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Ma Deylyn O.
Virtual Assistant, Researcher and Customer Support
$10 USD / ora
Philippines (3:36 PM)
Si è unito il maggio 31, 2019
$10 USD / ora
I am a Computer Science graduate and with professional training as Virtual Assistant.
- 10 years Sales Representative
- 6 months Customer Support Representative
- Virtual Assistant
- Researcher
My main objective is to provide efficient service to clients who are in need of a trustworthy and capable associate. Highly trainable and focuses on results.
I am aiming to work in an environment that will challenge me to learn new things at the same time to be able to help and learn as much as I can from my clients. And to create a work space that is in continual growth with opportunities for Advancement.
Ma. Deylyn O is a recommendable freelancer that knows what she does at the right time. she deliver work on time and a sincere hard working freelancer. Therefore i recommend her to anyone that need her service.