Executing batch commandlavori


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2,000 executing batch command lavori trovati

...challenge traditional financial systems. Its unique features—decentralization, immutability, and scarcity (with a capped supply of 21 million coins)—laid the foundation for a new asset class. Following Bitcoin’s success, alternative cryptocurrencies, or “altcoins,” began to emerge. Ethereum, launched in 2015, expanded the possibilities of blockchain technology by introducing smart contracts—self-executing contracts that automate agreements without intermediaries. This innovation paved the way for decentralized applications (dApps) and tokenized ecosystems. How Cryptocurrencies Work At the core of every cryptocurrency lies blockchain technology. A blockchain is a decentralized ledger that records transactions across a network of computers. Ea...

€212 Average bid
€212 Offerta media
1 offerte

...that send more or less 1 xml every 2sec. Here my code: $listen_port = $this->cameraPort; $sock = socket_create_listen($listen_port); if ($sock === false) { $errorcode = socket_last_error(); $errormsg = socket_strerror($errorcode); $this->logger->error($this->logPrefix . "Couldn't create socket: [$errorcode] $errormsg"); return Command::FAILURE; } socket_getsockname($sock, $addr, $port); $this->logger->warning($this->logPrefix . "Server Listening on $addr:$port"); while ($c = socket_accept($sock)) { $this->logger->warning($this->logPrefix . "Socket Open"); $buffer = ""; ...

€133 Average bid
€133 Offerta media
7 offerte

...manufacturing. The candidate must possess: Interpret real-time from Italian/English and English/Italian during video conferences and phone meetings Translate emails, correspondence, and other related documents as needed Support team in outreach and communication with existing contacts as required Preferable if you are a lover of the fashion business, but not required! Preferable if candidate has command of other languages such as French, Spanish or Portuguese. Preferable if you enjoy a fast-paced and tight-knit working environment, where advancement and growth are based on results and merit. Remote work. Flexible time and place of work. Note: This position is freelance basis. No dependent contract. Compensation starts at 3,000 euros per month, based on experience a...

€3083 Average bid
€3083 Offerta media
5 offerte

Paul Gascoigne Gabriel Batistuta Roger Milla Wayne Rooney Francesco Totti Thierry Henry Adriano Miroslav Klose Alessandro Del Piero Juan Riquelme

€247 Average bid
€247 Offerta media
1 offerte

...ottimizzare la manutenzione preventiva, ad oggi nel campo della refrigerazione. Attualmente, abbiamo completato lo sviluppo dell'algoritmo e ora stiamo cercando un professionista informatico per aiutarci ad implementare alcune funzionalità chiave. Questa figura informatica sarà responsabile di: - Implementazione di batch per il reperimento dei dati: Abbiamo bisogno che il professionista sia in grado di recuperare i dati da sistemi di telegestione esterni tramite processi batch. Questo aiuterà ad aggiornare costantemente il nostro algoritmo con i dati più recenti per migliorare l'accuratezza delle previsioni. - Gestione del flusso di dati in tempo reale: È fondamentale che il professionista abbia esperienza nella gestione dei ...

€15 / hr Average bid
€15 / hr Offerta media
5 offerte
Crypto currency
Terminato left

...solving complex mathematical puzzles, ensuring the security of the network. Diverse Cryptocurrency Ecosystem Since Bitcoin's inception, thousands of alternative cryptocurrencies, often referred to as "altcoins," have emerged. These include Ethereum, Ripple (XRP), Litecoin, and many more, each with its unique features and use cases. Ethereum, for instance, introduced "smart contracts," self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. This innovation has paved the way for decentralized applications (DApps) and decentralized finance (DeFi), creating a new paradigm in finance and technology. Ripple focuses on facilitating cross-border payments for financial institutions, aiming to make international money transfers fast...

€19 / hr Average bid
€19 / hr Offerta media
1 offerte

Sono alla ricerca di un programmatore cone esperienza su Magento 2 per aggiungre una funzionalità backend: Modifica in batch delle quantità dei prodotti con source custom.

