Esp32 ir sendlavori
Il mio progetto consiste nel controllare tramite un modulo ESP32 DEVKIT V1 un motore brushless. Sul modulo ESP32 ci sono montati due pulsanti, uno sul pin 18 per aumentare la velocità del motore, l'altro sul pin 19 per diminuire la velocità del motore. Il motore è collegato ad un ESC il quale è collegato tramite il pin 9 ad una arduino UNO. Sulla arduino UNO è inoltre montato (pin RX e TX) un modulo HC-06 (indirizzo mac: 98:D3:31:FD:2D:B5 , pin: "1234"). Obbiettivo è quello di avere i codici (uno per ESP32 e l'altro per Arduino UNO) che mi permettano di collegare l'ESP32 all'HC-06, di poter inviare segnali di aumento e diminuzione di velocità al motore. Nella posizione iniziale il motore dov...
...numero di accessi rimanenti: Accessi zero: LED rosso e suono lungo. Accessi disponibili: LED verde e doppio suono corto. Specifiche tecniche: Protocollo di comunicazione: MQTT o altri su valutazione Dispositivi di Interfaccia: NFC Feedback visivo: LED (Rosso/Verde) Feedback sonoro: Suono lungo e doppio suono corto Controller: Client: Lettori NFC: MF RC522 Buzzer: Obiettivi: Creazione interfaccia per il controller Facilitare la gestione centralizzata dei dispositivi connessi.
...è collegato ad Arduino Nano Esp32 - QMC5883L comunica con Arduino Nano Esp32 via I2C - QMC5883L deve misurare in continuo le tre componenti di campo geomagnetico (almeno 2 misure al secondo, frequenza deve essere personalizzabile), e confrontare la lettura attuale con quella precedente, per vedere se vi sono variazioni di campo oltre una soglia da impostare - Mentre QMC5883L misura, Arduino Nano Esp32 deve rimanere in deep sleep - Se e solo se viene rilevata una variazione oltre la soglia impostata, allora Arduino Nano Esp32 deve ricevere segnale di wake up, stampare su schermo le componenti del campo appena lette e tornare subito in deep sleep. - Una volta tornato in deep sleep, QMC5883L ricomincia a misurare Dovendo il sensore misurare mentre Arduino...
Salve alespitfire, Avrei necessità di finire un progetto basato su esp32 per il controllo di un motore stepper nema 17 che dovrà girare indipendentemente da tutto in background. Un display LCD 2.4" ILI9341 (o similari) con visualizzazione di dati provenienti da sensore di pressione i2c, due schede HX711 che dovranno rilevare la flessione sull'asse motore e l'altro dovrà rilevare un valore limite di sicurezza sul telaio dove è fossata la cella di carico corrispondente. Sensore di hall e BT.
Salve Paolo, Avrei necessità di finire un progetto basato su esp32 per il controllo di un motore stepper nema 17 che dovrà girare indipendentemente da tutto in background. Un display LCD 2.4" ILI9341 (o similari) con visualizzazione di dati provenienti da sensore di pressione i2c, due schede HX711 che dovranno rilevare la flessione sull'asse motore e l'altro dovrà rilevare un valore limite di sicurezza sul telaio dove è fossata la cella di carico corrispondente. Sensore di hall e BT.
Ho bisogno di un software che scatta una foto con ESP32 CAM e la invia attraverso sim800 in FTP su un server cloud gia' in mio possesso. Grazie.
Ciao Michele, per questioni di velocità avvio app (no piu' boot time) dovrei passare dalla piattaforma raspberry pi ad un microcontroller piu' veloce nelle fasi di avvio App. Dovrei far eseguire il miei script già in Python 3.7 in micropython . In Python 3.7 uso la semplice e ottima libreria minimalmodbus (sempl...Michele, per questioni di velocità avvio app (no piu' boot time) dovrei passare dalla piattaforma raspberry pi ad un microcontroller piu' veloce nelle fasi di avvio App. Dovrei far eseguire il miei script già in Python 3.7 in micropython . In Python 3.7 uso la semplice e ottima libreria minimalmodbus (semplice lettura e scrittura di registri). Se possibile vorrei eseguirlo in micropython su ESP32. Se ci sei ci possiamo...
cerco qualcuno che sappia interfacciare il nextion con l esp32 e che sappia quindi crearmi una grafica di visualizzazione dei dati ricevuti dai sensori e poi serve la creazione delle pagine per il setting delle impostazioni che comandano le azioni per modificare i valori ecc ecc ..
