Employment law jobslavori
...- Esperienza nella fatturazione elettronica - Capacità di lavorare con fogli di calcolo - Conoscenza del Sistema di Interscambio (SDI) - Competenze nello sviluppo software e ottimizzazione processi - Italiano fluente english as well Please do not bet it your are chinese or indian o any other asian freelance. Because this is very typical Italian tax request a knowledge about italian Income tax law is strongly necessary & I am not able to support myself as well on this issue even less a foreigner developer .Pls don't mind !...
We are looking for a skilled professional who can help us track down a stolen MacBook using its serial number and WiFi Mac. The individual must have expertise in digital tracking and be able to utilize advanced techniques to locate the stolen device...device. This job requires someone with excellent problem-solving skills and a deep understanding of computer networks and security. Responsibilities: - Use the serial number and WiFi Mac to track the stolen MacBook - Employ advanced techniques and tools to locate the device - Coordinate with law enforcement agencies, if necessary Skills: - Proficiency in digital tracking and computer network security - Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills - Knowledge of law enforcement protocols and procedure...
The goals of app is to create an mobile app for artisans to have a calendar plan of jobs to do, so the logic must be based on calendar input of jobs, task and register the task made. The very important priority and very important features is the fats navigation of calendar, see the plan and input. So it is necessary study an excellent solution (design, user friendly and fast navigation The app must have very few information because must be user friendly, but the code must have more information and detailed input because I want create more plans to sell. In this way I will have a simple version and other with more input detail. So by superdmin dashboard I can decide the information input and to see based on plan and based on client.
...notato il tuo profilo e mi piacerebbe proporti una collaborazione. Sto cercando un nuovo sviluppatore full stack da aggiungere allo staff dei programmatori di DettoFatto è un sistema di ticketing e comunicazione dedicato agli amministratori di condominio, i loro condomini, i loro fornitori. Lo skill set richiesto è il seguente: Backend: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, ActiveAdmin Cron Jobs: Ruby, Sidekiq Frontend: Telegram, JavaScript, NodeRED Cache: Redis Database: PostgreSQL Report: Carbone, Node.js Al progetto collabora già un senior full stack developer part-time, e il tuo lavoro sarà coordinato anche da lui. Dobbiamo sviluppare alcune nuove feature ( sprint ), oltre che fare manutenzione ordinaria e piccoli aggiustamenti. In particolare dobbiamo svilup...
...dell'Internet delle Cose (in inglese Internet of Things, IoT). La persona sarà incaricata di ricercare e valutare l'usabilità del sistema REALOGY IoT nel contesto del progetto ENABLE IoT, facilitare il processo di progettazione delle funzionalità, e sviluppare e documentare concetti innovativi. Collaborazione da remoto per work4equity e/o royalties. Maggiori info:
Cerco legal content writer italiano e inglese. Focus su diritto bancario e finanziario ___________________________________________________ I am looking for Italian and English legal content writers. Focus on banking and financial law
Cerchiamo un Digital Strategist che segua l'avvio di alcuni progetti global di nostro importante cliente. Puoi trovare i dettagli nella nostra pagina Career:
Cerco, per la mia azienda operante nel campo informatico, un avvocato/a residente a Roma e qualificato che possa occuparsi delle questioni legali di tipo civile conseguenti alla professione, soprattutto nelle aree di riscossione crediti, contratti di servizi professionali, rapporti di lavoro dipendente etc. Il compenso sara' pattuito forma oraria. This project requires a na...la mia azienda operante nel campo informatico, un avvocato/a residente a Roma e qualificato che possa occuparsi delle questioni legali di tipo civile conseguenti alla professione, soprattutto nelle aree di riscossione crediti, contratti di servizi professionali, rapporti di lavoro dipendente etc. Il compenso sara' pattuito forma oraria. This project requires a native Italian and a degree in a Law ...
...arrivare alla mente e allo spirito delle persone. Il tuo ruolo sarà aiutare a gestire i miei canali social e scrivere i copy per Mavericks, il campo d’addestramento per Imprenditori Esponenziali, un club privato che ho fondato nel 2019 e che conta centinaia di imprenditori e investitori da tutta Italia ed Europa. Se la cosa stuzzica il tuo interesse, puoi candidarti qui: →
We are a company that develops sports betting software, we have plans to develop a new software. We are looking for people experienced in programming, specifically a My Sequel server system engineer and a Php Programmer who has experience with the Laravel framework, for full time employment.
