whmcs module to upload bank xls

Cancellato Pubblicato Feb 20, 2013 Pagato alla consegna
Cancellato Pagato alla consegna


We accept bank transfer , so we export from our bank an xls , and put manually invoices as paid detecting a bank transfer from a customer, now we need to upload the xls to the whmcs and an employee to update the xls (table) adding payment manually.

---Main description: see [url removed, login to view]

A module where an admin can upload an xls from our bank with transfer details from our customers, using this xls , and need to be showed the table with css nice inside whmcs.

After that we need to update a row (payment) to an invoice ([url removed, login to view]:Add_Invoice_Payment) or select to add credit to the customer ([url removed, login to view]:Add_Credit)

When we update the row in table, (i meant after payment is added) the table will reload , and as table only will show un-updated rows, will sho

Module should look like [url removed, login to view] with css table like [url removed, login to view]

Module should install a new table module_bankxls in whmcs, with several fields, and module should be available as module addon in menu.

----Step by step for this module

1- UPLOAD (c)

user can upload a new xls , script should take only positive numbers, i meant only credits and update tbl_bankxlsmodule adding only new rows, not duplicated, leaving empty a field in mysql that will be used to detect if a payment was updated. (C)

2- SHOW ROWS (b)

after that the table with only not updated rows should appear ,and every row should have a button to edit this row see (B)


the selected row should appear up to let me update between two options.

option invoice -- add the payment to an invoice like ->> update see [url removed, login to view]:Add_Invoice_Payment

option customer-- add the payment to a customer like credit ->> see [url removed, login to view]:Add_Credit

After update one row should update inside module_bankxls that this row was updated, and dissapear from table list (B)

About xls i attaching an example from our bank.

About module_bankxls table it should have all xls fields plus:

date updated || invoiceid || customeridcredit || admin (who put the payment) || otherfields?

Any questions use public board, DO NOT PM me please !


Payment Terms:

0 % milestone when you start

50% milestone when you show the module working as experimental

50% milestone after you fix bugs founded and features missed.

100% release when module is finished as described.


• Only Serious whmcs experience please

• More projects will be given if this will be successful, we have houndred of whmcs customers asking us develop

• Please write [quiero hacerlo] in your bid, so that we know you read this listing information Correctly.

CSS PHP Architettura Software WHMCS

Rif. progetto: #4263431

Info sul progetto

1 proposta Progetto a distanza Attivo Mar 11, 2013

1 freelance ha fatto un'offerta media di $350 per questo lavoro


I can help in your project, please check PMB and our ratings/reviews to get idea of our experience. Please let me know if you have any queries.

$350 USD in 5 giorni
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