Lawn mowers mechanical engineering projectlavori


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    2,000 lawn mowers mechanical engineering project lavori trovati

    ...portfolio con esempi di animazioni di logo precedenti. Fornisci una proposta dettagliata sulle tue idee per l'animazione. Indica il tempo stimato di completamento. Siamo entusiasti di collaborare con un professionista creativo che possa dare al nostro logo un tocco unico, riflettendo l'essenza della robotica e dell'Italia. Grazie in anticipo per le vostre proposte! Cordiali saluti, Federico, SRD Engineering srl...

    €15 / hr Average bid
    €15 / hr Offerta media
    22 offerte

    Execution of the design plan of the spaces with DWG files, interior design with 3D rendering, engineering of floor systems on the 1st floor and fan coils on the 2nd floor, revisiting the spaces with respect to the project,electrical system and lighting of the rooms with explanatory notes. Apartment composed as follows: 1 floor (85m) kitchen and living room + a bathroom. 2 floor (75m) 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.

    €961 Average bid
    €961 Offerta media
    26 offerte
    Logo CVE Engineering
    Terminato left

    Creazione nuovo logo partendo da logo CVE come concordato con il Cliente

    €47 Average bid
    €47 Offerta media
    1 offerte
    Automotive designer
    Terminato left

    Stiamo cercando un AUTOMOTIVE DESIGNER che avrà le seguenti responsabilità: Ideare, progettazione e sviluppare progetti in ambito automotive innovativi che rispondono a nuove esigenze di mercato e/o a tecniche moderne Realizzare, tramite software dedicati, i modelli di stile partendo da disegni, bozzetti, sketch Conos...disegni, bozzetti, sketch Conoscere le principali tecniche produttive e di industrializzazione, nonché saper leggere ed interpretare i relativi disegni tecnici Competenze tecniche: Pregressa esperienza in ambito automotive Abilità nell’effettuare proposte di stile Funzionalità 3D (Alias ​​e Rhinoceros) Conoscenza di un software di rendering (KeyShot, VRED) Laurea in Industrial Design, Design Engineering o titoli affini Ottima...

    €22 / hr Average bid
    €22 / hr Offerta media
    2 offerte

    Il lavoro consiste nella modifica dell'interfaccia utente di un'applicazione da noi realizzata sottoforma di plugin per Wordpress. Partendo da una struttura base, dovranno essere modificate le interfacce grafiche e la UX seguendo linee guida e mockup da noi fornite. Sarà offerta assistenza da parte di nostri collaboratori programmatori senior. Il profilo ideale per il lavoro è Fullstack front-end developer con competenze su WordPress.

    €1106 Average bid
    €1106 Offerta media
    28 offerte

    Ciao Danilo, mi chiamo Roberta e sto cercando qualcuno che realizzi uno script sulla base di precise indicazioni da me fornite. Conosci la piattaforma Amazon Mechanical Turk? A me servirebbe uno script da integrare all'estensione per Chrome denominata MTurk Suite. Se questo tipo di lavoro è nelle tue corde e ti va di approfondire il discorso, contattami pure e ne parliamo meglio. Grazie e buona serata.

    €18 Average bid
    €18 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    Ciao Emanuele, mi chiamo Roberta e sto cercando qualcuno che realizzi uno script sulla base di precise indicazioni da me fornite. Conosci la piattaforma Amazon Mechanical Turk? A me servirebbe uno script da integrare all'estensione per Chrome denominata MTurk Suite. Se questo tipo di lavoro è nelle tue corde e ti va di approfondire il discorso, contattami pure e ne parliamo meglio. Grazie e buona serata.

    €18 Average bid
    €18 Offerta media
    1 offerte
    Menu engineering
    Terminato left

    Ho necessità di un professionista che realizzi un menu con la tecnica engineering. Verranno forniti i nomi dei prodotti e i prezzi degli stessi, il professionista si occuperà della creazione grafica e di copy.

