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    2,000 cobol prolog lavori trovati

    C'è un progetto da sviluppare, come da allegato.

    €29 - €241
    €29 - €241
    0 offerte

    Si tratta di implementare in Prolog l’algoritmo apriori. Possiamo immaginare di avere diverse liste di atomi caricati nella base di conoscenza e l'obiettivo è di estrarre item frequenti sopra una soglia. Ad esempio, supponiamo di avere le seguenti liste: [p(a),q(a,b),f(b)] [p(a),q(a,b),f(b)] [q(a,b),c(b)] L’algoritmo deve iniziare a costruire item di lunghezza crescente e memorizzare quelli che sono frequenti sopra una certa soglia. p(a) ad esempio frequenza 2 q(a,b) frequenza 3 p(a), q(a,b) frequenza 2 e così via. Quindi, il programma restituisce in output gli insiemi di item (itemset) frequenti; inizia analizzando la frequenza dei singoli item e procede incrementalmente aggiungendo un item per volta, come da esempio.

    €90 Average bid
    €90 Offerta media
    1 offerte
    Project for CapelliC
    Terminato left

    Salve, ho letto che ha competenze in Prolog. Se ha disponibilità per aiutarmi nel mio piccolo progetto mi faccia sapere, grazie Può scrivermi a questo indirizzo: thefury_91@ e le darò i dettagli.

    €233 Average bid
    €233 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    i codici devono essere ben commentati

    €27 - €228
    €27 - €228
    0 offerte
    Evolution tax
    Terminato left

    Realizzaziome di un programma logico in prolog. Il sw dovrà essere intelligente e capire, guidare e suggerire all'utente cosa fare per non sbagliare. Il progetto è altamente innovativo per un paese come l'Italia e potrà essere adattato ed itilizzato anche in altri paesi esteri.

    €50709 Average bid
    €50709 Offerta media
    6 offerte

    scrivere un programma in cobol

    €2532 Average bid
    €2532 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    Progetto L’obiettivo del progetto è di costruire due librerie (Common Lisp e Prolog) che implementino le primitive di codifica e decodifica oltre ad alcune operazioni di utilità.

    €9 - €28
    €9 - €28
    0 offerte
    codifica di Huffman
    Terminato left

    Compressione e decompressione via codifica di Huffman Lo scopo di questo progetto è di implementare (sia in Common Lisp, sia in Prolog) una libreria per la compressione e la decompressione di “documenti”. Il metodo di compressione e decompressione è basato sul metodo di Huffman. Questo progetto è ispirato a un capitolo di [AS84]. Normalmente i simboli (di solito caratteri) usati per comporre un messaggio (o testo) sono codificati mediante una sequenza di bit. Se abbiamo n simboli, in generale abbiamo bisogno di log(n) bit per poterli distinguere. E.g., la codifica ASCII usa codici di 7 bits e quindi ci permette di distinguere 27 = 128 simboli diversi. Se tutti i nostri messaggi sono costituiti dai soli simboli A, B, C, D, E, F, G e ...

    €27 - €228
    €27 - €228
    0 offerte

    Ho bisogno di qualcuno che sia in grado di fare un progetto in lisp e prolog, ovvero un traduttore di stringhe json in questi linguaggi, per il testo del progetto contattare in privato.

    €36 Average bid
    €36 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    troverà allegato il progetto e vorrei averlo entro fine anno.

    €9 - €28
    €9 - €28
    0 offerte
    Cobol Cics DB2
    Terminato left

    Programmatori Cobol Cics DB2 su sede Genova

    €133 Average bid
    €133 Offerta media
    1 offerte
    software development
    Terminato left

    migrazione da cobol a tecnologia .net di progetto enterprise

    €7 / hr Average bid
    €7 / hr Offerta media
    1 offerte

    Il vostro compito è di implementare due librerie, una in Common Lisp e una in Prolog che forniscano un’implementazione dell'algoritmo per il calcolo delle chiglie convesse. Si prega di leggere il pdf allegato per tutte le informazioni.

