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Vincentius Grerry Dhena P.
Full stack web | PHP | JQuery | ReactJs | DB Arch
$15 USD / ora
Indonesia (5:02 AM)
Si è unito il maggio 31, 2021
$15 USD / ora
Hi there..
I'm personal freelancer and have quite a long experience in Analyst Systems, Full Stack Web Development using PHP (Core / Native PHP & Codeigniter), ReactJs, Redux, Bootstrap, jQuery, API, and also Database Architecture in MySQL, MSSQL, and PostgreSQL. And I have worked on many projects with the government, company, or individuals.
It will be very happy if we can discuss first for your project before we collaborate and help you to complete the project according to your expectation. Then, we can discuss the price and work time later, based on the level of complexity of your project.
So.. Let's "Hire me" and looking forward to discuss details your project and budget.. then starting collaboration with you!
Thank you :)
Outstanding..!! Vincentius understands my requirements easily without needing me to elaborate in details.
Yet he delivered more details than I imagined. Super Happy with the result..!!
Very recommended and absolutely no brainer to entrust my next projects to him.
Thank you very much Vincentius.. It's been a very positive experience.
Responsible to develop Web UI using ReactJs - Redux.. and doing on troubleshoot the software for controlling our product system..
gen, 2019 - Attualmente
5 anni, 10 mesi
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mag, 2004 - Attualmente
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To design and build some database and applications system from the requirement of customer
mag, 2004 - Attualmente
20 anni, 6 mesi
SQA Engineer
apr, 2012 - dic, 2018
6 anni, 8 mesi
Formulatrix Indonesia
apr, 2012 - dic, 2018
6 anni, 8 mesi
• Responsible for testing software applications, so the systems (robot) can be working properly as instructed by the software
• Make scenario testing, create test script & test plan to test the software.
• Create and update the automation script with automation tool (Test Complete) for test the software.
apr, 2012 - dic, 2018
6 anni, 8 mesi
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
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