    €99 Average bid
    €99 Offerta media
    11 offerte

    per nostro cliente ricerchiamo esperto funnel marketing e social media marketing con esperienza nella seo. sono richieste analisi seo gratuite e marini di miglioramento come valutazione di selezione. le analisi saranno valutate dal nostro staff saranno valutate da un seo engineering. PAGAMENTO PROGETTO il pagamento della gestione seo avverrà mensilmente sulla base degli obbiettivi prestabiliti per keywod, back link, posizionamento anticipatamente per ogni mese. qualora l'obiettivo mensile, non sara raggiunto non verrà sbloccato il corrispettivo, fino al raggiungimento dello stesso. i siti che verranno dati in affidamento possono partire da zero o già posizionati. linea preferenziale lInea preferenziale verrà data a chi riuscirà a dare un...

    €409 Average bid
    €409 Offerta media
    11 offerte

    Realizzanda Start-Up nel settore FinTech necessita di un Web Designer/Developer che abbia avanzate capacità. Necessitiamo: - Ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese. - Avanzate capacità grafiche. - Competenze nel settore Web designing/engineering/development. Necessiatiamo, inoltre, di grande disponibilità e collaborazione per la gestione e aggiornamento del sito/app.

    €1153 Average bid
    €1153 Offerta media
    6 offerte

    English: Dear freelancer, we are a italian company and we are looking for a commercial profile, that can find new customers. Our core business are services in support of the mechanical design of the companies that build machines / industrial plants. Skills: good dialectic and technical preparation. I send details to selected candidates. Italiano: Siamo una società italiana e stiamo cercando un profilo commerciale che possa trovare nuovi clienti. Il nostro core business sono i servizi in ausilio alla progettazione meccanica delle aziende costrutttrici di macchine/impianti industriali. Richiesta buona dialettica e preparazione tecnica. Verranno inviati i dettagli ai candidati selezionati.

    €237 Average bid
    €237 Offerta media
    2 offerte

    La nostra azienda cerca un programmatore per personalizzare l'autocad mechanical.

    €2693 Average bid
    €2693 Offerta media
    2 offerte

    r - Data Science & Analytics Posted 3'affidabilità del software. Il lavoro dovrà essere articolato nel seguente modo : 1) Risposta ai quesiti contenuti nel testo del case study fittizio (in allegato) 2) Sviluppo dei programmi richiesti in C++ o Java secondo le specifiche (in allegato) 3) Riportare la stampa o la grafica dei risultati. I testi di riferimento sono i seguenti : 1) , T. Zurawka, "Automotive Software Engineering" pagg. 96-107) - fornito 2) G. Iazeolla “Affidabilità e Sicurezza del Software”, Franco Angeli, 2013 - da consultare autonomamente 3)G. Iazeolla PRINCIPI e METODI di SIMULAZIONE DISCRETA, Franco Angeli 2010. Cap. 3 - da consultare autonomamente Il lavoro deve essere di 20 pagine circa e d...

    €224 Average bid
    €224 Offerta media
    3 offerte
    Disegnare un Banner
    Terminato left

    Ho bisogno di creare un disegno aziendale usando il logo già pronto, per la società che eroga servizi di misura e Reverse Engineering, nell’ambito della metrologia dimensionale mediante l'utilizzo di strumentazione metrologica, quale: Laser Tracker, Bracci di misura, Laser Scanner, Laser Radar, Fotogrammetria, CMM e Tomografia. Il disegno verrà usato per i prodotti marketing (volantini, brochure, cartelle, biglietti da visita ect.)

    €72 Average bid
    €72 Offerta media
    28 offerte

    We're looking for a person who preferrably has a degree in Computing Engineering, with 7-8 years of experience developing software. The core competence we are looking for is .NET The person must be based in Rome and must be an italian speaker. Salary: 50.000 to 70.000 euros per year (it can be discussed)

    €6559 Average bid
    €6559 Offerta media
    9 offerte

    Salve, ho costituito da alcun giorni questa ditta di ...internet & social "netcomair" (ispirandomi ad una società che comparve nel film The Italian Job / ) ; Sto cercando un marchio/logo semplice formato per lo più dallo stesso nome netcom(air) ma con la parola air distaccata posta a fianco, sopra o sotto il nome stesso. Vi sarei grato se riusciste a farmi piacere un logo che intendo utilizzare come ditta principale per la parte "engineering" del progetto o anche infrastruttura di rete e collegamento a Internet. Successivamente intendo realizzare un nuovo logo per quanto riguarda la parte di vendita dei prodotti o servizi (marketing) che si contraddistinguerà per l'appunto da netcomair. Grazie anticipatamente per la collaborazi...

