Change vbulletin skin fixedlavori
Il progetto è quello di sviluppare un sito web che metta in contatto le persone per scambiare smartphone e tecnologia in genere. Non viene richiesto nessun pagamento per iscriversi. Le persone inseriranno autonomamente le foto e i video dei propri smartphone o tecnologia in genere e si metteranno in contatto con chi è interessato nella propria zona di residenza. Il progetto è simile ad un social, in quanto ogni iscritto avrà la possibilità di parlare in chat con la persona per descrivere meglio l'oggetto. La comunicazione verrà fatta via email, chat, telefono cellulare. Per dare una idea è simile a e un social tipo facebook, ma non solo per scambiarsi opinioni ma sopratutto per scambiare tecnologia ( iphone, smartphone, tablet, ipad, t...
...Skype. ENG: I need to make a site where users can open an account to have the complete access to the content. In this case these content are the best strategies to win at the roulette of the online casino. I already have an example to show, but I prefer send the link through private message. It needs to be mobile optimized and dynamic, the content and the language of the text have to change by visitor's country. I hope I explained well enough, for more details we can go with Skype....
...extracted the fm db and display it on the website 2) update the cards of all players 3) insert the search for the team to team as of 4) Ability for users to register in order to vote players for every single value, so as to increase to or drop off the players' values (but but no change value!) 5) admin panel to change all (admin roles to edit, hack to accept players' values) 6) Comments room for each player 7) Ability to report the player or team changes (change or the other team) as soon as you can show me what you can do to see if you understand the project, and what you can do.[16:01] : <<< I would like to see something before you give the project, I would identical to admins can extract all of the files co...
Vorrei aggiornare il forum basato su vbulletin 4.2.2 + vbadvanced a vbulletin 5.
We need a website for our temperatur sensors we want to mark in Italy. Therefore the website must be in Italian. The sensors are to monitor the actual temperatures in frezers, refrigerators, and other containers where temperatures must be kept within a controlled range. Our target audience is smaller shops, supermarked, ...important to keep goods at specific temperatures, typically frozen at -20C circa, cooled at 4-5C or 10C. I foreseen a front page med shifting illustrating images and selling text, and a number of underlying pages with more details on our products, plus the standard pages for contacts, about, news etc. It is important that we can manage the website outself after the development, i.e. adding news, change specifications, adding images etc. to keep it up t...
...pronta e realizzata con Boostrap. Si tratta di piccole modifiche: modificare dei campi/form, trasformare un form di una pagina in form su più pagine (step), inserire un elemento grafico con tooltip. Sono meno di 10 schermate da modificare, le modifiche non sono di grande entità. We need to modify the HTML (with its Less CSS) from a base ready and built with bootstrap. These are small changes: change some fields / form, transforming a single page form in a multiple pages (step by step), insert a chart with tooltip element. There are less than 10 screens to be changed....
These cards need to be added and removed from the outside with a file .json app maybe, possibly I would also like that there was available to change the vision of the card? Contact us for further clarification.
Fix di uno slider ( Slick Slider ) su piattaforma magento. Il carousel in questione ( prodotti correlati ) non mostra le immagini dei prodotti, nè i prodotti correlati esatti ed ha un piccolo problema di visualizzazione. Per visualizzare il sito occorre impostare file HOST custom, astenersi da offerte se non si ha la certezza di saperlo fare...prodotti, nè i prodotti correlati esatti ed ha un piccolo problema di visualizzazione. Per visualizzare il sito occorre impostare file HOST custom, astenersi da offerte se non si ha la certezza di saperlo fare. Fix of a slider ( slick slider ) on magento. The carousel does not show the images, the right related products, and has a little display problem . To view the website is required to change host files, if you can'...
Salve, avrei un problema con il mio sito web. Abbiamo sviluppato il sito su un template comprato su codecanyon ( ). Ci siamo accorti ora che su uno schermo inferiore a 19 pollici lo skin adv risulta troppo stretto. Si può modificare la larghezza del tema senza stravolgerlo?
