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Sarah A.



Admin Executive cum account assistant

$10 USD / ora
Malaysia (6:00 AM)
Si è unito il novembre 1, 2024
$10 USD / ora
Hello! Thank you for visiting my page. My name is Sarah Ashikin Binti Kasri from Malaysia. Currently I am working at Kota Damansara, Selangor while pursuing my study as a part time student at UITM Puncak Alam. I am new in this freelancing but I am very confident with the ability that I have such as my skills in Problem-Solving which I can analyzing situations and finding solutions, for example when my office got issue with our accounting system I quickly analyze the issue and contact our service provider to ask what step we can do to solve the issue. Other than that I also have a strong leadership skills which I experience in guiding and motivating teams. I also have a good adaptability skills which I can manage in flexibility in adjusting to new situations and challenges. I also want to try something new from what I'm doing currently at office. I interested in doing Payroll so I hope that I can try to do this job here. However I am good at doing Receivable part of accounting, I can issue invoice, collect payment & quotation. I really hope that I can learn and gain new experience through this freelancing world. Feel free to guide me.
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