    €141 Average bid
    €141 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    L’algoritmo di clustering delle k-medie `e di partizionare n osservazioni in k clusters (gruppi), dove ogni osservazione appartiene al gruppo in cui cade la media piu` “vicina”. La “media” (detta centroide) serve come “prototipo” del gruppo. Il centroide che rappresenta una categoria viene in questo caso calcolato come la ...calcolato come la media degli oggetti del gruppo e ne costituisce il prototipo. In generale il problema `e NP-hard, ma la variante “euristica” di Lloyd dell’algoritmo k-medie `e una soluzione abbastanza buona ed efficace. Una limitazione dell’algoritmo k-medie `e che il parametro k deve essere specificato dall’utente in anticipo. Il vostro compito `e di construire una libreria Common Lisp ed una libr...

    €73 Average bid
    €73 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    Mi servirebbe realizzare un piccolo progetto da codificare sia in Prolog che in Common Lisp, allego il testo del progetto. Allego anche una prima versione realizzata in Lisp che però ha dei bug che non riesco a risolvere, se preferisci potresti partire da quella base per realizzarlo, ma puoi anche farlo da capo. Ritengo possa essere realizzato (da un professionista come te) in circa 3 ore, offro quindi 60€.

    €54 Average bid
    €54 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    Sono partito dalla ricerca di un programmatore Cobol.

    €429 Average bid
    €429 Offerta media
    3 offerte
    Programmatore COBOl
    Terminato left

    Un programmatore che nel passato ha avuto una buona esperienza di programmazione in linguaggio Cobol , che attualmente stia facendo esperienza con il linguaggio Java.

    €174 Average bid
    In primo piano
    €174 Offerta media
    3 offerte

    Cerchiamo programmatore esperto per progetto con sede a Vienna. Esperto in IMS,COBOL,DB2. Necessaria ottima conoscenza della linfa inglese

    €2265 Average bid
    €2265 Offerta media
    9 offerte

    I'm seeking a seasoned Synon and COBOL developer for a long-term assignment focused on an SAP ERP system upgrade or migration. This role will primarily be executed in an on-premises environment. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Synon (AS/400, IBM i series) - Deep knowledge of COBOL - Extensive experience with SAP ERP systems - Skills in maintaining and upgrading large ERP systems - Fluent in either Finnish or English Ideal Skills: - Experience with big ERP-systems - Excellent problem-solving capabilities - Strong communication skills - Ability to work independently and as part of a team Please note, while experience with other ERP systems such as Oracle or Microsoft Dynamics could be beneficial, primary focus should be on SAP. The main objective of this project is ...

    €27 / hr Average bid
    €27 / hr Offerta media
    17 offerte

    Mainframe technical skills. -------------------------- Natural Adabas, Cobol, DB2, JCL, VSAM, Rexx, CICS Experience: ---------------------------- 1. At least 5 years of experience in Mainframe environment- Natural, Adabas, Cobol, DB2 2. Experience in working with JCL, VSAM (index file) 3. Experience in working in batch and online modules. 4. Experience in MQ(message transfer process) handling 5. Experience in working with CICS. 6. Experience in working with version control tools, Endevor 7. Should have experience/ be well aware of utilities of ADABAS: ADASTRIP, ADALOD, ADADUMP 8. Hands-on experience in all phases of SDLC. Key Skills: ------------- 1. System application development skills. 2. Strong analysis & problem solving skills 3. Strong communication skills - both v...