Se nella ricerca di google scrivo quoresbt nella pagina google esce questa scritta : Secured Home of Welcome to To change this page, upload a new to your private_html folder. In realtà io ho un sito con http:// e non http:// Poi se entro dentro compare la pagina con questa dicitura: La connessione non è privata Gli autori di un attacco potrebbero cercare di rubare le tue informazioni (ad esempio password, messaggi o dati della carta di credito) da NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID Segnala automaticamente a Google dettagli dei possibili incidenti di sicurezza. Norme sulla privacy Torna nell'area protettaNascondi avanzate Questo server non è riuscito a dimostrare che si tratta di
Abbiamo bisogno di una skin banner di dimensione 1400x1000. Questo progetto è per trovare una persona "affidabile" per gestire le nostre pubblicità. Ogni settimana o 15 giorni dovremo produrre una nuova skin. Ecco un esempio di skin
Realizzazione Ad Server Proprietario Per ridistribuzione banner, video preroll, formati in text link, overlayer, pop under, Skin e altre soluzioni per mobile e desk.
... al colore e agli optional scelti. Un esempio del car configurator che mi occorre lo trovate in questa pagina: Non c'è bisogno del carrello per acquistare. ENGLISH: I am looking for someone who can create a module for Drupal. The form that I need is a car configurator for installation into a drupal site already online. The Car Configurator will change the price of the car depending on the model, the color and the option chosen. An example of the car configurator that I need you find on this page: No need to buy the truck.... what level it is. It must say if it has animals and write the weight. It must say how many outer walls has its home. In this way it must be able to configure, alone, an alarm system for his home. After entering all the information, the site shows a map of his home where he can observe where they are going to position the pieces that the configurator suggests. He must also have the chance to change what the configurator suggests. At the end he can buy the alarm system with a very easy and he can choose different payment systems: credit card, bank transfer, PayPal and others. The site will have a control panel with administrator access where to put the products and the prices of the various components that will build the alarm system. ITALIAN Occorre costruire un sito web ch...
Il lavoro si tratta di implementare plug-in o moduli nell'attuale store realizzato con Magento 1.7; con conseguenti personalizzazioni agli skin/template del frontend e delle email degli ordini. Elenco funzionalità da implementare: - ACQUISTO VELOCE CON RICERCA CODICE; - GENERAZIONE CATALOGO IN PDF; - VISUALIZZAZIONE NEL TEMPLATE ORDINE (EMAIL) DEL NOME DEL RAPPRESENTANTE; - INTEGRAZIONE CAMPO NOTE IN CHIUSURA ORDINE SIA PER LA SPEDIZIONE CHE PER IL PAGAMENTO; - INTEGRAZIONE CAMPO CODICE FISCALE IN ANAGRAFICA.
Il lavoro si tratta di implementare plug-in o moduli nell'attuale store realizzato con Magento 1.7; con conseguenti personalizzazioni agli skin/template del frontend e delle email degli ordini. Elenco funzionalità da implementare: - ACQUISTO VELOCE CON RICERCA CODICE; - GENERAZIONE CATALOGO IN PDF; - VISUALIZZAZIONE NEL TEMPLATE ORDINE (EMAIL) DEL NOME DEL RAPPRESENTANTE; - INTEGRAZIONE CAMPO NOTE IN CHIUSURA ORDINE SIA PER LA SPEDIZIONE CHE PER IL PAGAMENTO; - INTEGRAZIONE CAMPO CODICE FISCALE IN ANAGRAFICA.