€564 Average bid
€564 Offerta media
5 offerte

Ciao gsala81, avrei la necessità di un batch che esporti i prodotti in magazzino gestito da Danea EasyFatt e li invii ad un batch dovrà essere schedulato e non deve essere invasivo lato software

€241 Average bid
€241 Offerta media
1 offerte

Semplice applicazione Windows/desktop per estrarre da un database SQL ricevute fiscali emesse con un software gestionale preesistente ed inviarle ad un cash register “telematico” per stampare uno scontrino fiscale per ciascuna di esse. Il RDBMS è Sybase ASA 8, con accesso via ODBC o JDBC. Le periferiche (registratore di cassa o stampante fiscale) sono prodotti Custom/Fasy, per le quali sono disponibili librerie, SDKs e tools software per eseguire simulazioni e test delle applicazioni; Si utilizzano protocolli OPOS per .net o JavaPOS. L’applicazione potrà essere sviluppata per .net (C# o VB) oppure Java SDK 6.45 L’applicazione dovrebbe avere una semplice interfaccia con: pulsanti “Start” e “Exit”; led “status”: cond...

€180 Average bid
€180 Offerta media
6 offerte

AF-CRM: starting from an admin template, brunette, of bootstrap4. customize if possible, with node js and mongodb. login, user and privileges such as modules to use, horizontal menu, 1 personal data, a company, an historical archive of the contacts occurred, example, made, email, visits, etc., on the command line have forms, email, tel voip, tel whatsapp, video conference zoom, chat, two buttons to see the front end, in front, or crud form. various archives, and a standart horizontal line with all options, edit, insert, delete, archive, print etcc. 1 module for importing and exporting databases, in personal and company records. in the form form authorized person login and user, having connected a form where activated or not the preferences of which modules can access and see in the ...

€568 Average bid
€568 Offerta media
7 offerte
Terminato left


€256 Average bid
€256 Offerta media
6 offerte

Il cliente richiede la migrazione del sistema di posta elettronica attualmente basato su Multiux di Telecom. Le cassette di posta da migrare sono circa 140, con una dimensione totale di circa 500 Gb. Durante la fase di migrazione verranno migrate le mail attraverso i batch di migrazione di Office 365 e manualmente con i .pst. La migrazione sarà gestita in una prima fase nella quale verrà migrato tutto il contenuto di tutte le mailbox e successivamente verrano eseguiti nuovamente i batch per migrare solo il delta. Nel frattempo verrà configurato un forward dalle cassette postali telecom verso O365 in modo da consentire agli utenti di iniziare ad utilizzare il nuovo sistema di posta. Per la migrazione ad Exchange verrà utilizzato il ...

€1134 Average bid
€1134 Offerta media
3 offerte

Obiettivo: Verificare che un anagramma di una stringa sia contenuto in un’altra stringa. Task: Preparare uno script a command-line che accetti in input 2 stringhe, che controlli se una stringa A sia un qualsiasi anagramma contenuto in una stringa B e che stampi a video “vero” o “falso” in base al risultato del confronto. Esempio: Date due stringhe A = "abc" e B = "itookablackcab" lo script stamperà a video "vero", poiché anagrammando A si può trovare una occorrenza di "cab" nella stringa B. Assumi che: - Il codice sia sviluppato in PHP. - A sia una stringa di lunghezza massima di 1024 caratteri. - B sia una stringa di lunghezza massima di 1024 caratteri. - Non ci siano ...

€30 Average bid
€30 Offerta media
12 offerte
Semplice batch
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Avrei bisogno di una batch dos: all'interno di un loop si controlla se una determinata stringa presente in una pagina è diversa da quella contenuta in locale se fosse diversa 1. aggiorna quella presente nel file locale 2. chiude un eseguibile .exe 3. riapre l'eseguibile passando la stringa presente nel file locale Questo è solo un semplice batch che mi servirebbe , poi vi saranno altri lavori collegati allo stesso.

€45 Average bid
€45 Offerta media
1 offerte
Write some Software
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esperti di linux command line bash wget e tor (torify) mi serve una dritta e sono disposto a pagare in privato per i dettagli

€104 Average bid
€104 Offerta media
1 offerte

I realyzed some electronic devices to use into building automation: I need an Android App witch must connect itself to a wifi net for sending and receiving some TCP/IP packets to/from devices. The application is composed by some screen where is possible to select the right function( temperature, lighting, automation, allarms...) and by some buttons for send command and icones forviewing the real state of the system. The application must record the system and modules configuration inside an internal database.