Inserisco un'immagine per descrivere meglio il progetto. () Si tratta di un Effetto Audio da inserire negli Insert Audio del DAW. Ogni punto rappresentato corrisponde ad un diverso IR (Impulse Response) in formato wave. Deve essere MONO In (somma canale destro e sinistro) e STEREO Out (Processato dall'IR). Cliccando su ogni "puntino" si avrà la possibilità di Scegliere l'IR. I file wave devono essere assolutamente inaccessibili ad di fuori del VST Per il lavoro finito fornirò la grafica da inserire appena avrò certezza che si potrà fare il tutto. Per altre informazioni chiedetemi pure. Grazie
La finalità del progetto consiste nella realizzazione di un sistema di lettura sensore livello acqua di una vasca , temperatura con Esp 32 e trasmettere dati con protocollo LoRawan ad un altro Esp32 , il secondo dovrebbe trasmettere i dati a sua volta ad una Raspberry che farà da webserver .Sulla rasperry ci deve essere pagina internet con grafici e storici interpellabili da remoto.
Salve a tutti, uso un wemos d1 mini con un sensore di temperatura dht22 e un led ir. Ho creato uno sketch che legge la temperatura e invia i dati al mio database firebase. Ho poi creato delle funzioni che in base alla temperatura letta, viene trasmesso un codice ir al mio condizionatore. Il problema è che dopo qualche ora si blocca anche se in realtà continua ad inviare i dati del sensore temperatura, quando alzo o abbasso la temperatura non viene inviato il codice ir. Qualcuno puo' aiutarmi a capire se ho commesso qualche errore? Grazie. Allego lo sketch sotto.
Salve a tutti, uso un wemos d1 mini con un sensore di temperatura dht22 e un led ir. Ho creato uno sketch che legge la temperatura e invia i dati al mio database firebase. Ho poi creato delle funzioni che in base alla temperatura letta, viene trasmesso un codice ir al mio condizionatore. Il problema è che dopo qualche ora si blocca anche se in realtà continua ad inviare i dati del sensore temperatura, quando alzo o abbasso la temperatura non viene inviato il codice ir. Qualcuno puo' aiutarmi a capire se ho commesso qualche errore? Grazie. Allego lo sketch sotto.
Devo aggiornare lo sketch di molti dispositivi ESP32 sparsi in varie località remote, ciascuno è collegato ad una rete wifi locale. grazie mille
I'm looking for an expert who can assist me with a project involving an ESP32 and SIM800L. The objective is to push SMS to the cloud and store them in a MySQL database. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in working with ESP32 and SIM800L - Expertise in cloud computing and database management, specifically with MySQL - Ability to design and implement a system for real-time SMS storage Your role will be to ensure the system is efficient and reliable, with a clear focus on data integrity and security. Experience with similar projects would be a significant advantage.
I am looking for a talented developer with a strong background in programming the ESP32 microcontroller and implementing the Modbus protocol. The task involves writing code for the ESP32 that can effectively interface with an energy meter. The code should accurately and efficiently read and process data from the meter. Key Responsibilities: - Developing code in the Arduino IDE to control the ESP32. - Implementing Modbus protocol for communication with the energy meter. - Ensuring accurate data handling and communication. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Extensive experience with ESP32 programming, specifically in the Arduino IDE. - Strong understanding and previous experience with Modbus protocol. - Experience with data handling from energy meters is a plus. ...
...controllers to be added as required ) Project Requirements: Microcontroller: Arduino Nano (ATmega328P) Motor Driver: L293D (Dual H-Bridge) for controlling two DC motors Servo Motor Control: Two male header pins for connecting two servo motors Powered by 5V from the Arduino or external power Sensor Connectivity: One female header (4 pins) for an ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04) Two male header pins for IR sensors (typically 3-pin each: VCC, GND, OUT) Power Supply: 5V for Arduino Nano, Servo motors, and Sensors 9V/12V for DC motors (separate input) Connections: Arduino’s PWM & digital pins connected to L293D Screw terminals for motor connections Headers for easy access to I/O pins Voltage regulation (if needed) PCB Design Considerations: 2-layer PCB preferred Thick traces...