    €98 Average bid
    €98 Offerta media
    4 offerte

    Our company will participate in a local exhibition. The event organizer from Singapore will produce a show directory where every information of exhibitors will reveal with their service or products. We, electrical engineering company, like to hire a talent who can transform our selling products into a very attractive, eye-catching art work while maintaining company logo prominent color. He/ She must act the work as confidential since there might be other exhibitors who sell the same products as we do. Once the bid is confirmed, I will provide our company logo, products list I want to add (images or the link where photos can get) and other supports that a selected designer might need during work process. The final output must be - high resolution matching with below specific...

    €37 Average bid
    €37 Offerta media
    7 offerte
    Terminato left

    CIVIL ENGINEERING project (20k/meter persegi)

    €89 Average bid
    €89 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    I'm in need of help with my engineering thermodynamics assignment. The solutions need to be typed in a document and need to provide a step-by-step solution with intermediate steps. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in engineering thermodynamics - Strong document typing and formatting skills - Ability to provide detailed, step-by-step explanations

    €106 Average bid
    €106 Offerta media
    31 offerte

    To create detailed 3D model and realistic renders (With 360 degree views) of the kitchen, dining and living along with the outdoor patio and lawn area. All details as per chat and the files shared. Milestone will include around 3 revisions for trying new colors, materials to achieve a good result.

    €415 Average bid
    €415 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    I need a compelling letter of motivation for my university admission application to a Master's program in Engineering. Your task is to craft a letter that showcases my passion for Engineering, my academic background, and my career aspirations, all while expressing why I am a suitable candidate for the program. The letter should be persuasive and well-structured, with a professional tone. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Excellent writing and communication skills - Prior experience in writing academic motivation letters - A background or understanding of Engineering - Ability to highlight strengths and potential in a compelling way.

    €14 Average bid
    €14 Offerta media
    16 offerte

    I am applying for an engineering program at a university and need a compelling letter of motivation. The letter should highlight my academic achievements, work experience, and personal projects. Ideal skills include: - Strong writing and storytelling capabilities - Understanding of engineering field - Experience in crafting university admission letters Please, bidders with prior experience in writing motivational letters for university admissions in engineering will be given priority.

    €12 Average bid
    €12 Offerta media
    25 offerte

    I need a certified structural engineer to assess my home renovations. The project involves modifying the roof structure to accommodate a new room. Structural engineering design documentation and certification. For the proposed detached single storey private studio and proposed alteration/conversion of existing carport to a habitable room and proposed porch at 20 Wallaby Way, Badgers Creek VIC 3777. Including design of roof framing (excluding trusses), roof tie-downs, wall framing and wall bracing, subfloor framing, subfloor bracing/brickwork as required, stumps and columns, pad and strip footings, and porch framing/supports/footings.

    €543 Average bid
    €543 Offerta media
    32 offerte

    I have created DWG plans for a solar carport and an off-grid solar setup. However, I require a professional review and assistance in finalizing...include: - An inspection of the wiring diagram, which I have identified as needing the most assistance - A thorough revision of my wiring diagram, with a particular focus on the connections between panels, inverter setup, and battery configuration - An assessment of my plans to ensure they meet all necessary safety standards The ideal freelancer for this project will have extensive experience in solar electrical planning, structural engineering, and compliance with Californian building codes. They should also be able to provide a structural stamp for my solar carport plans. Please provide examples of relevant projects you've ...

    €117 Average bid
    €117 Offerta media
    30 offerte

    I'm in need of a schematic depicting a petroleum production syste...a scientific paper. The 2D diagram should include: - A platform - Various subsea equipments (specifically a Subsea tree, Riser, and Flowlines) - Pipelines - A representation of a well with intermediate detail downhole sensors The design should be simple yet clear enough to convey the necessary information without being overly complex. Ideal candidates should have a background in petroleum engineering or related fields and proficient in creating 2D diagrams for scientific purposes. Attached I show two examples, one very simple showing the itens I need, for the underwater parts, while the other is an example of how the platform could be shown together with those. I just need to show 1 well to exemplify the dow...

