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Farhana S.
Breaking Barriers and Building Bridges
$25 USD / ora
United Kingdom (12:19 PM)
Si è unito il marzo 7, 2023
$25 USD / ora
QUALITY, SPEED, and COMMUNICATION: These are the three parameters I consider in my expertise.
Hey, my name is FS, an active and dedicated specialist with more than 20 years of experience. I'm passionate about facilitating productive cross-cultural relationships and have created extensive informational material and coursework to help colleagues understand and develop cultural sensitivity.
To me, this is not just the process of replacing words with words in another language. I aim to convert the source culture to the target one.
My time is equally split in all sectors and working out the 'next steps' for my clients.
I offer the best of both worlds - and the experience that goes with it.
With over 20 years of experience, I've worked with every type of business from international brands to start-up entrepreneurs.
As we work together, I will make sure that you're fully up to speed with what I'm recommending and why it is important for your brand. I tailor my plans, strategies, and content to match each client and I will always give you advice, hints, and tips as part of what I do for you.
Working to deadline and to budget, I support my clients on their journey, whether that's securing big awards, entering a new market, or getting word of your new product out there.
I love what I do and that brings its own energy to what I do for you!
Great work and everything was on time. We are fully satisfied with the result, and the communication is perfect. Farhana is a very dedicated freelancer. Highly recommended.
Perfectly done by Farhana, very professional and a pleasure to work with. Great communication skills as well. This is how a Freelancer should be.
Thank you Farhana, the first address for any Translations.
Farhana S. is the freelancer I have been desperately in need of.
High-quality human translation, perfect alignment with the deadline, professional and sincer communication. I wish I had met
Farhana S. earlier. It has never been so easy to complete a project so smoothly.
Thanks a lot...