...for vehicle data acquisition - Experience with real-time data transmission in high-interference environments - Familiarity with UDP and TCP protocols for telemetry data transmission Preferred Qualifications: - Previous work experience in professional motorsport teams or racing technology companies - Knowledge of audio DSP techniques and their application in motorsports - Experience with ESP8266/ESP32 microcontrollers for Wi-Fi-enabled sensor systems - Familiarity with WAAPI (Wwise Authoring API) for external system communication The ideal candidate will bring a unique blend of audio expertise, telemetry knowledge, and wireless networking skills to push the boundaries of motorsport technology. If you're passionate about racing and have the technical prowess to revolutionize h...
I need a skilled developer to modify an existing GitHub project related ESPHome device for Home Assistant. The primary task is to change the connection method for an ESP32 from WiFi to Power over Ethernet (POE). The modifications should enable seamless integration with my specific POE module. The project will require: - Expertise in working with ESPHome and Home Assistant - Proficiency in modifying GitHub projects - Experience with POE connections and ESP32 devices - Ability to understand and adapt to specific hardware requirements The original project is located here: I am using the EST-POE-32 from here:
Estoy buscando un desarrollador que pueda crear un clon exacto de la página de inicio de sesión de Google. El clon debe estar hecho en HTML, CSS y JavaScript y debe replicar la versión actual de la página de inicio de sesión de Google. Características del proyecto: - El diseño debe ser idéntico al de la página de Google. - Debe tener la funcionalidad de validar correo y password con javascript e ir mostrando errores de ser necesarios ejemplo las imágenes adjuntas - No se requiere ninguna acción después de que el usuario inicie sesión; el sistema simplemente debe estar preparado para aceptar la entrada del usuario. - El clon debe ser completamente responsivo y adaptarse a diferentes tama&ntil...
Automate proces of handling incoming daily emails from *supplier* with attachement. When such an email contains an attached spreadsheet with price data, a copy of the spreadsheet should be made. In this copy, a **0.015 cent** markup should be applied to electricity prices and a **0.06 cent** markup to gas prices. The adjusted spreadsheet should then be automatically forwarded to the customer list. Zapier automation?
...looking for a skilled hardware developer to create a specialized hardware module featuring two cameras: one Infrared (IR) camera and one RGB camera. The primary goal of this module is to enable face recognition functionalities. Requirements: Develop a hardware module that supports USB connectivity for seamless integration with Android devices. The module must utilize Android's USB Video Class (UVC) to allow live streaming and camera feed from both IR and RGB cameras. Candidates may either reverse engineer a standard camera module or design a new module from scratch to meet the project specifications. Goal: The end objective is to effectively capture live streams from both the IR and RGB cameras for face recognition applications. If you have the expertise an...
to customise an existing lighting unto so they can be adapted for a different use. Currently the unit is a set of PCBs with standoff mounts. Penultimate layer contains a 15W rgbwauv LED and lens, Top layer holds the lens in place and contains an antenna and IR receiver. I want to investigate the feasibility and cost of replacing the body of the lamp with a 3D print, to move the battery to be remote, and to change to an array of LEDs so that the light is spread 180 degrees around the unit. I expect there will need to be an element of heat dissipation built in to the unit. This is, I believe, the manufacturer of the light unit.
...1 año) como el dinero neto que ha generado su embarcación con las reservas realizadas. - Podrá modificar fotos y precio del alquiler de la embarcación según temporada (Se le añadirá, una barra de “precio ideal” de reserva en la embarcación para orientar al propietario. - Podrá ver en el panel sus facturas generadas por cada alquiler de su embarcación. - Podrá elegir si su embarcación tiene que ir con patrón o no. El cliente: - Podrá registrarse en la web para poder alquilar la embarcación. - Podrá buscar por ubicación y fechas la embarcación que quiera reservar - Deberá de reservar a través de la web y se le bloquear&aacut...
