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Muhammadd A.
Full stack web developer
$15 USD / ora
Pakistan (3:33 AM)
Si è unito il agosto 19, 2014
$15 USD / ora
I am working on latest web technologies for 8 years, and providing quality work. My work never ends until you are 100% satisfied with each & everything. I provide services on following
Languages: C#, VB.Net, PHP
Database: MSSQL, Mysql, sqlite
Frontend: html, Jquery, css, bootstrap
CMS: Wordpress, Joomla
Frameworks: Codeigniter, Laravel
API writing and integration.
Hopefully get a chance to work with you. :)
Have worked on multiple projects including front end and backend developing. Worked on different projects from scratch to end result product. Which includes developing database, API's, front end and deliverables.
set, 2013 - lug, 2020
6 anni, 10 mesi
BS Information Technology
2008 - 2012
4 anni
2008 - 2012
4 anni
Professional DotNET Expert
EVS Rawalpindi
Professional .NET Expert course includes to setup Visual Studio, install MSSQL Server, teaches html, javascript, css, C#, MVC etc
US English
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