Labourer oil rig jobslavori
The goals of app is to create an mobile app for artisans to have a calendar plan of jobs to do, so the logic must be based on calendar input of jobs, task and register the task made. The very important priority and very important features is the fats navigation of calendar, see the plan and input. So it is necessary study an excellent solution (design, user friendly and fast navigation The app must have very few information because must be user friendly, but the code must have more information and detailed input because I want create more plans to sell. In this way I will have a simple version and other with more input detail. So by superdmin dashboard I can decide the information input and to see based on plan and based on client.
...semplice pianta o cespuglio ad oggetti più complessi come macchinari o ostacoli, fino alla modellazione completa di un personaggio. Se è nelle competenze del candidato potrebbe essere necessario anche creare qualche animazione. La figura che sto cercando deve avere i seguenti requisiti: - Esperienza nella modellazione Low Poly per videogame - Esperienza con le UV - Esperienza nella creazione di rig - Uso di Blender (ultima versione) L'impegno richiesto prevede: - Una durata di 20-24 mesi - 70-100 ore al mese Il compenso sarà tra il 10% e 15% dei ricavi del prodotto finale al netto delle spese. Viene lasciata libertà di poter inserire gli oggetti modellati all'interno del proprio portfolio, ma non l'uso o la vendita a terzi. Potrebbe...
...notato il tuo profilo e mi piacerebbe proporti una collaborazione. Sto cercando un nuovo sviluppatore full stack da aggiungere allo staff dei programmatori di DettoFatto è un sistema di ticketing e comunicazione dedicato agli amministratori di condominio, i loro condomini, i loro fornitori. Lo skill set richiesto è il seguente: Backend: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, ActiveAdmin Cron Jobs: Ruby, Sidekiq Frontend: Telegram, JavaScript, NodeRED Cache: Redis Database: PostgreSQL Report: Carbone, Node.js Al progetto collabora già un senior full stack developer part-time, e il tuo lavoro sarà coordinato anche da lui. Dobbiamo sviluppare alcune nuove feature ( sprint ), oltre che fare manutenzione ordinaria e piccoli aggiustamenti. In particolare dobbiamo svilup...'Internet delle Cose (in inglese Internet of Things, IoT). La persona sarà incaricata di ricercare e valutare l'usabilità del sistema REALOGY IoT nel contesto del progetto ENABLE IoT, facilitare il processo di progettazione delle funzionalità, e sviluppare e documentare concetti innovativi. Collaborazione da remoto per work4equity e/o royalties. Maggiori info:
Cerchiamo un Digital Strategist che segua l'avvio di alcuni progetti global di nostro importante cliente. Puoi trovare i dettagli nella nostra pagina Career:
Ciao Federico, siamo una società di Ingegneria Italiana. Vorremmo fare un test con te su sviluppo 3D di alcune linee di tubazione per impianto industriale che convogliano olio diatermico. Il budget è 250€ come primo step di lavoro, relativo a grafici 3D e 2D delle linee e condivisione con Cliente del Routing. Se sei in grado di seguire anche parte dimensionamento supporti e dimensionamento (stress analysis) tubazione possiamo incrementare nettamente il budget. Fammi sapere, grazie
Abbiamo bisogno di alcuni rig per dei modelli 3D di uccelli per Unreal Engine. I nostri uccelli avranno le ali chiuse per la maggior parte del tempo ma devono potersi animare per movimenti minimi (come Grattarsi sotto l'ala). Gli uccelli non voleranno. Tutti i controlli dovranno essere FK. Solo il collo (per uccelli dal collo lungo come l'Airone) e le gambe avranno lo switch tra i controlli IK/FK. Per maggior informazioni cottattateci.