Cercasi esperto programmatore PHP, autonomo e in particolare con esperienza nell'integrazione su piattaforma Wordpress, per completre un progetto in ambito con creazione plug-in per WP e integrazione con esistente progetto tecnologico distribuito. Possibilità di sviluppo a task, sede di lavoro Roma. Inviare CV e contatti se interessati a: jobs@,
Siamo alla ricerca di un professionista per la realizzazione di plugin integrabili con i maggiori CMS in circolazione. Il plugin dovrà prevedere la possibilità di gestire la cookie law dei siti web, come previsto dal Regolamento ePrivacy. l'obiettivo dovrà essere quello di semplificare le regole dei cookie e di razionalizzare le modalità di manifestazione del consenso, rendendole più “user friendly“. Tali impostazioni dovrebbero includere, ad esempio, opzioni per permettere all’utente di decidere se permettere ad un sito di raccogliere i dati di geolocalizzazione di un utente o di attivare periferiche come microfono o webcam. Secondo l'approccio privacy by default introdotto dal GDPR, i plugin dovranno prevedere la p...
Sto cercando persona in grado di realizzare un sito e-commerce (wordpress) con le seguenti caratteristiche: - che d...Personalizzaziine delle email con: Generatore di codici ordine personalizzabile. Email da venditore a cliente personalizzata con indirizzo e varie info riguardanti il venditore. Dettaglio personalizzato di wc vendor Gestione spedizioni con funzione solo se città e/o cap è compreso in quelli decisi dall’amministratore Gateway di pagamento con altri tipi di servizio escluso PayPal Newsletter Privacy e law cookies Pagina sulle Condizioni di vendita standard poi cercherò di personalizzarla io in base alle mie esigenze. Il template che mi piacerebbe utilizzare è: /ashe/ di wordpress Valuto con preferenza a chi ha progetti si...
...concern: ENGLISH VERSION Our IT company based on Barcelona, it is working for launching a platform in Italy after having obtain success in France. Our platform allows private citizens and companies to download and fill in the documents/contract depending on their needs. We are looking for some freelancer lawyer or someone with a solid background of Italian's law, in order to revise around 40 contracts to understand if they meet the italian's law. ITALIAN VERSION La nostra compagnia IT con quartier generale a Barcellona, sta attualmente lavorando ad una piattaforma da lanciare in Italia, dopo il successo ottenuto in Francia. La nostra piattaforma consente sia ai privati cittadini che alle aziende di scaricare i contratti/documenti che necessitano e di compilarl...
Need to translate into English a Italian word file. The text is the presentation of a law firm; a general knowledge of specific terms will be a plus. File lenght: 961 words Ho bisogno di tradurre in Inglese un file di testo word. Si tratta delle presentazione di uno studio legale; preferibile una conoscenza generale della terminologia specifica. Lunghezza: 961 parole.
Configurazione server per sito internet appena creato. Principali mansioni: - Web Server Nginx con PHP7 - Database Maria DB - Cartelle protette con cron jobs - Sever di posta in entrata ed in uscita con filtri antispam e prevedere invio massivo di email (newsletter) - CDN - Firewall e tutte le accortenzze di sicurezza del caso - Possibilità di avere il sito da domini localizzati - moduli cache, gzip, rewrite etc. Disponibilita' a aver colloquio skype per i dettagli del progetto.
Cerco qualcuno esperto di AMAZON WEB SERVICES per configurazione servers di un sito internet. Task principali: - Web Server Nginx con PHP7 - Database Maria DB - Cartelle protette con cron jobs - Sever di posta in entrata ed in uscita con filtri antispam e prevedere invio massivo di email (newsletter) - CDN - Firewall e tutte le accortezze di sicurezza del caso - Possibilità di avere il sito da domini localizzati - moduli cache, gzip, rewrite etc etc Disponibilita' per colloquio per comprensione piu' dettagliata del progetto.