Change in magento store Change in magento store Change in magento store Change in magento store Change in magento store Change in magento store Change in magento store Change in magento store Change in magento store Change in magento store
Mi occorrerebbe una semplice skin mobile per roundcube
...(and here the app should help the makeup artist to take the picture in a perfectly front and NOT prospectus), the app must understand what the center of the face, the axis which divides the two emifacce. Without this app which shows the make-up side of the element rigged (mouth, eyes or eyebrows) is the preferred, if the right or the left. In this choice the app responds with all the prompts to change the element opposite to the one selected, so driving the made-up face make-up artist to achieve a perfectly symmetrical. Ho la necessità di creare una app che guidi un truccatore a truccare un viso in maniera simmetrica. L'app deve funzionare in tre modalità: Sopracciglia, labbra e ed occhi. Selezionata la modalità si scatta la foto di fronte la modell...
I need to program that generates endless emails Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, POP3 and password abilited. I publish for work, many ads a day and I need to always change the email. This email should get a confirmation link . Before I had a provider of email addresses, now he has problems and I need to be autonomous. I also need a good supplier of IP interfaces with the program The site is Sorry for my english, i'm Italian Open to Italian and English bids
Ho bisogno di cambiare gli ultimi frame per un paio di brevi video già esistenti. I frame da sostituire sono già in mio possesso. Bisogna solo tagliare l'ultimo pezzettino di video e inserire i nuovi frame. I need to change the last frames in 2 existing short video. I have the frames. It's very simple.
La sostenibilità dei ruoli delle risorse umane nell'ambito di un organico organizzativo richiede , oggi, un approccio che preveda le metodologie di comunicazione e change management MA applicate in accordo alla teoria androgogica di Malcolm knowles. Cambiare , trasformare ,, valorizzare , creare un contesto gratificante e produttivo cambiando mission ed organizzazione . Un approccio di Coach e Facilitatore in tutti i settori professionali . Grazie
...we need to sales agents with solid telemarketing skills. We have a telemarketing-tool/dialer system and everything else needed to start up - all we need is agents. Check out our company on We are looking for a minimum working hours of 25, but more hours than that could easily be arranged. From Monday to Friday, 25 hours x 6 Euro = 150 Euro per week The hourly rate will change on the sales performance (up to 12 euro per hour). Please send us your cv with your skype id. In Italiano: Siamo alla ricerca di agenti telemarketing per una azienda Danese in continua evoluzione a livello internazionale che fornisce una innovativa soluzione WiFi principalmente ad hotel, ristoranti, pub e bar. Per sviluppare il mercato italiano abbiamo bisogno di agenti di vendi...
>Registrati o accedi per visualizzare i dettagli.
Salve il mio sito è ok e completamente autogestito. vorrei solo cambiare una pagina. aspetto news ciao grazie hello my website is total driven by myself. i just need to change one page. looking forward Cheers, like this: In this portal a user registers via annual fee and get access to your account where you can manage the custom configuration: 1) your landing page: 2) your site recruitment: 3) your demo site: Of these, of course, the user can only change their personal information, while most of the content will be the same for everyone. The user will also have access to a control panel where it will display all contacts and can send email gathered presets, and set the autoresponder....
Salve ragazzi/e Vendo il mio forum/blog + vbulletin 4 suite per mancanza di tempo per gestirlo...! Il valore del sito è di 380 ma lo vendo a 150...! Il forum/blog tratta di gaming/pc /informatica ecc in più ho comprato la licenza vbulletin 4 di un valore di 100 euri nuovo! Link sito web:
Change magneto template. Add extra functionality.
...da compilare Se volete farvi un'idea: Hi all, If you want to see 'my ex website': I want a new website with this specific characteristics: dynamic, responsive, facebook connected with comments and like and if is possible i want develop of app for the most important key Now i'm writing a new presentation and i want to change the idea of ex website.... I want the new website with special graphic and more attractive than the actual.... I want a website homepage split in two part: MEDICAL and BUSINESS The structure of website is the same for MEDICAL and BUSINESS but with other images, color and text PARTS AND under parts OF WEBSITE: WHO WE ARE: news, blog, work with us, tag area WHAT WE DO: web marketing, selling
ENG Hello , I'm Federico, I am a Mental Coach in Business ( companies ) and in the sport of high level. I need a new eye-catching logo to transmit immediately the positive energy and change and then the kit business cards in front / rear , letterhead in word and pages, layout Keyonte ( mac powerpoint ) for presentations. Everything must be in " web " or press. The logo must reflect the current website , and compatible with I attach the current logo . New Logo : I want to make an immediate impact graphically and indisputably BEAUTIFUL it hits . What do you perceive is behind energy value , a plus that you can also have you read that . Colors can not stand : Those " haggard " and gloomy that convey sadness. Colors I like: bright yellow, black gloss cont...
