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Pradeep Singh S.
PHP | Laravel | CI | WordPress | Magento | React
$10 USD / ora
India (6:19 PM)
Si è unito il agosto 26, 2014
$10 USD / ora
I am Pradeep, with over 12 years of experience in web development and design.
⭐ Magento/Magento2(8+ years)
⭐ Experience PHP,Laravel,CodeIgniter 12+ years (Since 2009)
⭐ ReactJS,NextJS,NestJS and NodeJS 6+ years (Since 2017)
⭐ Fast Response Rate
I specialize in designing, developing, migrating, optimizing, and maintaining websites using Laravel, CodeIgniter, Shopify, WordPress, ReactJS, NodeJS, and NextJS. My expertise covers all aspects of web development, from design and development to optimization, customization, and maintenance for both front-end and back-end. I have successfully completed over 100 projects with these technologies and am proficient in Core PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML5, and CSS3. As a full-stack developer, I offer a comprehensive skill set for every project.
I maintain round the clock availability for emergencies and outages. I answer messages and emails throughout the day and am happy to use _Skype, _Slack or project management platforms.
My primary strengths:
✔ Understanding business requirements
✔ Writing solid code that solves the right problem
✔ Driving results for my clients
✔ Work until my clients satisfied
I have a Master's Degree in Computers.
References can be provided upon request
Looking forward.
Thanks !!!
Full Stack developer
Highly skilled developer with excellent bandwidth to deliver enterprise applications quickly. Communicates transparently and demonstrates a strong ability to resolve complex tasks efficiently.