    €101 Average bid
    €101 Offerta media
    18 offerte game that would provide access to an unlimited (or desired) amount of in-game currency. The ideal candidate for this project would be skilled in reverse engineering or packet tracing and have extensive experience with online games. Please note that this project is strictly for personal use, and I do not intend to use any exploit for malicious purposes or to harm the gaming community. Key Requirements: - Proficient in reverse engineering - Extensive experience with online games - Able to find an exploit for in-game currency - Capable of delivering this in a timely manner - Providing a detailed report at the end for simulating the attack again Please note: This project is strictly for personal use, and I do not intend to use any exploit for mali...

    €111 Average bid
    €111 Offerta media
    12 offerte

    I'm a professional YouTuber looking for skilled video editors to edit my motivational YouTube shorts on a daily basis. Key Requirements: - Editing of vlogs to create engaging, motivational content. - Implementing specific editing styles such as fast-paced cuts, smooth transitions, and text overlays/subtitles. - Utilizing AI for background editing as per provided scripts, with prompt engineering skills to enhance the process. Ideal Skills: - Experience with AI-based editing tools. - Ability to implement various editing styles to create appealing content. The payment will be done per video basis.

    €2 / hr Average bid
    €2 / hr Offerta media
    15 offerte

    I'm looking for a translator who can convert several English technical material in PowerPoint format into Arabic. These manuals pertain to engineering, so an understanding of this field will be beneficial. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in both English and Arabic - Experience with technical translation - Familiarity with engineering concepts - Proficient in PowerPoint The freelancer will receive PowerPoint files containing the technical material. Accuracy and attention to detail are crucial, as the translations need to be clear and precise for the intended audience.

    €1634 Average bid
    €1634 Offerta media
    36 offerte

    I require a Massachusetts licensed structural engineer who can review my FEA reports and provide a PE stamp for a plastic, acrylic, steel and fiberglass structures located in Massachusetts... Key Responsibilities: - Review and validate FEA reports focusing on material deformation - Provide PE stamp upon successful review - Ensure all evaluations meet engineering standards Ideal Candidate: - Licensed professional engineer in Massachusetts or South Carolina - Extensive experience with FEA reports - Expertise in plastic structure analysis - Ability to provide PE stamp for compliance - Ability to provide COI. In your proposal please note the cost for reviewing and stamp of projects.

    €22 / hr Average bid
    €22 / hr Offerta media
    50 offerte

    I'm looking for a professional who can certify my house plans for building code compliance, specifically concerning zoning laws. The certification needs to be accepted by my local government. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge of building codes - Experience with local government compliance - Understanding of zoning laws - Certification credentials in structural engineering or architecture

    €399 Average bid
    €399 Offerta media
    59 offerte

    ...could also use help making AI-related videos for YouTube, LinkedIn & Facebook. Core Responsibilities Technical Implementation & Teaching - Develop and optimize AI chatbots using LLMs for dynamic conversations - Implement and enhance RAG systems for improved knowledge retrieval - Build structured workflows using LangChain and LangGraph - Optimize prompt engineering for maximum efficiency - Mentor and train developers through hands-on sessions **Development & Integration - Engineer frontend and backend components for seamless user experience - Debug and optimize API integrations and performance - Implement security best practices and scalability measures - Guide developers through implementation best practices Collaboration & Teaching Methodology - Conduct

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr Offerta media
    24 offerte

    I'm in need of a simple modern logo for my lawncare and outdoor services business. The logo should incorporate 'Grass or lawn imagery maybe mountains and trees could be used as well. The name of the Company is Bouvier Property Services and we call it BPS. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Branding - Adobe Illustrator - Photoshop Please ensure your portfolio includes examples of modern and sleek logos.

    €27 Average bid
    €27 Offerta media
    69 offerte

    I need a proficient civil engineer with a rich portfolio in architectural, structural, with a rich portfolio in architectural, structural, plumbing and drainage plans to assist me with full site civil drawings for a lodge. Requirements: - Development of comprehensive civil drawings based on approved construction concepts - Inclusion of all site specific details such as topographic survey, utilities layout, and landscaping plans Ideal Skills: - Proficient in creating civil engineering drawings - Strong understanding of architectural and structural plans - Experience with plumbing and drainage plans Please note that you will be working off existing approved construction concepts that I will provide. The goal is to produce complete and ready-to-use civil drawings for...

