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Anirban D.
Professional Cloud Server Engineer
$140 USD / ora
India (9:41 AM)
Si è unito il giugno 18, 2017
$140 USD / ora
Hi..I am an experienced Cloud Server Engineer having years of experience in Linux Servers, DNS, Virtualization, Firewalls, Networking, Docker, Kubernetes, IT support, CI/CD Pipelines, Monitoring systems, AWS Cloud, MS Azure, Google Cloud, Digital Ocean, Linode, etc, etc in and outside Freelancer.
I follow industry-leading best practices and approaches when fixing a problem or implementing a solution. I have a broad understanding of both the technical and business aspects of application hosting.
With years of experience in the industry, I'm passionate about providing my clients with the best customer support possible. My top priority is to ensure that my clients are delighted with my work and fully satisfied with the end result.
Why Me?
* Years of professional experience
* Fast Communication
* No Project Delivery Delay
* Full support
* Trustworthy and Reliable
* Available with all right skills