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Armands K.
Fullstack Web / Desktop Application Developer
$25 USD / ora
Latvia (7:55 AM)
Si è unito il luglio 5, 2020
$25 USD / ora
Hey there, I have been working as a Full-stack developer from the past 4 years.
I am a quick and enthusiastic person, regarding my work, who tends to serve the people in-need of quality assistance.
I have experience in different programming languages mainly in :
Html,Css,Js, Cpp, ReactJS / React Native (For Android and IOS), Django ,
Laravel , C++, Python, C#, Java.
I have developed many E-commerce websites and Desktop applications with Advance GUI and catchy designs.
I keep my skills up-to-date with the latest technological trends and always seek to deliver the satisfactory work. I have a strong grip on algorithms and data structure as I not only took part but won many programming contests.
He did a wonderful job. This guy is a great developer. I plan to work with him again. He did some great automation with python, using pandas, and bash script.