€785 Average bid
€785 Offerta media
13 offerte
€24 Offerta media
3 offerte
command dll
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Salve , devo trovare il modo di gestire i dati per una API che mi hanno fornito, non riesco a capire come formattare alcuni comandi

€8 - €28
€8 - €28
0 offerte

Scopo Sviluppo di un software specifico per importare ...e scrittura dati su DB Mysql in modalità transazionale • Realizzare viste DB basate su query di media complessità • Parsare file e cartelle ricavando nomi cartelle, file e metadati • Copiare, spostare eliminare file  • Creare applicazioni web con sistema di autenticazione (login) • Realizzare un'interfaccia web pulita da bozzetto fornito • Realizzazione processi batch lato server per specifiche funzioni batch • Utilizzo base del sistema di gestione del codice sorgente GIT Requisiti di progetto • Patto di riservatezza e non concorrenza • Richiesta proprietà del software e del codice sorgente Il lavoro verrà commiss...

€2119 Average bid
€2119 Offerta media
3 offerte

Scopo Sviluppo di un software specifico per importare ...e scrittura dati su DB Mysql in modalità transazionale • Realizzare viste DB basate su query di media complessità • Parsare file e cartelle ricavando nomi cartelle, file e metadati • Copiare, spostare eliminare file  • Creare applicazioni web con sistema di autenticazione (login) • Realizzare un'interfaccia web pulita da bozzetto fornito • Realizzazione processi batch lato server per specifiche funzioni batch • Utilizzo base del sistema di gestione del codice sorgente GIT Requisiti di progetto • Patto di riservatezza e non concorrenza • Richiesta proprietà del software e del codice sorgente Il lavoro verrà commiss...

€1416 - €2831
In primo piano Sigillata
€1416 - €2831
27 offerte

We're looking for an experienced marketing specialist to join our team full-time. In this long-term role, you'll be responsible for: • Developing and executing innovative marketing campaigns • Managing Google SEO efforts • Creating and overseeing engaging blog content • Running Instagram and LinkedIn campaigns • Formulating new marketing strategies to boost our online presence Ideal Candidate: • Proven track record in digital marketing • Expertise in SEO, content creation, and social media management • Ability to work independently and as part of a team • Strategic thinker with up-to-date knowledge of marketing trends Budget & Application: Compensation is open and will be determined based on the candidate's experienc...

€7317 Average bid
€7317 Offerta media
10 offerte

I'm seeking a skilled and experienced copywriter who specializes in crafting product descriptions for high-end home goods. The ideal candidate should have a knack for writing in a luxury and high-end tone, making ordinary products ...goods. The ideal candidate should have a knack for writing in a luxury and high-end tone, making ordinary products sound extraordinary. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in writing product descriptions, particularly for home goods - Strong understanding of luxury branding and high-end marketing - Ability to convey product features and benefits in an engaging and persuasive manner - Excellent command of the English language with impeccable grammar and spelling - Skills in SEO and understanding of how to incorporate keywords naturally into produ...

€16 / hr Average bid
€16 / hr Offerta media
10 offerte

I'm looking for a skilled engineer or technician to design and build a servo-operated ...looking for a skilled engineer or technician to design and build a servo-operated funnel dispenser that handles medium-sized seeds, like sunflower or pumpkin seeds. With a remote controller. The dispenser should be capable of dispensing less than 1 lb. per batch, and must be as lightweight material as possible, as it will be attached to a drone to seed crops. It doesn't need to be too sturdy or bulky, very lightweight. Key requirements: - Experience with servo motors and dispensers would be great - Capacity to design for less than 1 lb. per batch I will add a photo of a similar I'd like to have made. *This is something I need built and shipped to me* Please provide you...

€73 Average bid
€73 Offerta media
12 offerte

I'm looking for a proficient web designer and online marketer to build an engaging E-commerce website for my business. The site should facilitate customer interaction, display customer reviews, ...attractive E-commerce website - Incorporating essential features such as customer reviews, payment gateway integration, product search functionality, and customer interaction - Implementing comprehensive online marketing strategies, specifically focused on Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, and SEO Ideal candidates should possess: - High proficiency in web design and online marketing - Excellent command of English for effective communication - A portfolio of previous E-commerce projects - Knowledge of SEO and social media strategies - Ability to create engaging content for our ...

