Daniel prieslavori
...Includes a promotional section with personalized offers (managed via WordPress or similar platforms). • QR Code and Referral: o Allows customers to share or scan a QR code to generate new referrals. • Notifications and Communication: o Sends offers and updates directly within the app. ________________________________________ 6. Example Hierarchical Structure • First Level: The program administrator (Daniel). o Earns 5% from all services performed by all customers. • Second Level: Customers who refer other customers. o Earn 5% from each service performed by the referred customers. • Third Level: Customers performing services. o Earn 5% on their card for every service they pay for. ________________________________________ 7. System Objectives • Increas...
buongiorno Daniel, avrei bisogno di sviluppare e/o integrare un plugin per Capacitor per utilizzare una radio via bluetooth da un app android
Ciao Daniel T., ho notato il tuo profilo e mi piacerebbe assegnarti il mio progetto. Possiamo discutere i dettagli tramite chat.
Ciao Daniel T., ho notato il tuo profilo e mi piacerebbe assegnarti il mio progetto. Possiamo discutere i dettagli tramite chat. Great
Ciao Daniel S., ho notato il tuo profilo e mi piacerebbe assegnarti il mio progetto. Possiamo discutere i dettagli tramite chat.project.
Buongiorno sto ricercando ingegneri (laurea specialistica o vecchio ordinamento) iscritti all'albo per pratiche ex iper-ammortamento Industria4.0 se interessati contattare per dettagli cordialmente
Ciao Daniel, come va? Mi chiamo Carmen e lavoro come Direttrice delle comunicazioni. Spesso ho bisogno di copywriting in lingua italiana, e all'occorrenza in spagnolo. Collaboro con diversi copywriter in Argentina e mi sembra che tu anche abbia il tipo di profilo che sto cercando! In questo momento abbiamo bisogno di copywriter che coprano svariate tematiche nella stesura di articoli in chiave SEO di 700 parole, 2 USD per articolo. Fammi sapere se sei interessato!
Ciao Daniel T., ho notato il tuo profilo e mi piacerebbe assegnarti il mio progetto. Possiamo discutere i dettagli tramite chat.project.
Non abbiamo gradito molto il tuo comportamento...ma voglio pensare che fosse l'effetto del dentista e dei suoi analgesici... Abbiamo risolto in ogni caso i problemi. Abbiamo bisogno di riparare un modulo di importazione prodotti... Se hai voglia di lavorare...fatti sentire velocemente
Ciao Daniel Antonio L., ho notato il tuo profilo e mi piacerebbe assegnarti il mio progetto. Possiamo discutere i dettagli tramite chat.project.
Salve, piacere Valerio! Sto cercando un esperto in Java che possa darmi una mano a risolvere alcuni problemi su un progetto praticamente completo. Si tratterebbe di seguire delle linee guida che fornirò e aggiungere/modificare/verificare dei metodi presenti. Fornirò il progetto + tasks + linee guida ed il tutto sarà davvero semplice da seguire! Se è interessato Le fornirò maggiori dettagli! Grazie
Mi chiamo Daniel vivo in Italia e vorrei far partire il mio e commerce per lavorare in dropshipping fornendomi da Aliexpress, ho già progettato su carta il sito, e scelto il prodotto, ho solo bisogno di metterlo on line.
Ciao Daniel G., ho notato il tuo profilo e mi piacerebbe assegnarti il mio progetto. Possiamo discutere i dettagli tramite chat.
Ciao Daniel R., ho notato il tuo profilo e mi piacerebbe assegnarti il mio progetto. Possiamo discutere i dettagli tramite chat o via Skype. Siamo un Agency Interna ad un nuovo marchio di Moda e nel nostro Staff cerchiamo uno sviluppatore Word Press per customizzare i Temi che acquistiamo per mettere on line tutti nostri siti. Possiamo lavorare via Web in Videoconferenza ed in Real Time. Scrivimi e ne parliamo
Ciao Daniel P., ho notato il tuo profilo e mi piacerebbe assegnarti il mio progetto. Possiamo discutere i dettagli tramite chat.
...cerchiamo deve essere esperta nei seguenti campi, al fine di poter strutturare l'intera interfaccia grafica della nuova piattaforma: - HTML 5 - CSS 3 - JAVASCRIPT RETRIBUZIONE: La possibilità si estende da contratto a progetto a contratto part-time, in base alle nostre e vostre esigenze. Pertanto, considerate solo come linea guida l'ammontare scelto di prezzo/h Grazie per l'attenzione, Daniel...