    €26496 Average bid
    €26496 Offerta media
    23 offerte

    I'm seeking a professional to review the plans for a new construction house's basement foundation. The primary purpose of this review is to ensure compliance with lo...properly. Notes: The front porch and screen porch will be built on grade, and not require a slab. The space that is listed as laundry and pantry on the second floor will be built on a 1.5' to 2' crawlspace and not on a slab. This project is located in Asheville, North Carolina. Key Areas of Concern: - Load-bearing Capacity: The foundation must be able to support the load of the house and withstand various environmental pressures. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Familiarity with local building codes - Previous experience with basement foundation reviews - Structural engineering expertise - ...

    €345 Average bid
    €345 Offerta media
    76 offerte

    I'm seeking a professional with experience in landscape engineering to design a segmented retaining wall for me. Key Requirements: - The primary purpose of this wall is to help level a slope on my property. - The wall will be constructed using concrete blocks (Versa Lok or Belden), so familiarity with this material is essential. - It will need to be designed for a height between 3 to 6 feet. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in designing retaining walls is highly desirable. - A strong understanding of erosion control and landscaping is a plus. - Proficiency with structural design for concrete block walls is crucial. - Knowledge of local building codes and regulations is beneficial. - Licensed in Arizona

    €361 Average bid
    €361 Offerta media
    61 offerte

    I'm seeking a freelancer with extensive knowledge and experience in Electrical Engineering, specifically with the power grid. The project involves a theoretical analysis within this field. A background in scientific study with a focus on experimental research and observational studies would be a plus. Key Requirements: - In-depth knowledge of Electrical Engineering - Strong understanding of power grid systems - Experience in conducting theoretical analyses - Prior involvement in scientific studies Skills Needed: - Research and analysis skills - Problem-solving abilities -Power grid simulation (MATLAB, PowerWorld, PSCAD,OpenDSS). - Proficiency in engineering concepts and principles - Ability to work independently and deliver high-quality work within deadli...

    €22 / hr Average bid
    €22 / hr Offerta media
    25 offerte

    I am seeking a skilled Civil Structural Dra...Civil Structural Draftsman for a residential building project. The draftsman will be responsible for creating detailed designs for key structural elements of the building. Key Responsibilities: - Drafting detailed structural plans for the foundation, framing, and roof structure of the residential building - Ensuring all designs meet relevant building codes and standards Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in REVIT/CAD software - Extensive experience in residential building structural drafting - Strong understanding of structural engineering principles - Attention to detail and ability to work under tight deadlines I'm looking for a professional who can provide high-quality drafts that will facilitate the smooth progression of our...

    €77 Average bid
    €77 Offerta media
    14 offerte

    I'm seeking an experienced engineer to conduct Finite Element Analysis (FEA) on a metal mechanical part with a focus on its long-term vibration performance. The primary concern is the part's fatigue life under cyclic loading. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in FEA - Experience with mechanical parts made of metal - Proficiency in vibration analysis - Knowledge of fatigue life assessment under cyclic loading Please provide your relevant experience and past project samples in your bid.

    €116 Average bid
    €116 Offerta media
    44 offerte
    Custom Logo Creation with Taglines
    6 giorni left

    I'm seeking a skilled designer to create a professional logo for me, complete with four different taglines. The design should align with the attached logo design and color scheme, and the final product must be provided in watermark-free versions of PNG, AI, SVG, EPS, and JPG. The taglines to be used are: 1) AI-Powered Healthcare 2) AI for Health & Engineering, Not Commerce 3) Next-Gen AI for Healthcare 4) Healthcare Meets AI Key requirements: - The taglines should be in Italic style - The font used for the taglines should be a specified custom font - No additional graphical elements should be included with the taglines I expect the final designs to be high-quality and professional. Experience with logo design and a strong portfolio of similar work will be advantageous.

    €17 Average bid
    €17 Offerta media
    27 offerte

    Engineering Plans for Cassava Starch Plant Conversion to Dual-Output Starch & Bioethanol Facility Project Description: We are seeking an experienced process or industrial engineer to develop detailed plans for converting an existing cassava starch processing plant into a dual-output facility producing both cassava starch and bioethanol. Scope of Work: • Assess the current plant layout, equipment, and processing capacity. • Design modifications to integrate bioethanol production while maintaining starch output. • Develop detailed engineering drawings and process flow diagrams. • Specify required equipment upgrades or additions, including fermentation, distillation, and waste management systems. • Provide utility and energy requiremen...