I have a restAPI build in .net and I have implemented AWS SES and SNS for some reason i am not able to receive the message. My source code is working, but i think i may not be properly configuring my end. I need someone with aws account and have knowledge in net to be able to help me with this task is pleain simple review the SMS and email API to see how i set it nupa dn test them with their account and that way i am able to tell if my aws setup is the issue and assist me with it Must have a giyhub account Must have an aws account
>Registrati o accedi per visualizzare i dettagli.
...the load. A 2.54mm pitch is to be maintained for all pin pitches where feasible. An ESP32-S3-DevKitC will be mounted via berg strips. The board requires the following connectors: Three 4-pin I2C connectors (VCC, GND, SCL, SDA) for interfacing with DFRobot SEN0537 (), DFRobot SEN0488 (), and Sensirion SEN63C () sensors. One 2-pin connector for an external push button connected to GND and the RST pin. Three 3-pin connectors for One-Wire communication, connected to the ESP32 with integrated pull-up resistors. One 2-pin connector for a reed switch, connected to a digital pin on the ESP32 with an integrated pull-up resistor. On-board provision for a readily mountable RS485-to-TTL
I need a small webapplication (classic asp) with SQL database that has a form to enter receivers (name, address) to wich can be send automatic letters (with sql agent job) through email with letter in PDF based on a letter template. Or directly print the letter. Letter templates can also be changed, can contain pics, headers etc. The templates should also be saved in the database in html or other structure. T-sql code should be written in stored procedures. The GUI may be very basic.
...dual GC9A01 displays for an advanced animated eyes project using the ESP32-S3 microcontroller. The project involves creating smooth and seamless frame-by-frame animations for a pair of 240x240 pixel displays. The animations will be based on high-quality JPG frames, leveraging libraries such as LVGL, CircuitPython, and TJpg_Decoder. The key objectives include: Synchronization: Both displays need to be perfectly synced for consistent animations across the eyes. Web-based Control: Develop a WiFi-enabled control panel that allows users to connect via a hotspot and select animation modes through a web interface. Animation Modes: Support multiple animation modes, including static and dynamic frames, while optimizing for the ESP32-S3’s storage and performance capabilities...
I'm looking for an expert in ESP32 development to create a smart toy. The project involves integrating a speaker and a microphone with the ESP32. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with ESP32 - Strong understanding of Edge AI and open AI - Knowledge about speech to text and text to speech - Skills in integrating audio components - Knowledge of IoT principles - Good communication for project updates and discussions Please note, the specific functionalities of the smart toy are yet to be determined, so flexibility and creativity in design and functionality will be appreciated.
...E-commerce Shopify, webdizaino, marketingo ir reklamos outsourcing‘o įmonė Ambient Lounge ieško IT projektų vadybininko(-ės) nuotoliniam darbui. Kviečiame susisiekti su mumis, jei Tu: • Turi geras IT žinias, ir kompetenciją projektų valdyme; • Supranti kaip turi atrodyti šiuolaikinių interneto svetainių dizainas; • Turi gebėjimą paskirstyti užduotis ir koordinuoti jų atlikimą; • Turi puikus komunikavimo, bendradarbiavimo ir derybų vedimo įgūdžius; • Išmanai WORDPRESS, MS OFFICE, webdizainą, ERP sistemas, ir kitus standartinius įrankius; • Turi analitinį mąstymą, orientaciją į rezultatą, planavimo įgūdžius, atsakingumą, gebėjimą valdyti daug informacijos vienu metu; • Marketingo, reklamos ...
I'm in need of a PCB design tailored for a Maixduino. This board should accommodate an RJ11 connector, capable of controlling 4 DC motors and 1 servo motor, along with connections for 3 and 4 pin sensors. These sensors will include IR, LDR, humidity and temperature sensors, and ultrasonic sensors. Key Features: - Dual power input: The PCB should be designed to be powered by both an external power supply and a battery. - Versatile sensor compatibility: It should support 3 and 4 pin sensors. - Robotics centric: The primary application of this design is for robotics. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in PCB design - Proficient with Maixduino specifications - Familiarity with robotics and related components - Understanding of power management in PCB design - Exp...