Wordpress plugin configuration "EUCookieLaw" and customize the CSS. The plugin should also be visible on mobile devices and should make the block all cookies (italian law). Configurazione del plugin wordpress "EUCookieLaw" e personalizzazione del css. Il plugin deve essere visibile anche sui dispositivi mobili e deve effettuare il blocco preventivo di tutti i cookies (legge italiana).
We need you to convert an existing Android web-app (already published on the PlayStore) to an iOS version. We will publish the app on the App Store, so we only need the file to upload (.ipa file) It is a quick job, but in the near future we will ad features to this web-app and we'll to give these jobs to the same freelancer. Si richiede veloce lavoro di conversione di una semplicissima web app esistente e attualmente pubblicata su PlayStore , per la versione iOS. Alla pubblicazione su App Store penseremo noi, ci serve solamente il file finito per la pubblicazione. Più avanti sarà valutata anche l'aggiunta di alcune features, lavoro che sarà affidato con tutta pobabilità allo stesso freelancer.
...for Location and for Keywords + Location. I need to url like these for indexing on search engines. Example: 1 - Search by keywords .../search-results-jobs/?keywords[all_words]=pizza maker Rewrite this url (canonical link): .../ 2 - Search by Location (city and state) .../search-results-jobs/?Location[location][value]=Roma Rewrite this url (canonical link): .../offerte-lavoro/ 3 - Search by Keywords and Location .../search-results-jobs/?keywords[all_words]=pizza maker&Location[location][value]=Roma Rewrite this url (canonical link): .../ 4 - Detail job .../display-job/25/ .../display-job/25/ The canonical url for these two pages:
Dovrei aggiornare il core di un sito realizzato con magento 1.3 alla versione più recente. E' fondamentale mantenere articoli, prodotti, categorie, e il design grafico. Vorremmo implementare un Cookie Law manager. Attendo un preventivo dei costi e la tempistica di realizzazione. Grazie anticipatamente
Project Management Is A Prime Job At TheLionTiggarLion Company Because Management Of What's Assigned Is Only Expected; All Projects Are Compositional Efforts With Such Responsi...Black Orientated And Venturing From To Keep Ethic Respects. Ethnic Requirements Are That You Are To Be Heavy Of Black Ethnic Background. All Applicants Must Have A Sufficient Laptop With Bluetooth, Wifi, Dongle And Mobile Phone Always Credited. The Work Is Short And Occasional For Future Reference. Applicant Must Always Be Neutral, Ethic Neutral And Morrel Neutral. This Is The Main Project For Employment And Kept Note. Each Primary Project Starts Small And Aims High Including Confidentiality. Please Apply Quickly For General Work. Posted By The Director LionTiggarLion, DeProLion Thee LionDePro. A Jama...
Modifiche da apportare ad un sito esistente in cui Wordpress è già installato: 1 – Allargare la sidebar in modo da contenere meglio i widget inseriti 2 – Collegare i link social presenti in alto a destra a nuove finestre 3 – installare banner di conformità alla cookie law 4 – installare un optin per l'iscrizione in newsletter per la sidebar 5 – installare un form di registrazione che: a) possa essere inserito in una pagina b) richieda nome, cognome, cellulare, mail c) disponga di una funzione di autologin per gli accessi successivi apra l'accesso ad un'area riservata 6 – Creare un'area riservata con: a) pagine riservate agli utenti registrati b) menu in sidebar visibile a tutti c) pagina di logi...
Ricerchiamo uno sviluppatore Android nativo con buona esperienza (almeno 2 anni) per un interessante progetto in ambito automotive. È richiesta presenza in sede a Bologna e impegno full-time per almeno 6 mesi. Per candidarsi o avere maggiori informazioni rispondete all'annuncio o scrivete direttamente a jobs at
I search Italian Law Blog Where I can publish articles with one link. Page Rank 2 o more.
...con Joomla 1.7.3 e abbiamo integrato il pacchetto Joombah jobs. Il sito è www.easylavoro.it. Vorremmo creare un’area di gestione in questo sito (come un menu) in cui è possibile accedere solo con una registrazione specifica. In questa area, l'azienda deve avere la possibilità di gestire il proprio database di cv. (Abbiamo creato una analisi dettagliata sugli elementi che quest’area deve avere. Questa analisi può essere aggiornata e migliorata e verrà mandata solo a chi è interessato a lavorare per questo progetto). Siamo lieti di ricevere le vostre offerte di collaborazione. Richiediamo serietà e ottime capacità di comunicazione. Cordiali saluti Goodmorning, we created a website with Joomla 1.7.3 an...