Vorrei un modellatore 3d che sappia creare personaggi in stile anime con una topologia pulita e su diverse LOD poligonali (almeno 2, qualità massima e minima). deve eseguirne il rig delle ossa e le texture. il personaggio deve essere importato in unity3D successivamente, in quanto dovrà essere usato per lo sviluppo di un videogioco, bisognerà tenere dunque conto di questo fattore nel conteggio totale dei poligoni. un po di esempi da seguire come stile e resa qualitativa delle texture e dei poligoni. nel caso di un lavoro di alta qualità, successivamente avrò
...arrivare alla mente e allo spirito delle persone. Il tuo ruolo sarà aiutare a gestire i miei canali social e scrivere i copy per Mavericks, il campo d’addestramento per Imprenditori Esponenziali, un club privato che ho fondato nel 2019 e che conta centinaia di imprenditori e investitori da tutta Italia ed Europa. Se la cosa stuzzica il tuo interesse, puoi candidarti qui: →
Cercasi esperto programmatore PHP, autonomo e in particolare con esperienza nell'integrazione su piattaforma Wordpress, per completre un progetto in ambito con creazione plug-in per WP e integrazione con esistente progetto tecnologico distribuito. Possibilità di sviluppo a task, sede di lavoro Roma. Inviare CV e contatti se interessati a: jobs@,
Configurazione server per sito internet appena creato. Principali mansioni: - Web Server Nginx con PHP7 - Database Maria DB - Cartelle protette con cron jobs - Sever di posta in entrata ed in uscita con filtri antispam e prevedere invio massivo di email (newsletter) - CDN - Firewall e tutte le accortenzze di sicurezza del caso - Possibilità di avere il sito da domini localizzati - moduli cache, gzip, rewrite etc. Disponibilita' a aver colloquio skype per i dettagli del progetto.
Cerco qualcuno esperto di AMAZON WEB SERVICES per configurazione servers di un sito internet. Task principali: - Web Server Nginx con PHP7 - Database Maria DB - Cartelle protette con cron jobs - Sever di posta in entrata ed in uscita con filtri antispam e prevedere invio massivo di email (newsletter) - CDN - Firewall e tutte le accortezze di sicurezza del caso - Possibilità di avere il sito da domini localizzati - moduli cache, gzip, rewrite etc etc Disponibilita' per colloquio per comprensione piu' dettagliata del progetto.
Ho necessità di tradurre un sito web dall'Italiano al Giapponese o dall'Inglese al Giapponese Settore food/oil
We need you to convert an existing Android web-app (already published on the PlayStore) to an iOS version. We will publish the app on the App Store, so we only need the file to upload (.ipa file) It is a quick job, but in the near future we will ad features to this web-app and we'll to give these jobs to the same freelancer. Si richiede veloce lavoro di conversione di una semplicissima web app esistente e attualmente pubblicata su PlayStore , per la versione iOS. Alla pubblicazione su App Store penseremo noi, ci serve solamente il file finito per la pubblicazione. Più avanti sarà valutata anche l'aggiunta di alcune features, lavoro che sarà affidato con tutta pobabilità allo stesso freelancer.
I would like to create a corporate identity for my new brand. I have a farmhouse, guesthouse anf wild lodge in Sicily. I have a logotype of the brand but i need to coordinate the imagine of all and the comunication. I would like also to find designer who have know how about original packaging draft for juice and olive oil, muesli, picnic pocket, homemade marmellade. My relevant market is north Europe. For this reason the name base on the history of botanical illustration of deutch photografy
...for Location and for Keywords + Location. I need to url like these for indexing on search engines. Example: 1 - Search by keywords .../search-results-jobs/?keywords[all_words]=pizza maker Rewrite this url (canonical link): .../ 2 - Search by Location (city and state) .../search-results-jobs/?Location[location][value]=Roma Rewrite this url (canonical link): .../offerte-lavoro/ 3 - Search by Keywords and Location .../search-results-jobs/?keywords[all_words]=pizza maker&Location[location][value]=Roma Rewrite this url (canonical link): .../ 4 - Detail job .../display-job/25/ .../display-job/25/ The canonical url for these two pages:
We need to finish a premade model in 3D, smooth the rig and cut it in slices and 8 different materials per cut. It is a refine of a previous work which have to be as it is. We need somebody to finish it since we are busy with another project. There is room for more project as soon as we see the skills of the worker. Dobbiamo rifnire un modello creato in 3D, rifinire il rig e tagliarlo in parti e aggiungere un massimo di 8 materials per parte. E' la rifinitura di un precente lavoro che devere rimanere come è. Abbiamo necessità di avere qualcuno che rifnisca il progetto in quanto siamo occupati in altri progetti. C'è la possibilità di futuri progetti dopo che vediamo le abilità di chi ci lavora.
