures higher rankings, more traffic, and improved online visibility – all without the risk of Google penalties. Let’s take your website to the next level. Schedule a free consultation today! Best regards, The SEO4Ranking Team...

$41 Average bid
$41 Wastani wa Zabuni
1 zabuni

I'm looking for a talented content creator who can help me produce captivating video posts for our business Instagram page. The aim is to enhance our brand visibility and engage our audience effectively. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in social media content creation, specifically for Instagram. - Strong understanding of video production and editing. - Ability to create engaging and brand-consistent content. - Familiarity with Instagram's content trends and audience preferences.

$14 Average bid
$14 Wastani wa Zabuni
21 zabuni

I'll create a chrome extension to auto posts in different groups of facebook by a delay timer using javascript and html+css

$30 Average bid
$30 Wastani wa Zabuni
1 zabuni

...Speaks and writes excellent English ✅ Has experience selling art, design products, or creative work — especially to international clients ✅ Knows how to research and find the right decision-makers (not just generic emails) ✅ Can work flexible hours to match UK and USA time zones when needed ✅ Is creative and resourceful — you know how to open doors and make people curious Please reply with the word blue whale in capital letters. When you apply, please include: ✅ Any experience you have selling art, creative work, or luxury products ✅ A quick explanation of how you would approach this project ✅ Why you think you’re the right person to help me succeed Budget: Open to offers — I’m happy to pay well for someone who can bring real results. There will ...

$11 / hr Average bid
$11 / hr Wastani wa Zabuni
8 zabuni