    €432 Average bid
    €432 Offerta media
    18 offerte

    I'm seeking a Professional Engineer, licensed in Washington DC, to review and stamp site development plans. The plans are created in AutoCAD and provided for review in PDF format. - Required Expertise: The engineer will need to review and stamp the plans focusing on: - Site Plan - Stormwater Management - Traffic Control and Public Space - Utilities - Document Format: PDF Experienc...plans are created in AutoCAD and provided for review in PDF format. - Required Expertise: The engineer will need to review and stamp the plans focusing on: - Site Plan - Stormwater Management - Traffic Control and Public Space - Utilities - Document Format: PDF Experience with site development plans is important. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in site development civil e...

    €49 / hr Average bid
    €49 / hr Offerta media
    10 offerte

    I'm looking for a skilled 3D designer to create a medium detail model of a mechanical part for printing in PLA. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in CAD software (or any other 3d modelling software) - Experience with designing mechanical parts - Understanding of 3D printing requirements and limitations (e.g. supports) Relevant Key Responsibilities: - Experience or knowledge of boards (e.g. Multiboard and/or Threadboards). - Create a medium-detail 3D model of a mechanical part - Ensure the design is suitable for PLA/PTEG material - Optimize the model for 3D printing Goal: - Proprietary board (like Multiboard/Threadboards) with connectors and some costumisable variants. Please share examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.

    €320 Average bid
    €320 Offerta media
    66 offerte through best practices in MuleSoft development and event processing. Troubleshoot and resolve issues in development, test, and production environments related to MuleSoft integrations and event streaming. Stay updated with industry trends and advancements in MuleSoft and event-driven architectures to drive innovation and efficiency. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related field. Must have MuleSoft Developer certification. Proven experience as a MuleSoft Developer with a focus on event streaming and event-driven architecture. Proven experience in designing and connecting APIs for seamless communication between applications. Experience with Epic integration/Healthcare or with HL7, AWS and SQL Server. Ability to create unique...

    €17 / hr Average bid
    €17 / hr Offerta media
    4 offerte

    I need a professional to perform a comprehensive structural analysis using SpaceGass on a building I have. This project will focus specifically on load distribution and material strength. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in SpaceGass software - Structural engineering expertise - Experience with building analysis Please provide previous examples of your work with SpaceGass, particularly on buildings, in your bid.

    €233 Average bid
    €233 Offerta media
    21 offerte

    ...high-quality voice recordings for our animated educational videos. Our content covers subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Engineering, helping students from classes 9 to 12 understand complex topics in an engaging way. Language Requirements: The ideal candidate should be fluent in: Hindi (Primary) English At least one or more regional Indian languages, such as: Tamil Marathi Bengali Telugu Kannada Key Responsibilities: Provide clear, engaging, and professional voice-over recordings for animated educational videos. Maintain proper pronunciation, tone, and clarity to ensure easy comprehension for students. Deliver recordings in a timely manner based on project deadlines. Be open to feedback and revisions if needed. Preferred Qualifications: Experience in voice-o...

    €6 / hr Average bid
    €6 / hr Offerta media
    15 offerte

    ...manufacturing, especially for large parts used in industries such as aerospace, automotive, and heavy equipment. Ensuring integrity in these components can be the difference between a safe operation and catastrophic failure. However, the scale and complexity of large parts introduce unique challenges. This blog will explore the main issues encountered in air leak testing and flow testing of sizeable mechanical components, along with practical solutions that can be employed to ensure unrivaled test accuracy. Understanding the Challenges 1. Accessibility: Large parts often involve complex geometries and tight spaces that can be difficult to probe with traditional testing equipment. Limited accessibility can lead to incomplete testing, resulting in missed leaks that could compro...

    €310 Average bid
    €310 Offerta media
    23 offerte

    I'm in need of a proficient translator for a technical document in the engineering field. The document needs to be translated from English to Malayalam. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Fluent in both English and Malayalam - Previous experience translating technical engineering documents - Strong understanding of engineering terminology - Excellent attention to detail - Ability to meet deadlines

    €9 / hr Average bid
    €9 / hr Offerta media
    17 offerte