Ricerchiamo uno sviluppatore Android nativo con buona esperienza (almeno 2 anni) per un interessante progetto in ambito automotive. È richiesta presenza in sede a Bologna e impegno full-time per almeno 6 mesi. Per candidarsi o avere maggiori informazioni rispondete all'annuncio o scrivete direttamente a jobs at
...specializzazione in automazione. Ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese. Gradita conoscenza lingua francese. Completano il profilo esperienza diretta di almeno un anno nel settore dell’automazione industriale e la piena disponibilità a trasferte all’estero. Tipologia contrattuale: partita IVA per collaborazioni a chiamata, di varia durata. Il presente annuncio è rivolto anche alle aziende del settore Oil & Gas interessate alla fornitura di personale dipendente. La retribuzione sarà stabilita in base alle competenze e all’esperienza delle risorse che saranno selezionate. Per i candidati non residenti nel Lazio il primo colloquio conoscitivo potrà svolgersi anche in teleconferenza, tramite Skype. Non verranno prese in consid...
...con Joomla 1.7.3 e abbiamo integrato il pacchetto Joombah jobs. Il sito è Vorremmo creare un’area di gestione in questo sito (come un menu) in cui è possibile accedere solo con una registrazione specifica. In questa area, l'azienda deve avere la possibilità di gestire il proprio database di cv. (Abbiamo creato una analisi dettagliata sugli elementi che quest’area deve avere. Questa analisi può essere aggiornata e migliorata e verrà mandata solo a chi è interessato a lavorare per questo progetto). Siamo lieti di ricevere le vostre offerte di collaborazione. Richiediamo serietà e ottime capacità di comunicazione. Cordiali saluti Goodmorning, we created a website with Joomla 1.7.3 an...
1,100 Italian Facebook fans needed All fans must be real people with real profiles. Pls note that fake profiles, bots and spams will NOT be tolerated, profiles should also be active with recent updates and a couple of dozen friends at least, and not at risk of being immediately banned by Facebook. Deadline: around one week but flexible If you have already done similar jobs give us some examples FB profiles will be randomly reviewed to ensure they are real and comply to our requirements. - - - - - 1.100 fan di Facebook italiani Tutti i fan devono essere persone reali con profile reali. Preghiamo quindi notare che profili falsi, bot e spam NON saranno tollerati, i profili dovranno inoltre essere attivi con attività relativamente recenti e con almeno un paio di dozzi...
The milestone will be completed after one month and the delivered work should be as following: 1- Modifying and completing the freelancers profiles and agency profile on Upwork. 2- Search and Apply to jobs which are relevant to the agency's skills catalogue using the Connects Limit provided on Upwork. 3- Attending the meetings with you but won't have an input unless you asked to. 3- I should receive all the support I need from you asking about any technical inquiries for bidding efficiently. 4- I should receive your Updated to CVs along with Upwork credentials in order to modify and complete all the profiles. 5- I should know your schedule and calendars to know who's available to be assigned to a certain job.
...Safe for skin, eyes, and mouth. 2️⃣ Liquid Mixture (Foam + Aroma) ~2g ? Purpose: To create a dense foam and release a soft, pleasant citrus aroma. Lauryl glucoside or decyl glucoside → 0.8g (mild surfactant for safe, thick foam) Hydrogen peroxide (6-10%) → 0.6g (oxygen release enhances foaming) Xanthan gum or CMC → 0.3g (stabilizes foam for at least 15 minutes) Lemon essential oil (encapsulated in cornstarch) → 0.3g (gradual aroma release) ✔ Creates a creamy, stable foam for at least 15 minutes. 3️⃣ Dry Effervescent Mixture (~2.5g) ? Purpose: To create an effervescent reaction that expands the foam. Baking soda → 1.2g (alkaline base for effervescent reaction) Citric acid → 0.8g (reaction catalyst) Dry yeast or potassi...