Bonjour Isabelle, Je me permets de vous contacter concernant un projet de relecture d'une traduction de l'anglais vers le français. Il s'agit d'un livre écrit par le scientifique américain Michael Behe. Pourriez-vous m'indiquer votre tarif par mot pour ce service ? Je vous remercie par avance pour votre réponse. Cordialement, Daniel
Work Order: OpenAI Integration with Bolt Chatbot for Demo Environment Project Name: OpenAI Integration for Bolt Chatbot Date: 3.5.2025 Prepared By: Daniel Hughes Objective: This work order outlines the integration of OpenAI’s language model with the chatbot feature in the application to enable demo functionality. The integration will simulate the pattern recognition system and allow interaction with Salesforce data features. Scope of Work: OpenAI API Integration: Connect OpenAI’s API to the Bolt chatbot backend. Configure the chatbot to send and receive messages through OpenAI’s model. Salesforce Data Interaction: Establish a connection between the chatbot and Salesforce data using API endpoints. Ensure that OpenAI can query, retrieve, and in...
Work Order: Salesforce Integration Project Name: Salesforce Integration Implementation Date: 3.4.2025 Prepared By: Daniel Hughes Objective: This work order outlines the installation and configuration of Salesforce integration into the application. The integration will enable seamless data exchange between Salesforce and the application, ensuring enhanced sales data insights, automation, and improved user experience. Scope of Work: Salesforce API Integration: Connect the application with Salesforce using Salesforce API. Configure OAuth authentication for secure data access. Enable real-time data sync between Salesforce and the application. Data Mapping & Synchronization: Identify and map relevant Salesforce objects (e.g., Leads, Contacts, Opportunities, A...
Bon Sebastian, Vous aviez gagné un concours d'amenagement que nous avions fait et aujourd'hui les choix ont legerement évolués. j'aimerai que vous puissiez actualiser les vues 3D du HALL et du Restaurant.
Hi Alexandru, My name is Victor, I am IT manager at Tech Soft 3D, where we develop toolkits for CAD/CAE data conversion, visualization, and data publishing. We’ve recently gone through several acquisitions and need to harmonize our infrastructure across the group. To support this effort we’re looking for an IT consultant for about 6 months to handle: User support Equipment configuration VLAN and VPN setup, network segregation Migrating AD to JumpCloud Documentation Proactive maintenance (patching, vulnerability scanning) Automating wherever possible Your profile caught my attention, and I’d love to discuss the details, scope, and timeline with you. Let me know if you’re interested, and we can set up a call to talk more. Looking forward to hearing from you! Bes...
Buenos dias, queremos saber si asesoran en la implementacion del sistema verifactu a nivel de desarrollo, somos una empresa de software ERP y buscamos asesoramiento en la implementacion de verifactu
...the recommendation letter. Budget: $100 - $200. Please submit bids within this range. To Apply/Bid: Please submit a fixed-price bid for writing the recommendation letter. Clearly state your license type and the jurisdiction where you are licensed. Kindly describe your relevant experience and why you are a good fit for this project. Thank you for your interest and budget-friendly bids! Daniel Ufaruna Author Pen Name: Dan Runa Co-Author Pen Name: Dolly Runa...
I'm looking for a highly skilled translator with a profound understanding of Biblical Prophecy, particularly the books of Daniel and Revelation, to translate Section 1.0 of a book (8 pages) from English to Vietnamese. This is a try-out project, so I can select the best translator to do the entire book (around 100 pages/61000 words). Prefer not to use AI. Prefer Vietnamese person. Send me a sample of your translation of the first 8 pages of Section 1 of the book for my evaluation of your skill first before I award you the project. The book name: "Final Years of Civilization" by Elbib E. Newton, is intended for all readers. You can read the book at finalyearsofcivilization.com. The translator must be: - Faithful to the original text, capturing its meaning and nuances...
...from these guys! Daniel and his team are easy to deal with and nothing is ever a problem. Thanks for making Tyre recycling a breeze! Lol if you want anything different let me know. Thanks Tammy Hillside Auto Wreckers Upper Hutt testimonial 4 We joined the Tyrewise scheme late 2024 & it has been our absolute pleasure to have partnered with Daniel Moore & his team at Tyre Cycle. Daniel is a professional operator well versed in his role. It has been effortless on our behalf working with Daniel's team who have not let us down. We cannot fault their dedication to their role and their commitments to their customers whom they are always in contact with when there may be any changes to the regular schedule. We are more than appreciative and grateful to...
Hi Daniel Q., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
Hi xkv, I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
Hi Daniel J., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
Hi Daniel, I understand that you need designs featuring the classic Burberry check print for both a Rolls Royce and a Harley Davidson. I will create high-quality, detailed mockups that align with your vision. The total cost for this project is $250 USD. Let’s get started! Best regards, Bilal
‼ NB: Perskaitykite visa aprasyma pries pateikiant atsakyma ‼ IT, Wordpress, E-commerce Shopify, webdizaino, marketingo ir reklamos outsourcing‘o įmonė Ambient Lounge ieško IT projektų vadybininko(-ės) nuotoliniam darbui. Kviečiame susisiekti su mumis, jei Tu: • Turi geras IT žinias, ir kompetenciją projektų valdyme; • Supranti kaip turi atrodyti šiuolaikinių interneto svetainių dizainas; • Turi gebėjimą paskirstyti užduotis ir koordinuoti jų atlikimą; • Turi puikus komunikavimo, bendradarbiavimo ir derybų vedimo įgūdžius; • Išmanai WORDPRESS, MS OFFICE, webdizainą, ERP sistemas, ir kitus standartinius įrankius; • Turi analitinį mąstymą, orientaciją į rezultatą, planavimo įgūdžius, atsakingumą, gebėjimą valdyti daug informac...