1,100 Italian Facebook fans needed All fans must be real people with real profiles. Pls note that fake profiles, bots and spams will NOT be tolerated, profiles should also be active with recent updates and a couple of dozen friends at least, and not at risk of being immediately banned by Facebook. Deadline: around one week but flexible If you have already done similar jobs give us some examples FB profiles will be randomly reviewed to ensure they are real and comply to our requirements. - - - - - 1.100 fan di Facebook italiani Tutti i fan devono essere persone reali con profile reali. Preghiamo quindi notare che profili falsi, bot e spam NON saranno tollerati, i profili dovranno inoltre essere attivi con attività relativamente recenti e con almeno un paio di dozzi...
I need a lawyer to review our employee contracts for legal compliance. The focus will primarily be on compliance with employment laws. Ideal skills and experience: - Expertise in employment law - Experience with contract review - Familiarity with legal compliance Please only apply if you have the necessary qualifications and experience.
I'm in the planning stage of setting up a corporation in the Philippines and need expert advice on the legal requirements to ensure a smooth and compliant...corporation in the Philippines and need expert advice on the legal requirements to ensure a smooth and compliant setup. Key Areas of Focus: - Understanding the legal landscape for corporations in the Philippines. - Advice on necessary legal documents and procedures. - Guidance on compliance with local laws and regulations. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge of Philippine corporate law. - Experience in advising foreign businesses. - Strong understanding of the legal requirements for hiring local staff. Your expertise will help me build a solid foundation for my business and ensure that I'm fully com...
I am currently working on an assignment focused on the German Tax system. I'm particularly interested in an in-depth understanding of the calculati...particularly interested in an in-depth understanding of the calculation process across different tax classes, from Steuerklasse 1 to Steuerklasse 6. I need a comprehensive written report that covers the tax calculation method for each class. The report needs to be bilingual, with explanations provided in both English and German. Ideal freelancers for this project should have: - Expertise in tax law, specifically the German system - Excellent report writing skills in both English and German - Experience in tax calculation methodologies. Please note that the primary focus is on understanding the tax calculation method used in eac...
I need a professional to verify my candidate's employment history with one previous employer. The verification should include the candidate's job title and duration at the company. Company Address: 1245 Whitehorse Mercerville Rd SUITE 403, Hamilton Township, NJ 08619, United States Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Background verification experience - Strong communication skills - Attention to detail - Discretion and professionalism - Ability to respect confidentiality
1- Task is to visit World Massage Federation physically and take 6-7 geotagged photos of the name board of the institutes captured from outside the building and preferably inside too. Download app for geotagged pics from the link: If you can't get the app, just note down the latitudes and longitudes of the location when you're there and get simple pictures. 2- Get the verification forms filled, signed and stamped by the HR or relevant authority of these locations. 3- Get the details of verifier that is their name, designation, Department and Contact. 4- In case of refusal to fill form, take the written refusal statement with stamp or sign as a proof. If they don't give written, ask them that you want to record them saying their reason and take their details like name des...
I need assistance with preparing and filing the partnership tax return (Form 1065) and federal taxes for our LLC. We are in our second year of business, have no income, and neither of the partners is a resident of the USA. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in U.S. tax law - Experience with LLC and partnership tax returns - Familiarity with Form 1065 and federal tax filing - Able to work with international partners Please note: - I will handle mailing the documents - All necessary finance company paperwork is ready - Our business registration (BOI) was completed last year. - Budget is strictly $10.
We are seeking freelancers to assist our company with data entry and translation projects. The ideal candidates will have experience in these areas and possess excellent attention to detail. The main responsibilities of the role include accurately entering and organizing data, as well as translating documents and content between languages. The freelancers should be proficient in the necessary software and tools for data entry and translation work. Strong communication skills and the ability to work independently are also desired. Relevant skills: - Data entry - Translation Message this number below on WhatsApp for more information: +1 (840) 900‑7540
>Registrati o accedi per visualizzare i dettagli.