...avanzato; - sviluppo applicazioni ANDROID; - linguaggio XML; - SQL; - programmazione Android SDK; - pattern di programmazione mobile; - tecniche di ottimizzazione e dei principi di usabilità. Il concorso consiste in 4 realizzazioni, ognuna facente parte di un’applicazione android ideale. Vi sarà dunque da sviluppare: - un’interfaccia LOG-IN ideale; - una HOME ideale; - una CHAT ideale; - skin e smiley (dunque parte grafica). Ogni candidato dovrà realizzare UNA SOLA parte tra le quattro, a sua scelta e discrezione. Il vincitore, singolo e unico, sarà il candidato che avrà realizzato un codice sorgente essenziale, ma completo; ottimale nei principi di usabilità, flessibilità e fluidità. In palio vi &egr...
I want to create a website consists of only one page where you can advertise a journey to that change every week with a form for the information and the possibility to insert pictures must be adaptable to all devices thanks Voglio realizzare un sito web composto da una sola pagina dove posso pubblicizzare un viaggio alla volta che cambio ogni settimana con un form per le informazioni e possibilità di inserire delle foto deve essere adattabile a tutti i dispositivi grazie
I'm in need of a logo for my beauty business, 'My Body and Face', which specializes in body contouring and skin tightening. The logo should reflect sophistication, striking a balance between being feminine yet not overly girly, and being approachable yet professional. Key Requirements: - Colour Palette: Soft peaches, caramels, creams, and pastel tones. - Style: The logo should embody elegance, sophistication, and boldness. Open for the logo to have a body shape incorporated into it etc would love to see both with imagery and without. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong portfolio of sophisticated and elegant logo designs, particularly within the beauty industry. Experience with colour palettes in the soft, pastel range is a plus. Thank you.
...Customized training sessions and materials. Progress reports outlining readiness for the certification exam. A fully prepared candidate confident in passing the Odoo Functional Certification exam. Duration: The project is expected to last for [Insert Timeline], depending on the learning curve and my availability. Budget: Please provide your proposal with detailed pricing, including hourly rates or a fixed cost for the entire project. Additional Notes: Experience with Odoo 18 is a plus. The training sessions can be conducted online....
I am looking for a professional to help me redo an existing kitchen. The kitchen is currently fully functioning, but we have come up with two designs which need to be properly executed. Key areas of change: - Cabinets and storage: We are aiming for a complete overhaul of our cabinets and storage solutions. - Countertops and surfaces: The countertops will also be replaced as part of the renovation. Material preference: - We have chosen laminate as our preferred material for both the cabinets and countertops. The ideal freelancer for this project should: - Have prior experience in kitchen renovations. - Be able to interpret and execute design plans accurately. - Have good knowledge of working with laminate.