...Teamwork: Ability to collaborate with other developers or analysts. Conclusion The ideal candidate should be a strong backend developer with skills in API integration and data analysis. Experience in data visualization and blockchain security is a significant advantage. If machine learning is used for fraud detection, ML knowledge would be beneficial but not strictly required. Best regards, Daniel...
Professional team photographers capturing the union of the most important experience of life: the union and beginning of love, of family. Rosa Isla, FLO ?? Raul Cuevas, MA ?? Daniel Sierraalta ?
>Registrati o accedi per visualizzare i dettagli.
Hi Daniel S., We just noticed that you posted a project for "Azure AD B2C Integration with .NET 8" (https://www.freelancer.com/projects/azure/Azure-Integration-with-NET/details)
Hola arqddcc, vi tu perfil y me gustaría ofrecerte mi proyecto. Podemos discutir cualquier detalle por chat.
Hi, I came across your profile and wanted to ask if you’d be open to a meeting. I’d love the opportunity to get to know you better.
Design and develop a custom Shopify website featuring 15 distinct pages, aligned with the client's business goals and brand identity. The website will be visually appealing, user-friendly, and optimized for seamless navigation, delivering an enga...delivering an engaging experience for salon partners and users. Pages to Develop: 1) home 2) how it works 3) step 1_ your salons sample explore kit 4) step 2_ your salons opening order 5) step 3_ your salon goes custom. the onboarding 6) the salon re-order shop 6) explore styling range personalisation's and fragrances 7) the cutting lab online learning 8) daniel mostyn lab cutting workshops 9) the cutting incubation lab 10) about the daniel mostyn lab 11) meet the Founder -------------- 12) salon sign in / sign up -----...
I'm seeking a creative designer to develop 10 unique options for my modern and sleek business card, reflecting my company Dhans Drilling, founded by Daniel and Hans. Each design should encompass both front and back, with potential for exclusive features like embossing with my logo or text, and other premium details. Key Responsibilities: - Design 10 unique, modern and sleek business card options - Incorporate my company logo and name into designs - Include front and back design - Implement exclusive details (embossing, metallic ink, foil stamping, side color layers, etc.) - Use complementary color scheme to my logo Ideal Candidate: - Strong graphic design skills - Previous experience with business card design - Ability to incorporate branding into design - Familiarity with pr...
I'm seeking a creative designer to develop 10 unique options for my modern and sleek business card, reflecting my company Dhans Drilling, founded by Daniel and Hans. Each design should encompass both front and back, with potential for exclusive features like embossing with my logo or text, and other premium details. Key Responsibilities: - Design 10 unique, modern and sleek business card options - Incorporate my company logo and name into designs - Include front and back design - Implement exclusive details (embossing, metallic ink, foil stamping, side color layers, etc.) - Use complementary color scheme to my logo Ideal Candidate: - Strong graphic design skills - Previous experience with business card design - Ability to incorporate branding into design - Familiarity with pr...
Hi xkv, I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
Hi Daniel C., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
Hi Daniel Olmedes P., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
I am Daniel Papa, an analyst with Embrapa in Brasília, overseeing the Machine and Equipment Mapping Project for the Sociobiodiversity in the Legal Amazon. We are in the process of developing a comprehensive catalog of machines and equipment available in the market and are seeking a specialized web scraping company to broaden our database. Key Responsibilities: - Scrape relevant government databases for: - Equipment specifications - Company information - Market prices - Deliver the data on an annual basis Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven expertise in web scraping, particularly from government databases - Ability to extract and compile diverse types of data - Strong understanding of equipment specifications and market analysis Please send your commercial propo...
Hi Daniel T., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
Hi Daniel T., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
Mini talleres de barbería formas correctas de usar las maquinas como hacer lineas y muchas cosas más
Soy Daniel Alcázar, estoy buscando personas profesionales en ventas y marketing que se que me harán ventas, vender info productos y hacer LODO!!
...office, suitable for printing on a Bambu X1C. The specific dimensions are 5" wide and 2.5" tall, with a thickness of 1mm. Pictures Attached for reference The name plate should incorporate the following elements: - A design inspired by the 'Dr Who Police Box' (example file attached) - The Michigan Logo with blue border of logo (example file attached) - The text 'IT Department' - gray - My name 'Daniel Fernandez' - maroon - Background would be white Above should not be flat but raised All should have layers editable so i can change them around The design should utilize a modern style, with all text in a sans-serif font. The finished product should be a sleek, glossy 3D print file, ready for use. Ideal candidates for this project should ...