    €1340 Average bid
    €1340 Offerta media
    13 offerte

    I'm seeking an experienced Cobol Developer proficient in mainframe programming, legacy system maintenance, and Cobol code debugging to handle a large and highly complex system. Key Responsibilities: - Handle mainframe programming tasks - Maintain and troubleshoot a large, highly complex legacy system - Debug and optimize Cobol code The ideal candidate will possess: - Strong Cobol programming skills - Extensive experience with mainframe systems - Proficiency in maintaining and troubleshooting complex legacy systems - Proven ability in Cobol code debugging While a full technical documentation isn't necessary, relevant comments within the code are highly important to facilitate future maintenance and development.

    €166 Average bid
    €166 Offerta media
    11 offerte

    I'm seeking a Prolog expert to help my e-commerce business integrate our customer transactions, inventory management, and sales analysis data with a variety of third-party platforms. Key Requirements: - Handle the integration of customer transactions, inventory management, and sales analysis data. - Ensure seamless integration with third-party platforms, guaranteeing the accurate and smooth transfer of information. - Prioritize data accuracy and integrity throughout the integration process. Ideal Skills: - Prolog Data Processing and Integration - E-commerce Systems and Data Analysis - Third-Party Platform Integration Experience

    €11 Average bid
    €11 Offerta media
    2 offerte

    I'm in need of an experienced mainframe programmer or consultant who can efficiently automate a current process, along with monitoring jobs. Understanding of COBOL is necessary, and knowledge of Python would be a bonus, however, the language of automation scripts is not my main concern. The key tasks you'll be performing are: - Writing automation scripts to streamline the existence process. - Monitoring jobs for the process. The ideal candidate should have: - Proficiency in COBOL. - An understanding of Python. - Experience in mainframe automation. Please apply with examples of your work in mainframe automation. Thanks!

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr Offerta media
    5 offerte

    Descripción del Proyecto: Estoy buscando un desarrollador experimentado en COBOL y SQL para realizar la migración de datos desde un sistema basado en COBOL a una base de datos SQL. El objetivo es asegurar una transición fluida y eficiente de los datos existentes al nuevo sistema SQL. Requisitos del Proyecto: Análisis de Datos COBOL: Identificación y comprensión de los datos actuales en COBOL. Mapeo de los datos COBOL a una estructura de base de datos SQL. Desarrollo de Herramientas de Migración: Creación de scripts de extracción de datos desde el sistema COBOL. Creación de scripts de carga de datos a la base de datos SQL. Migración de Datos: Extracción de datos ...

    €2084 Average bid
    €2084 Offerta media
    23 offerte

    I am seeking an experienced programmer to recode a C++ webview2 sample program to use win32 calls compatible with a Microfocus Visual COBOL environment. This transformation involves a focus on maintaining critical user interface functions presently coded within the C++ webview2 sample. Key aspects of the project: - Conversion to Microfocus Visual COBOL - Prioritization and preservation of User Interface functionality Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in C++ and Microfocus Visual COBOL - Experience with understanding, adapting, and recoding complex coding samples - Familiarity with using win32 calls - A strong background in UI integration and function transfers.

    €971 Average bid
    €971 Offerta media
    7 offerte

    ...package. YOU: Will create a complete “how-to” instruction package, presumably possibly writing a series of bash shell scripts that I can run from terminal as part of your project for me. I DO NOT WANT to use Docker or any other idea that will isolate what I need to do from the Ubuntu 24.04 system I am using. Ideally, you will have done the same thing on your development computer proving that a small cobol program will compile and can be run BEFORE you send your efforts to me for testing. Finally, the package results you create should be capable of being copied to a usb so that the gnucobol package can be easily copied to other computers which, of course, you will detail in your instructions....

    €64 Average bid
    €64 Offerta media
    12 offerte

    I'm seeking a Mainframe Engineer to take over the maintenance, database management, and performance optimization of our Mainframe systems. The ideal candidate should be proficient in the following technologies or platforms: - IBM z/OS - COBOL - DB2 Please submit your proposal including your experience with similar projects.