I'm looking for a professional resume writer to help me craft a compelling resume aimed at corporate, office jobs. As a mid-level professional, my resume needs to reflect my skills and experience in a way that stands out to potential employers. Key areas to focus on: - Professional Summary - Work Experience - Education - Certificates - Skills - Personal Details Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong understanding of corporate resume standards, excellent writing skills, and the ability to present my qualifications in a persuasive manner. Prior experience in HR or recruitment would be an advantage.
...have a more dynamic and premium touch compared to the current designs. - The size of the new labels should match the current front labels attached for each product. - All designs should be made from scratch and include all the fonts, colors, and layouts used (AI designs will not be accepted). - The labels should prominently feature the product name and our brand logo. NOTE: The logo text (GEGA OIL), can be in white or blue. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in product label design, particularly for automotive or similar products. - Strong understanding of creating bold and colorful designs. - Excellent creativity and ability to work without specific color constraints, using the designer's creativity. - Ability to deliver high-quality designs from scratch, in...
I am looking for an avoid deformation ✅ Final delivery in .ctTBactor or .ctBactor format (Cartoon Animator 5 compatible) or Adobe Animate file compatible. What I Will Provide: ? An Illustrator file for the character ? The Animation is needed for a Vlog the bird will be walking talking and teaching kids. Preferred Skills (Optional but a Plus): ? Experience with 2D animation in Cartoon Animator 5 ? Ability to rig multiple characters (potential long-term work) ? Understanding of IK (Inverse Kinematics) and weight mapping How to Apply: If you have experience in 2D character rigging, please send: 1️⃣ Samples of previous rigged characters (preferably for Cartoon Animator 5) 2️⃣ Your rate and estimated time to complete the project 3️⃣ Any additional questions or suggestions
I need a professional telemarketer to help me generate leads for my equipment hire business. The primary objective of this call campaign is to win jobs. offering a percentage of sales. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience in telemarketing - Excellent communication and persuasion skills - Ability to generate leads and drive sales
...within a week. About Persuadr: Persuadr is an AI-powered job proposal generator designed to help freelancers and job seekers (both experienced and new) significantly reduce the time and effort required to create compelling, tailored job proposals. By analyzing job descriptions, company information, and user profiles, Persuadr automati cally generates customized proposals, helping users land more jobs. Project Goal: The primary goal of this landing page is to maximize user sign-ups and encourage visitors to try out Persuadr. The page needs to be visually appealing, easy to navigate, load quickly, and clearly communicate the value proposition of saving time and effort in proposal writing. Key Requirements: Conversion-Focused Design: The design should be laser-focused on dri...
I need a developer to turn my high-fidelity Figma mockups into a fully functioning portfolio website using Framer and a pre-existing template. Budget: 1200Rs Only Portfolio Required Key Features: - The site should include an About Me section, a Contact Form, a Homepage, a Blog Page, a Services Page, a "For Designers" Page, and a "Jobs for Designers" Section. - The portfolio should be visually appealing and user-friendly, reflecting my professional design aesthetic. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in Framer website development - Proficiency in Figma - Strong understanding of portfolio site design - Excellent communication skills for understanding project details and providing updates.
Please review Pm’s and alternate messages for all details of jobs.
Looking for Virtual Assistants who has the following skills: - Good with excel - High attention to details - Is smart & fast in their work - Self learner & able to follow user guides - Meet deadlines - Proactive & willing to go the extra mile - Freshers can also apply Job Responsibility: - Data Entry & basic admin tasks - Do some research jobs related to products and purchase - Online search for suppliers/ whole sellers/ manufacturer who can give quality products at a very competitive price If you are interested, then Please carefully review the provided information and add the word "Rainbow" at the beginning of your cover letter. Also, share your response to the below questions. 1) What commitments do you have right now? Are you employed? Student? Freela...