...cada mundo ter seu boss para poder passar para o próximo mundo que o player tem que matar o Boss para poder passar para o próximo mundo liberar o floor sistema de PVP com os player sistema de 2x de poção sistema de 2x de forja sistema de 2x de sk e sistema de 2x de Lucky que é sorte cada Boss dropar itens raro deles sistema de coal que cada bosta que o play mata ele recebe uma quantidade de coal ir para cada pessoa poder comprar esses dois x ter uma quantidade de robux para poder comprar...
I'm experiencing an issue with my Android Studio project where the database connections won't initialize. I'm working on an app that communicates with an ESP32 and stores sensor data in the Firebase Realtime Database. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Android and iOS app development - Strong knowledge of Java and Android Studio - Experience with Firebase Realtime Database - Understanding of IoT and ESP32 - Problem-solving skills to diagnose and fix the database connection issue - Expertise in iOS app development using Swift. - Knowledge of setting up and managing Firebase security rules. The successful freelancer will help to troubleshoot and resolve the initialization issue, ensuring the app can properly connect to the Firebase database and store the sensor...
...a compact, double-layer PCB designed for a digital circuit. The project involves creating a Gerber file that is ready for printing, accommodating the given circuit diagram. The PCB should be small and compact, suitable for accommodating a digital circuit. The 2 ESP32, SIM800L, MAX 485 and ADS1115 will be mounted on a 2.54 mm pin female single-row header strip. All connectors will use 5 mm PCB terminals with standard 0.1” (2.54 mm) spacing through holes. Components Ref: ESP32 38Pin Development Board: Hi Link HLK-PM01 5V/10W: 2.54mm Pin Female Single Row Header Strip:
Replace the module Particle B524 with your own device that works with operator 1NCE, has OTA (over-the-air firmware update) functionality, transmits data via MQTT protocol to the cloud, and can flexibly integrate with other sensors. Project stages: Selection of hardware platform: It is recommended to use one of the options: ESP32 + Quectel BG96 (flexible solution with separate components). Nordic nRF9160 (modem and MCU in one chip, simpler integration). Development of schematic and PCB design: The board should include: Modem (Quectel or integrated in Nordic nRF9160). Microcontroller or integrated chip. eSIM or SIM card slot supporting operator 1NCE. Antennas for LTE-M/NB-IoT communication. Sensor connections via UART/I2C/SPI (depending on the task). Power interface considering pow...
I'm seeking an expert to convert some AVR ATMega 2560 code to be compatible with the ESP32. This code is primarily designed for controlling a serial device called Valentine 1 radar detector. Key Requirements: - Modify existing code from the provided GitHub repository [] to work with ESP32. - Enhance compatibility with Arduino IDE 2.x if possible. - Assist with the handling of serial packets. - Implementation of UART and rs232 communication protocols. The ideal freelancer for this project would have: - Extensive experience with both AVR ATMega 2560 and ESP32 microcontrollers. - Proficiency in Arduino IDE, particularly the 2.x version. - Strong background in working with serial devices. - Deep understanding of the UART and rs232 communication protocols. Please r...
...(productos y descripciones): El/la freelancer debe proponer los platillos y bebidas, así como la descripción de cada uno, inspirándose en la temática de Poseidon. No hay uso de imágenes de comida, pero se pueden incluir elementos gráficos o ilustraciones que refuercen el concepto marino o de fantasía, siempre que sean coherentes y creativos. Dos versiones: Versión para imprimir: un archivo listo para ir a imprenta (PDF en alta resolución, con márgenes y guías de corte). Versión digital: un formato optimizado para visualizar en dispositivos móviles, redes sociales o en el sitio web. Objetivo de la carta: Captar la atención e invitar a leer. Integrar toques de marketing para que la car...
*** OVERVIEW *** - Ten US dollars per hour. - One hour per day (or per night). - You will help me design, code, and develop an IoT product using MicroPython running on an ESP32 microchip. - You do *not* need any experience with microcontrollers, electronics, electrical engineering, mechatronics, Arduino, PCB, circuit design, or Python. - If prevents you from bidding on this project or if you want to avoid “spending” one of your Freelancer bids you can apply "passively” for this project by pasting "MicroPython_ESP32_11_September_2019" into your Freelancer profile. Please see the section below in this posting called *** APPLYING "PASSIVELY" *** for more information. *** LOCATION *** You must live the Western Balkans in ...