€35 Average bid
€35 Offerta media
13 offerte

I need a freelancer to help with text updates on my website. Pay will be 5$. Apply who is willing to do a small task in this budget. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in content management systems - Excellent attention to detail - Good command of English for editing purposes - Experience in website content updates

€4 / hr Average bid
€4 / hr Offerta media
21 offerte

I'm in need of a skilled content writer to help create engaging and informative content for my website's home page. The primary goal of this content will be to inform visitors about our services and company. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proven experience in website content writing. - Strong command over English with the ability to write in an engaging and informative style. - Understanding of how to write for website visitors.

€5 / hr Average bid
€5 / hr Offerta media
40 offerte

I'm looking for a competent software developer who can cre...GPU miner software for the kHeavyHash algorithm. This software should be compatible with mining all coins that support this algorithm. Key Requirements: - The software must run on Windows operating system. - It should feature a command-line interface (CLI). I prefer a no-frills, straightforward interface focused on performance. - The software needs to support both NVIDIA and AMD GPU brands. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in software development, particularly for mining software. - In-depth understanding of the kHeavyHash algorithm. - Experience with creating command-line interface software. - Knowledge and experience with both NVIDIA and AMD GPUs. If you have the requisite skills and experience, I would love...

€78 Average bid
€78 Offerta media
2 offerte

...via Webhook or polling. Handle commands /start, Registration, Finish, and responses to registration steps. Send a Welcome Message: Upon receiving the /start command, send: text Перенос Копировать Hello! ?nnI am the dispatcher bot of the Phygital Sports Federation.nSend 'Registration' to start the event registration process.nnData will be saved to the table: [Link to table]() Module: "Telegram - Send a Text Message or a Reply" with a filter for {{}} = "/start". Manage the Registration Process: After the Registration command, initiate a step-by-step data collection process (8 steps). Store intermediate data in a Data Store using {{}} as the unique key

€29 Average bid
€29 Offerta media
2 offerte

I'm looking for a professional writer to help me pen a Self-help book targeted at adults. This book will be in the non-fiction genre. Ideal skills for this project include: - Expertise in writing self-help books or similar non-fiction works - Deep understanding of adult issues and intere...writer to help me pen a Self-help book targeted at adults. This book will be in the non-fiction genre. Ideal skills for this project include: - Expertise in writing self-help books or similar non-fiction works - Deep understanding of adult issues and interests - Ability to convey complex ideas in an engaging and accessible way - Strong storytelling skills to keep readers interested - Excellent command of English and grammar Please provide samples of your previous work in the self-help genr...

€210 Average bid
€210 Offerta media
7 offerte

Midjourney expert needed for ongoing art creation. Looking for sophisticated fine art pieces with depth and uniqueness - not generic AI art. Must deliver: - Conceptually rich compositions - Textural depth that prints well - Atmospheric quality and thoughtful color - Work that invites contemplation - Original visual approach This is ongoing work paid per 50-image batch. Show me your portfolio first - need to see your best Midjourney work before discussing details

€469 Average bid
€469 Offerta media
4 offerte

...on-premises servers). 3. Application Logic & Automation You need a system to: Pull data from your database & LinkedIn API Feed relevant details into an AI model Generate personalized paragraphs Insert AI-generated content into email templates How to build it: Backend: Python-based API (FastAPI, Flask, or Django) AI Integration: OpenAI API, Hugging Face, or local fine-tuned models Scheduler: Celery (for batch processing) or event-driven workflows Storage & Caching: Redis for fast lookups 4. Frontend (Optional) If you want a UI to manage this system: Dashboard: React or Vue.js Input/Output Interface: Allow users to: Upload a list of recipients Review AI-generated emails before sending Edit & approve content Integration with CRM/Email Platforms: Connect with HubSpo...

€3069 Average bid
€3069 Offerta media
40 offerte

I'm seeking a talented poet to craft a limerick and a haiku for me. The theme should be humor, suitable for a general audience. Key Requirements: - Creativity: You are free to express your creativity and not limited to specific keywords or phrases. - Poetic Skills: You should have a strong command of English and an ability to write engaging and humorous poetry. - Understanding of Audience: Your work should appeal to a general audience, not just children or adults. Ideal candidates would have previous experience writing poetry and a portfolio demonstrating your creativity and understanding of humor.