...comprehensive database of potential customers for my shipping container hire, sales, and modification business. I only want people and businesses located in Tasmania, Australia. I am looking for 1000 to 2000 entries. Project Requirements: Compile a list of businesses that commonly use shipping containers, including self-storage facilit ies, container hire depots, transport and logistics companies, mining, oil and gas companies, construction and civil engineering firms, agriculture and farming businesses, government and defence organizations, industrial and manufacturing companies, and retail and wholesale businesses. Collect key company details, including business name, industry category, business size, location, business website, key contact person, phone number and email, cur...
I have a few small oil paintings (up to 12x12 inches) that require minor touch-ups. These issues are limited to small scratches or chips. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in oil painting restoration - Attention to detail - Experience working with small scale art Please apply if you have relevant experience and can provide examples of your work.
I have approximately 5-7 oil paintings that require touch-ups to restore their original look. Requirements: - The artist should have expertise in matching colors and understanding different types of paints (oil, acrylic, etc.). - Canvas, board, and paper artworks will be involved. - I will provide a well-lit work area at Westy's Stamford. The artist should have their own brushes and tools necessary to complete the job. - I will purchase any specific supplies needed such as paint after the initial assessment. Deliverables: - Initial assessment visit to evaluate work needed. - Second visit to perform the touch-ups, expected to take roughly half a day.
I'm in need of a professional PCB designer to create a single-layer PCB tailored for the oil and gas industry, specifically wireline. The primary focus of this job will be ensuring the design can withstand high temperature operation. We already have proven designs that work great in low temperature environments (250F-350F). I am looking for someone who can take the designs we already have and update them to withstand high temperatures (500F+) Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in PCB design, specifically single-layer PCBs. - Prior work with PCBs for the wireline industry is highly desirable. - Strong understanding of high temperature operation requirements and how to design for them. - Able to deliver designs that meet industry standards for durability and reliab...
I'm looking for a developer to create a tablet-compatible calculator for estimating residential lighting jobs. The calculator will need to factor in various costs and should be compatible with a set of specific lighting products. Key Requirements: - A calculator that allows users to input different Alliance Outdoor Lighting Products (as determined by a PIM data sheet) and computes an estimate based on the inputs. - The estimate should include the cost of the lighting products, labor costs, and maintenance packages. - The calculator should have a user-friendly interface that allows easy input and output of data. - The calculator should perform real-time calculations as the user inputs data. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Software development with experience in creating calcula...
...API Integration Specialist for WordPress (Data Sync & Automation) Job Description: We are looking for an experienced developer to integrate an API from our data supplier into our WordPress site. The data should be updated every few minutes to ensure real-time accuracy. Requirements: Experience with RESTful APIs, JSON, XML Strong WordPress development skills (custom plugins, , WP Cron Jobs) Expertise in PHP, JavaScript Ability to automate data fetching and updating at regular intervals Experience working with caching mechanisms for performance optimization Strong debugging & troubleshooting skills Project Details: We have an API key and documentation from the supplier Data needs to be pulled and displayed dynamically on our WordPress site The update frequency should be ev...
...recruitment platform similar to - Develop responsive web application and cross-platform mobile app - Implement user-friendly interfaces for job seekers and employers Key Features: - User registration and profile management - Advanced job search with multiple filters - Resume builder and upload functionality - Job application tracking system - Employer dashboard for posting and managing jobs - Candidate matching and recommendation algorithms - Secure authentication and data privacy mechanisms Technical Requirements: - Frontend: React.js (web), React Native (mobile) - Backend: Node.js with Express - Database: MongoDB or PostgreSQL - Authentication: JWT, OAuth - Deployment: Cloud platforms (AWS/Google Cloud) Skills Required: - Full-stack web development - Mobile app development ...