1- Task is to visit a copany in Wiener Neustadt physically and take 6-7 geotagged photos of the name board of the institutes captured from outside the building and preferably inside too. Download app for geotagged pics from the link: If you can't get the app, just note down the latitudes and longitudes of the location when you're there and get simple pictures. 2- Get the verification forms filled, signed and stamped by the HR or relevant authority of these locations. 3- Get the details of verifier that is their name, designation, Department and Contact. 4- In case of refusal to fill form, take the written refusal statement with stamp or sign as a proof. If they don't give written, ask them that you want to record them saying their reason and take their details like name ...
...Should be scalable and reliable. Preferred if the automation can run on cloud (AWS, Google Cloud) or a simple local setup. Ideal Candidate Should Have: ✅ Experience with web scraping tools (BeautifulSoup, Scrapy, Selenium, Puppeteer, etc.). ✅ Strong knowledge of Python or Node.js for automation. ✅ Familiarity with Shopify API and bulk import via CSV. ✅ Ability to set up scheduled automation (cron jobs, cloud functions, or serverless scripts). ✅ Understanding of handling anti-bot measures like CAPTCHAs and IP blocks. Deliverables: Automated product scraper that extracts and formats product data. Stock monitoring bot that updates inventory in Shopify. Step-by-step documentation on how to run and maintain the solution. How to Apply: Send a proposal with: Your experience with web sc...
...professional and reliable service capable of conducting comprehensive pre-employment checks in Ulsan, South Korea. Given the location and the nature of the job market, I am particularly interested in vetting candidates for the manufacturing and technology sectors, and possibly healthcare as well. The specifics of the checks may vary depending on the position level. Potential checks may include, but are not limited to: - Background Checks: Ensuring the candidate has a clean record. - Reference Checks: Validating the candidate's professional history and integrity. - Education Verification: Confirming the candidate's academic credentials. Ideally, the freelancer for this project should have extensive experience in pre-employment vetting, particularly in the mentio...
... 1. App Design and Features The app should serve as a platform for contractors, laborers, and construction managers, offering features like Core Features: Admin: The administrator who manages the application. Companies: Users who will hire. Engineers/Workers: Users who will apply for jobs at the companies. Application: The application will match engineers/workers with suitable companies. 1. Labor Hiring & Job Listings - Contractors can post job requirements. - Workers can apply for jobs based on location and skills. 2. Worker Profiles & Skill Verification - Digital resumes with work history, ratings, and skill certification. - ID and background verification. 3. Project & Task Management - Contractors can assign tasks and trac...
Business Law Definition, Types & Examples
Project Overview: We are looking to launch an AI-driven opportunity discovery and form-filling automation platform. The platform will help users find and apply for jobs, scholarships, funding, and business opportunities automatically. We need a skilled Full-Stack Developer or a Development Team to build the platform and also scale the platform over time. Key Features & Scope of Work: 1️⃣ Opportunity Aggregation & Matching AI scans the web for job listings, scholarships, and grants. API integrations with LinkedIn, Google Jobs, Indeed, Glassdoor, Upwork, and funding portals. Ensure that the bot does not get blocked by the platforms. AI-powered recommendation system that ranks opportunities based on user profiles. 2️⃣ Automated Form-Filling & Application Submissi...
I need assistance with filing a response and a request to reschedule a hearing related to a family law case. Due to health issues, I am unable to attend the scheduled hearing. Key tasks include: - Drafting a formal request to reschedule the hearing. - Filing this request through the court's online portal. Ideal skills and experience: - Familiarity with family law. - Proficient in online court filing systems. - Excellent written communication skills for drafting formal requests.
...Analyzing its Constitutional Basis Post Puttaswamy.” Given my legal background at Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur, and experience in constitutional law research, I am confident in delivering a well-researched, plagiarism-compliant paper that meets your university's academic standards. Scope & Approach: In-depth Analysis of the Puttaswamy judgment and its impact on privacy rights in India. Constitutional Foundations, including Articles 14, 19, and 21, and their judicial interpretations. Comparative Study of global privacy frameworks and their influence on Indian jurisprudence. Recent Developments, including the Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023, surveillance laws, and case law analysis. Critical Evaluation of the challenges and fu...