€19 Average bid
€19 Offerta media
42 offerte

I need an article on Proptech and REIT edited and rewritten. The ideal tone of the rewritten piece should be professional. There are certain elements that are critical to keep unchanged in the article. Key Requirements: - Edit and rewrite the article while maintaining the core message...rewrite the article while maintaining the core message and specific terminology. - The article needs to reflect a shift from traditional development methods in Pakistan to a more innovative approach. Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in article editing and rewriting, especially in the realm of Proptech and REIT. - Strong understanding of the real estate industry and Proptech. - Excellent command of professional tone and style. - Attention to detail in preserving key elements of the origina...

€105 Average bid
€105 Offerta media
7 offerte
Meme Coin Trading Bot Development
5 giorni left

AI Trading Bot for Meme Coins Using Grok AI – Description: I am looking for an experienced AI developer and crypto trader to create an automated meme coin trading bot using Grok AI. The bot should be capable of executing trades based on premium indicators, sentiment analysis, and real-time market trends. Key Requirements: AI Integration: Use Grok AI for market analysis and decision-making. Trading Strategy: Execute trades based on real-time price action, volume spikes, and AI-driven sentiment analysis. Security Measures: Implement API key security, stop-loss, and risk management features. Testing Phase: The bot will undergo a testing period before the final payment is made to ensure its effectiveness. Ideal Candidate: Experience in AI trading bot development. Knowle...

€520 Average bid
€520 Offerta media
36 offerte

I need a professional copywriter to refine and humanize product descriptions generated by ChatGPT. The descriptions need to be tailored for retailers and should reflect accuracy, appropriate language and structure. You will be responsible for: - Adapting the language to a professional tone suitable for retailer...retailers and should reflect accuracy, appropriate language and structure. You will be responsible for: - Adapting the language to a professional tone suitable for retailers - Refining the structure for clarity and flow - Ensuring content accuracy to maintain product integrity Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience in copywriting - Familiarity with product description writing - Excellent command of professional language - Strong attention to detail for conten...

€19 Average bid
€19 Offerta media
95 offerte

...prediction game called "Bitcoin Price Snap." In this game, users will predict Bitcoin's exact price. Key Requirements: - Proven experience with crypto projects, particularly working with APIs and Bitcoin payments. - A solid portfolio showcasing responsive and dynamic websites. - Knowledge of X ad integration is a plus. Skills Needed: - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. - Strong command of PHP or Node.js. - Experience with MySQL or Firebase. - Demonstrated ability in API Integration, particularly with CoinGecko and Coinbase Commerce/BitPay. - Expertise in Responsive Design. - Proficient in Google Analytics (GA4). - Solid understanding of Crypto and Blockchain. . User Authentication: - Users should be able to log into the site using a st...

€2149 Average bid
€2149 Offerta media
71 offerte

I have a small batch of product images (1-10) that need their backgrounds removed and made transparent. The images have simple details, so the task should be straightforward. Ideal freelancer skills: - Proficiency in image editing software (e.g., Photoshop) - Experience with background removal - Attention to detail - Ability to deliver high-quality, transparent images

€23 Average bid
€23 Offerta media
77 offerte
TikTok Content Creator Needed
5 giorni left

...TikTok account. The ideal candidate should have experience in creating engaging and entertaining content that can boost my account's visibility and follower count. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and create unique and engaging TikTok content - Strategize on how to increase followers and engagement The ideal freelancer for this project should be: - A native English speaker or have exceptional command over English - Familiar with TikTok trends and culture - Creative and able to think outside the box - Experienced in social media marketing and content creation - Based in the USA Please note that the content should primarily aim at entertaining the audience, with the ultimate goal of growing my follower base. If you believe you have the requisite skills and experience, I loo...

€119 Average bid
€119 Offerta media
31 offerte

I'm seeking a skilled copywriter to create engaging and persuasive marketing content for my email campaigns. The focus is on promoting a 'creation mindset' and fostering understanding among our audience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in writing marketing copy, particularly for email campaigns. - Understanding of ...create engaging and persuasive marketing content for my email campaigns. The focus is on promoting a 'creation mindset' and fostering understanding among our audience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in writing marketing copy, particularly for email campaigns. - Understanding of the 'creation mindset' concept. - Excellent understanding of audience engagement strategies. - Strong command of written ...

€18 Average bid
€18 Offerta media
42 offerte

I'm seeking a skilled Portuguese translator with expertise in legal terminology for translating a series of PDF documents. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Portuguese, with exceptional command of legal English. - Experience in translating legal documents. - Able to accurately translate content from PDF formats. Your bid will be considered based on your relevant experience and expertise.