I am looking for an experienced firmware developer who can work with the ESP32 platform. This project involves creating firmware for an IoT device. It is small project with mostly completed developments. Key Responsibilities: - Implementing sensor data reading and processing - Enabling wireless communication via BLE - Overseeing battery management and monitoring Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with ESP32 - Proficiency in ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) - Skilled in Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication - Knowledgeable in Battery Management Systems (BMS) If you are a talented firmware developer with the necessary skills and experience, I would love to hear from you. please do not bid if you not from NCR or Delhi a small mixed-signal PCB using FLUX .ai. The primary function of this circuit will be for STM32 or ESP32. Key Requirements: - Proficient in designing mixed-signal circuits - Experienced with FLUX .ai - Capable of designing small PCBs Ideal Skills: - PCB design - Schematic creation - Signal processing expertise - FLUX .ai proficiency The PCB dimensions are flexible. The PCB should be designed to be USB-powered. Please prioritize the placement of essential components based on power and signal requirements. The PCB should support both analog and digital I/O connections. The PCB should be designed to fit a custom enclosure. The PCB should support high-speed operation for the STM32 or ESP32. The dimensions for the custom enclosure are flexible. The PCB should include...
Existing module. Able to work with ftp
I want customers to fill out a form and then it Will be sent to mailadresses i have in a database(mysql). For example 10-20 mailadresses.
Hola buen dia, comienzo una empresa de compra de mineros de bitcoin para ser enviados a Mexico, contacte a varios proveedores desde aqui...contacte a varios proveedores desde aqui pero no puedo validar que no sean estafadores por lo que requiero a una persona confiable que valide las transacciones con el siguiente esquema: 1- Ir al lugar del proveedor (De ser posible tomar fotos) 2-Verificar las especificaciones del producto a enviar asi como solicitar un papel o documento que indique todos los detalles del aparato. 3-En caso de ser solicitado hacer el envío. El punto 3 se omite si hay una forma de garantizar que el paquete sera enviado directo del proveedor visitado, la contratación o el pago seria por evento, es decir, cada vez que se solicite ir y validar e...
Generate python script to send information using the protocol: "wialon retranslator" Data is obtained from a mysql table IMPORTANT: AI has already been used. Someone who knows and can make corrections is required so that the data arrives correctly.
I need help with my IoT project. It involves the ESP8266/ESP32 platform and includes data logging and sensor integration functionalities. Please refer to this video link for details: I have all the necessary hardware, but I'm in need of the appropriate codes and schematics to get everything up and running. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficient in coding for the ESP8266/ESP32 platform - Experienced in IoT projects - Able to provide clear and understandable schematics - Knowledgeable in sensor integration and data logging functionalities.
I am seeking an experienced professional to help design and implement an ESP32-based lighting control system. The specifics of the project include: - Control: The type of lighting control is yet to be determined. It could be automatic, manual via remote, or manual via an app. - Environment: The lighting system could be used in either an indoor or outdoor setting, possibly both. Key skills and experience required: - Proficiency with ESP32 and lighting systems - Knowledge of various lighting control mechanisms - Experience with designing for both indoor and outdoor environments Please note that the exact features of the system, such as dimming capabilities, color changing, or motion sensors, are still open for discussion. Ideal candidates would be able to provide guidance a...
I'm looking for a video to be recorded showing two ESP32-CAM devices communicating via the Flibbert platform. The video will be used for tutorial purposes, so it's crucial to highlight specific interactions and to present the final product in a clear, engaging manner. The video should include: - Screen recording of using the Flibbert platform - Footage of the devices blinking - Emphasis on data exchange between the devices AssemblyScript code examples are on flibbert when you register a device. The final video should be delivered in MP4 format. Ideal candidates for this project should have experience with ESP32-CAM devices, video recording and editing, and clear understanding of tutorial content creation. The preferred video length is 5-10 minutes.
Hi, Im looking for a STM32 & ESP32 programmer located in/near HCMC as you might need to come over to our workshop sometimes for testing. We have a few custom made PCBs that needs to be programmed and tested. Experience working with CANopen, SPI, I2C, IR Remote Protocol, stepper motors , LoRa etc is a plus