...conditions -add 3 new product pages - update pictures - amend menu bar We are also open on other design suggestions, adding content management so we can update our own product on the go and not sure if you can help but we noticed our website appears in other countries that we don't trade in so we d like help to make it show up where we currently trade. Please only contact us if you have a portfolio of jobs completed before and send us links to view, we are looking for someone skilful who we can use hopefully over and over again and who is able to communicate well and proactively make suggestions, also please provide an approximate quote for the work mentioned above thanks a lot We would like the project to be completed in less than 1 month. We prefer the following design a...
I want to create an AI agent that automates my job application process. This personal project involves: - Job scraping from multiple platforms: LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, reed, and monster. - Resume matching: The AI should be able to match keywords in my resume with the skills required for the job. - Applying for jobs: The AI will send my cover letter and resume to HR. Additionally, the AI should create a list of jobs in Google Sheets. Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in AI development, specifically in creating job application bots. Familiarity with Google Sheets API is essential. Please include examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal. The AI will use a single, static cover letter for all job applications. The AI shou...
We need a react dev to do a code takeover for our current MVP. On-going jobs are available for design changes and functionalities. This is an on-going job until 2025.
I'm looking for part-time assistance with translation of articles. The job is specifically catered for individuals under 18, providing them with a valuable opportunity to gain work experience and hone their language skills. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in both source and target languages - Good understanding of grammar and syntax - Ability to meet deadlines Experience: - Prior...specifically catered for individuals under 18, providing them with a valuable opportunity to gain work experience and hone their language skills. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in both source and target languages - Good understanding of grammar and syntax - Ability to meet deadlines Experience: - Prior translation or content writing experience is a plus but not mandatory - Experience with part-time jobs...
...share on social media, allowing clients to book directly. 14-18. Portfolio Pages • Portfolio Page: A collection of an artist’s best work. • Portfolio Full View Page: Enlarged view of a portfolio piece. • Portfolio Comment Page: Users can comment on specific tattoo works. • Portfolio Like Page: Clients can “like” and engage with artist work. • Work History Page: A record of previous tattoo jobs with images. 19. Rate the App Page • A prompt encouraging artists to leave feedback on the app. 20. Report a Bug Page • Artists can submit bug reports directly to the development team. 21. Notification Page • Artists receive alerts for new bookings, counteroffers, chat messages, and completed payments. 22. Logout Page &...
Seeking a dedicated and detail-oriented Filipino individual to assist with job applications and data entry. Key Responsibilities: - Apply to jobs on various platforms on behalf of clients, including LinkedIn, , etc - Modify resumes as needed to suit job applications - Communicate with team members via Slack - Attend bi-weekly meetings on Google Meet Working Conditions: - Minimum 4-hour work days, Monday to Saturday - Afternoon to evening commitments, time varies - Basic salary of $100 per month Ideal Skills: - Strong attention to detail, ensuring every application and resume modification is precise - Familiarity with job sites, particularly LinkedIn and - Excellent communication skills for team collaboration - Previous experience in data entry or job application assistance
I'm looking for a designer to create a classic and elegant diamond-shaped poster for Apponix Academy. Key elements to include: - Apponix Academy logo - Text: "INTERNSHIPS, JOBS, PLACEMENTS, PROJECTS" - Location: Hubballi - Contact Number: 9090909090 Design specifications: - Dimension: 18 inch * 18 inch - Color scheme: blue and white combination - Style: Classic and elegant - Incorporation of relevant icons: Please subtly include icons related to internships and jobs. Ideal candidates should have a strong portfolio in classic and elegant designs, with experience in creating engaging and informative posters.
Project Title: Professional Arabic-English Translator for Gulfood Exhibition 2025 Event Dates: February 17-21, 2025 Location: Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai, UAE Overview: V Ganesh Agro Foods Pvt. Ltd. is participating in the Gulfood Exhibition 2025 as an international broker of agro products, including spices, pulses, oil seeds, and dry fruits. To facilitate smooth communication with Arabic-speaking visitors, buyers, and suppliers, we are seeking a professional translator who is fluent in both Arabic and English. Key Responsibilities: Provide real-time translation between Arabic and English during business discussions. Assist in explaining our products and services to potential clients. Support in interpreting negotiations, inquiries, and trade discussions. Help in translating d...