    €21 Average bid
    €21 Offerta media
    9 offerte

    I'm in need of a skilled COBOL and DB2 developer, someone who's well-versed in both languages and capable of tackling a variety of tasks. The specific tasks will vary, potentially involving: - Programming in COBOL - Database management in DB2 - Integrating COBOL and DB2 Ideally, you should have experience in: - Large-scale database management - Developing and maintaining applications - Working with COBOL and DB2 - Understanding of legacy systems Your application should demonstrate your expertise in these areas, preferably backed up with past work examples and a detailed project proposal.

    €22 Average bid
    €22 Offerta media
    9 offerte

    A small project: Write an expert system in the form of a set of rules, facts, constants, auxiliary functions, etc. The goal of the system should be to solve specific instances of problems from a given domain.

    €19 Average bid
    €19 Offerta media
    2 offerte

    I'm on the lookout for a Prolog expert with substantial experience in implementing data structures, specifically lists. The primary goal of my venture is list implementation along with the execution of basic list operations. Ideal skills for the project: - Comprehensive knowledge and proficiency in Prolog - Solid experience in implementing and analyzing data structures - A concrete understanding of list operations in Prolog The perfect candidate would be well-versed in Prolog and have a track-record of implementing successful data structures. This is a great opportunity to showcase your Prolog prowess on a real project!

    €86 Average bid
    €86 Offerta media
    3 offerte
    Cobol Developer
    Terminato left solutions for clients in Europe and North America. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: • Develop, maintain, and enhance COBOL-based applications and systems according to project requirements. • Write, test, debug, and deploy COBOL code to meet project deadlines and quality standards. • Troubleshoot and resolve technical issues related to COBOL applications, including performance optimization and error resolution. • Create and maintain technical documentation, including system design documents, program specifications, user manuals, and release notes. • Working closely with all stakeholders to resolve issues and implement improvements. JOB REQUIREMENTS: • Proficiency in COBOL programming language, with a minimum of 4 years of exp...

    €39 / hr Average bid
    €39 / hr Offerta media
    14 offerte

    We seek an expert C# instructor for a 5-day in-person training at our client's location in Chattanooga city. The training will cater to 10-20 developers, focusing on advanced C# programming. Prior experience or knowledge in COBOL to C# conversion will be an advantage. Key Requirements: 5-day workshop in Chattanooga city. Advanced C# skills, with experience in COBOL to C# conversion. Training for up to 10 candidates. Please contact us at[Removed by Admin for offsiting - please see Section 13 of our Terms and Conditions] if you have a suitable instructor. We are looking to finalize arrangements promptly. We will take care of Travel, Food , and Accommodation expenses.

    €20 / hr Average bid
    €20 / hr Offerta media
    24 offerte
    prolog programm
    Terminato left

    Prolog Program for Artificial Intelligence Skills and Experience Required: - Proficiency in Prolog programming language - Strong understanding of artificial intelligence concepts and algorithms - Experience in implementing specific algorithms in Prolog - Familiarity with basic complexity level algorithms Project Details: We are seeking a Prolog programmer to develop a program for artificial intelligence. The purpose of the program is to implement a specific algorithm, which the client has in mind. The algorithm has a basic complexity level. The ideal candidate should have experience in Prolog programming and a strong understanding of artificial intelligence concepts and algorithms. They should be able to implement the client's specified algorithm...

    €41 Average bid
    €41 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    I am in need of a Micro Focus COBOL consultant who can assist me with accessing SQL databases. I have a general idea of what I want to achieve through this project and anticipate needing more than 20 hours of consulting services per week. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong expertise in Micro Focus COBOL - Proficiency in accessing SQL databases - Experience with legacy code maintenance, performance optimization, and migration to newer versions of Micro Focus COBOL - Ability to understand and meet my specific goals and objectives for the project

    €4475 Average bid
    €4475 Offerta media
    13 offerte

    Prolog Teaser Question Answering Assistance Needed Overview: I am seeking help with solving a specific problem in Prolog. I have a deadline of within 24 hours for this project. Requirements: - Strong proficiency in Prolog programming language - Experience with syntax, debugging, and optimization in Prolog - Ability to quickly analyze and solve complex Prolog problems - Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail Deliverables: - Answer to the specific question or problem in Prolog - Well-commented and organized code - Documentation of the solution approach, if applicable Deadline: The project must be completed within 24 hours. Please provide examples of previous Prolog projects or relevant experience when submitting a propo...

