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Md M.
Expert WordPress Developer & Web Designer
$12 USD / ora
Bangladesh (3:43 AM)
Si è unito il aprile 19, 2021
$12 USD / ora
Welcome to my profile!
I'm Meheraj an Expert in WordPress & Web Developer. I've more than 4 years of hands-on experience including a local Job as a WordPress Developer.
- I have extensive knowledge of Web development, from concept through optimization and implementation.
- Special concentration in WordPress(CMS), JavaScript and PHP programming language.
- Self-motivated worker with a strong focus on business goals and end-user experience.
- In-depth understanding of Figma, Photoshop, Illustrator, and search engine optimization (SEO).
Expert Skills:
PHP | JS | jQuery | HTML | CSS | WordPress(CMS) | WordPress Development
My Services:
✅ WP Theme Customization
✅ WordPress Development
✅ e-Commerce Website
✅ Backup & Migration
✅ Bug Fixing
✅ Custom Website
✅ Figma or XD to WordPress
✅ WordPress Plugin Development
Client satisfaction is my first priority. If you are looking for a high quality for your project, don't hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for looking at my profile.
Meheraj Regards