I need an expert WordPress developer to troubleshoot my website. The reCAPTCHA verification is failing on all pages with contract forms, and I urgently need this issue resolved. Additionally, I have several pages that are not currently indexed, and I need them to be indexed. website is it is a large website and ALL errors must be fixed Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with WordPress - Proficient in troubleshooting reCAPTCHA issues - Knowledgeable about website indexing - SEO understanding for proper indexing - Attention to detail for comprehensive site check
I'm looking for a designer to subtly update my logo. The primary focus is to change the writing style to a modern one, while keeping the overall layout of the original logo. this is a very basin job and should take less than 5 minutes. I need the writing 'Designer Collection' to be in a modern unique Italics type font. Paying $10 AUD
Elementor Site is broken. Needs to be fixed asap. Should be a quick fix for the right person. Must fix now
...authentication process is secure and efficient. - CDN: Fixing issues related to the Content Delivery Network. Background Information: It is built using Github and Vercel. There is also a VPS running to handle processing tasks on the backend. For login there is Kinde, but we also use sumsub. Tasks: 1. Bunny CDN migration (Right now the site uses Cloudinary to serve images and video. I need it to change to bunnyCDN.) 2. Watermarking implementation (All content viewed on the site must be watermarked with the user ID of the person viewing it. I have a python script that applies a watermark to images. That script must be adapted to apply the watermark to each frame of videos. It needs to process all images and videos (including pfps and cover photos) with the userID of ...
I'm looking for an expert who can create a full skin for Adobe Character Animator from my flat Illustrator design. Requirements: - The characters should embody a blend of cartoonish and realistic styles. - Every part of the two characters' bodies needs to be skinned for animation. - The characters should be able to express facial emotions (so create eyes lips and noses), move their bodies, and interact with accessories or props. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Character Animator. - Prior experience in character design and skinning. - Ability to understand and interpret a blend of cartoonish and realistic styles. Specific Animation Requirements: - The characters should be able to walk, run, jump, and dance and mov the mouth so it follows me when...
i want trading bot that i will provide you with a script of the indicator that i want my bot to follow exactly and work in the same way ( i will not work till its working exactly the same , i understand there might be some signal delay or slipage ) - i want to be able to change the indicator sensetivity iwhich should impact the bot (default 18 ) - work on kucoin deature with no levaereg . -its gonna work on a specific crypto pair ( i will tell you later ). -its gonna be working on 5 seconds time frame with around 700 trades aday . - i want the bot to be working in a way where it use all the balnce for each trade , for example if the we satrtred with 1000 and we make 10 percent now its 1100 the bot should use all that for the next trade . -i want the bot to follow this rule , when ba...
I'm looking for a designer to create a magazine ad for my local construction company. The primary goal of this ad is to attract new clients. The ad should be designed in a modern and sleek style. Key Requirements: - ...looking for a designer to create a magazine ad for my local construction company. The primary goal of this ad is to attract new clients. The ad should be designed in a modern and sleek style. Key Requirements: - Create a basic layout for the ad - Design should be modern and sleek - Ad should be focused on attracting new clients I need the ad to be flexible, specifically, I want to be able to change pictures featuring our completed work. Ideally, the designer should have experience in creating engaging, professional ads, and be able to showcase our work in an...
I'm looking for a talented programmer with experience in blockchain technology who can create a meme coin for me on the Solana network. Key Aspects of the Project: - Creation of a basic token with a fixed supply. - Integration of pre-existing logo into the coin. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in blockchain programming, particularly on Solana. - Experience in token development. - Ability to integrate custom assets into the project.
I need a Shopify expert to help me with my art print store. Currently, variant swatches are displayed as thumbnails below the main image. I would like these swatches removed from the product gallery, so that when a variant is selected, there is no change to the main product image. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Shopify - Knowledge of liquid coding (Shopify's templating language) - E-commerce product page optimization Please include relevant experience in your proposal. Thank you!
I'm seeking a talented influencer...talented influencer with over 300,000 followers on any social media platform to join a crucial fundraising initiative. This campaign aims to [state the campaign’s purpose, e.g., educating children, providing healthcare, feeding those in need]. Benefits of Collaboration: - Earn 5% of the total donations raised through your promotional efforts. - Enhance your image as an influencer driving positive change. - Support a noble cause making a lasting difference in people's lives. Requirements: - A social media following of 300,000+ on any platform. - Proven experience in creating engaging, impactful content. - Exceptional ability to convey messages in a compelling way. If you have a strong presence and a desire to make a difference, ...