€379 Average bid
€379 Offerta media
24 offerte

I'm looking for a seasoned data engineer with extensive experience in batch processing and data ingestion. Your main responsibilities will involve utilizing PostgreSQL, Python, and Google Cloud Platform to fetch data from various sources including APIs, flat files (CSV, Excel), and databases. A significant part of the job will also require you to perform data cleaning and data aggregation. Key Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in PostgreSQL and Python - Extensive experience with data fetching through APIs - Familiarity with Google Cloud Platform - Experience dealing with Flat files (CSV, Excel) and Databases - Strong skills in data cleaning and data aggregation - Experience with Geospatial data (PostGIS, QGIS, rasterio) is a plus

€26 / hr Average bid
€26 / hr Offerta media
68 offerte

...my sales. Specific Goals: - Increase organic traffic to my store SEO Areas of Focus: - Keyword optimization - Product listing improvements - Competitor analysis Brand Campaigns: - Sponsored Products Ads - Sponsored Brands Ads Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with Amazon SEO - Expertise in keyword optimization and product listing - Competitor analysis skills - Experience with planning and executing brand campaigns on Amazon If you can help me boost my revenue, let’s chat! I’ve shared a Brand Store on Amazon with you.

€17 / hr Average bid
€17 / hr Offerta media
48 offerte
HTML+CSS object template
5 giorni left

I ..."body" ... into local style because are already defined) First: two parallel boxes of the same current size () Second: Calendar () You can see into my DEV environment. Source code is full available. All "class" objects must be removed, using only STYLE command for each "DIV", "SECTION", "SPAN", ... All stylesheet link must be removed,, using only STYLE command for each "DIV", "SECTION", "SPAN", ... No svg images (only JPG or PNG) No placeholders: we don't waste time providing a lower rate and then raising it. The requirements are clear. No upfront. No payment before successful completion of all tests. Source-code required for test Unnecessary images, files, libraries, ... must be ...

€26 Average bid
€26 Offerta media
69 offerte

I'm looking for an experienced web designer who can create a stunning portfolio site using the Gurus theme from Themeforest. The ideal candidate should be proficient in Elementor and able to replicate a provided Canva template. Key Responsibilities: - Design and develop a full-fledged portfolio site with the sections: About Me, Project Showcase, and Contact Form....specific brand colors and design preferences into the site. Skills Required: - Proven experience in web design, specifically with WordPress and Elementor. - Familiarity with the Gurus theme from Themeforest. - Ability to interpret and implement a Canva template into a website. - Strong understanding of color theory and design aesthetics. - Excellent communication skills for understanding and executing specific desi...

€57 Average bid
€57 Offerta media
56 offerte

I'm looking to hire a seasoned CodeIgniter expert to assist with uploading JPEG/PNG image files t...CodeIgniter expert to assist with uploading JPEG/PNG image files to a CodeIgniter developed website. The project may also require an assessment and potential optimization of the images for improved website performance. Key Responsibilities: - Uploading graphic design files to specified locations within the CodeIgniter website: . - Assessing image files for optimization potential and executing necessary enhancements. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven expertise in CodeIgniter - Experience with image file handling and optimization - Good understanding of website performance metrics and requirements Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your pr...

€29 Average bid
€29 Offerta media
51 offerte

We are seeking a detail-oriented freelancer to proofread localized content for our mobile app in French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish. The ideal candidate will ensure that the translations are accurate, culturally relevant, and free of errors. Previous experience in mobile app localization and a strong command of the specified languages are essential. This role involves closely collaborating with our localization team to enhance the overall user experience for our global audience.

€379 Average bid
€379 Offerta media
17 offerte

I'm in need of a specialized trading bot for the TWS platform. The bot will be focusing on implementing an Opening Range Breakout strategy within the US stock market. Key Requirements: - The trading bot should be capable of executing automated buy/sell orders based on the strategy parameters. - The bot will exclusively trade stocks, so it must be tailored for this asset class. Ideal Freelancer: - A trader with deep understanding of the Opening Range Breakout strategy. - Experience in developing trading bots for Interactive Brokers' TWS platform is mandatory. - Proficiency in automating buy/sell orders is crucial. - Knowledge of the US stock market trends and patterns is a plus. I will offer the trading strategy.

€128 Average bid
€128 Offerta media
18 offerte