    €18 Average bid
    €18 Offerta media
    10 offerte
    prolog debug
    Terminato left

    Prolog Debugging Project I am looking for a skilled Prolog programmer to help me debug my code. I am experiencing a logic error in my program that needs to be resolved. Specific requirements: - Experience in debugging Prolog code - Strong understanding of logic programming concepts Expected output: - Data management: The program should be able to handle and manipulate data according to specified requirements. Deadline: - Urgent: The debugging needs to be completed within 24 hours. If you have the necessary skills and experience, please bid on this project.

    €57 Average bid
    €57 Offerta media
    5 offerte

    I need a simple code for Nutrition And Diet Expert System have some questions like ( age, Height ,weight , days of exercise

    €119 Average bid
    €119 Offerta media
    7 offerte

    I am looking for a COBOL programmer who can assist me with a basic level coding project. The specific tasks I need help with are coding a new program and debugging it. The complexity of the code is low, and I require the task to be completed within 2 days. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in COBOL programming language - Experience in coding and debugging COBOL programs - Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail - Ability to work efficiently and meet tight deadlines If you have the necessary skills and can complete the task within the specified timeframe, please submit your proposal.

    €37 Average bid
    €37 Offerta media
    4 offerte

    I am looking for someone to help me with a Prolog project at a beginner level of complexity. The project must be completed accurately and efficiently in order for me to achieve the desired results. Specifically, I am looking for assistance in the area of Logic Programming, which is the underlying foundation for Prolog programming. The assistance required must be tailored to the specific project goals that I have determined. This must include not only an understanding of the syntax and semantics of Prolog, but also an understanding of how to efficiently utilize any applicable Prolog libraries. If successful, the end result should be a seamless integration of a logical solution for the project that is simple to understand, yet highly effective. If you belie...

    €146 Average bid
    €146 Offerta media
    7 offerte

    I have some simple haskell and prolog tasks need to be done i will share the tasks in the inbox please bid if you are good in haskell and prolog Thankyou

    €28 - €233
    €28 - €233
    6 offerte

    I am looking for a skilled and experienced Haskell and Prolog developer to complete a project for me. The project must be completed within 2 weeks. I will provide detailed requirements, if necessary. This particular project requires specialized expertise in haskell and prolog programming, so a good understanding of both of these tools is required. The ideal freelancer should have experience in coding, debugging, optimizing and developing new features with haskell and prolog. If you are the right candidate for this position, please provide me with a short sample of your work so that I can assess your understanding of these two programming languages. I look forward to hearing from you about your qualifications and how you believe you can help me meet the expectations o...

    €500 Average bid
    €500 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    I am seeking a proficient developer with expertise in Haskell and Prolog to work on tasks specifically related to these programming languages (no graphical interface work involved). Additionally, it is essential that the candidate is fluent and proficient in English. If you are interested and would like a more detailed explanation, please message me

    €538 Average bid
    €538 Offerta media
    19 offerte

    My website offer wide range of services . I want contents based on programming services an...programming services and its sub categories in regular basis . The writer should be knowledgeable in various programming languages and explain the dos and other things in a student point of view as we are providing student help.. you can addd samples too based on main content .. For example : If you are writing about functional programming.... there are many sub categories on it and it will be like Prolog, Lisp etc. So you should write content on each sub categories along with its samples with its coding style questions and solutions so that student will ask for our service within the content.. If someone can do very well you can link with our website developer and post it on regular b...

