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Mahinda B.




$10 USD / ora
Sri Lanka (6:50 AM)
Si è unito il dicembre 18, 2024
$10 USD / ora
"Hi! I'm Dulnitha, a professional copywriter and PowerPoint designer, ready to help you with high-quality writing and engaging presentations. Whether you need compelling copy for your website, product descriptions, blogs, or a custom PowerPoint presentation, I'm here to assist you! With a passion for clear and persuasive communication, I create tailored copy that resonates with your audience and drives results. I also design sleek, professional PowerPoint presentations that captivate your audience and make your ideas stand out. What I Offer: Copywriting: Persuasive, SEO-friendly content for websites, blogs, ads, social media, and more. PowerPoint Design: Custom-designed presentations, including slide decks for business, education, and personal use. Editing and Proofreading: Polished, error-free writing that reads smoothly and professionally. Why Choose Me? Timely delivery High-quality, original work Clear communication throughout the project Attention to detail in every task Let’s collaborate and make your message shine through powerful words and stunning presentations!"**
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Sri Lanka
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