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Qasim W.
Flutter Expert
$20 USD / ora
Pakistan (1:51 PM)
Si è unito il novembre 25, 2020
$20 USD / ora
I'm a professional flutter developer with 3-years of experience. I Love to learn and implement new technologies and welcome challenges. Quick implementation of your idea and design to Mobile Applications e.g. iOS and Android.
My expertise:
✔Android Studio
➤ Languages
➤ Frameworks
✔Native Android
➤ Plugins & Packages
➤ Databases
✔Firebase real-time DB
➤ Firebase Services
➤ Third-Party API Implementation
➤ Twilio Services
Can quickly understand the business logic according to the client's requirements and
deliver projects within given deadlines.
Please feel free to invite me to discuss your ideas. I am looking forward to working with you.
Qasim Waheed