    €19 Average bid
    €19 Offerta media
    24 offerte

    As a client, I am looking for a freelancer to help with implementing the backend of an app using the Scala, Prolog, and C++ programming languages. The main functionality of the app will be data processing and analysis, with no specific development methodology in mind. I am expecting this project to be completed in less than a month. Therefore, I am looking for a reliable freelancer with proven experience in the use of these programming languages, who can deliver high-quality results within the stated timeline. The successful freelancer must be able to work within the given parameters and create a stable and secure backend system. If you have the necessary skillset and expertise to successfully complete this task, I encourage you to apply for this project.

    €149 Average bid
    €149 Offerta media
    9 offerte

    Looking for someone who has used COBOL recently on an actual IBM mainframe to do real tasks. You should effective in Java and ideally Kotlin. TypeScript is also a plus.

    €19 / hr Average bid
    €19 / hr Offerta media
    23 offerte

    Having worked in information technology for 3 to 4 years. A customer-oriented, multitasking professional with excellent problem-solving, analytical and logical skills. Worked as a developer on Mainframe modules like JCL, COBOL, VSAM, DB2 and CICS. Have done Coding, Testing and part of On-call support. In-depth knowledge of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodologies like Agile and Waterfall. Involved in Requirement gathering, Analysis, Design and Estimation. Industry Experience – Retail Supply chain, Financial (Payroll ACH, Accounts Payable, Check Recon, Expense Reimbursement). A qualified communicator with excellent writing, speaking, and comprehension skills. Worked extensively in areas of Application Development & Enhancement, Application Maintenance &; On-...

    €863 Average bid
    €863 Offerta media
    3 offerte

    I am looking for a skilled developer who is proficient in both C and COBOL programming languages. The ideal candidate should have 4-7 years of experience in software development. There is no specific industry experience required for this project. Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in C and COBOL programming languages - 4-7 years of software development experience Looking for a developer who is good in C language Should be able to understand the current application written in C and COBOL . Should be willing to work on remote machine . Should be good in documenting the understanding so that other developers can build the same application using the latest tech stack .

    €8 / hr Average bid
    €8 / hr Offerta media
    10 offerte

    I am available to assist with code correction, code development, and code conversion between different programming languages. The estimated turnaround time for each task is 10 minutes. 1. Python 2. JavaScript 3. Java 4. C++ 5. C# 6. Ruby ...minutes. 1. Python 2. JavaScript 3. Java 4. C++ 5. C# 6. Ruby 7. PHP 8. Swift 9. Kotlin 10. Go 11. Rust 12. TypeScript 13. MATLAB 14. R 15. Perl 16. Objective-C 17. Scala 18. Groovy 19. Lua 20. Shell Scripting (e.g., Bash) 21. Visual Basic 22. Dart 23. HTML/CSS (markup and styling languages) 24. SQL (database query language) 25. Assembly Language 26. MATLAB 27. Perl 28. Lisp 29. Prolog 30. Haskell 31. Fortran 32. Cobol 33. Ada 34. PowerShell 35. Julia 36. F# Please provide the specific code or task you need assistance with, and I'l...

    €21 Average bid
    €21 Offerta media
    7 offerte

    I am in need of an expert Cobol and JCL developer to assist with a small assignment. I require the work to be completed within two days. The ideal candidate should have extensive knowledge and experience working with Cobol and JCL in different scenarios, and have expertise in troubleshooting, debugging and coding. This project requires an individual with prior experience and advanced technical skills.

    €123 Average bid
    €123 Offerta media
    6 offerte
    Prolog work -- 2
    Terminato left

    Prolog During this project you will work on Prolog Logic Programming framework. logic can be used to "program" and have a test of one form of declarative programming. In particular, you will be using SWI-Prolog, arguably the most known and readily available realisation of Prolog.

    €111 Average bid
    €111 Offerta media
    4 offerte