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Piyush K.
Architecture I Interior I Animation I CAD Drafting
$20 USD / ora
India (11:10 AM)
Si è unito il febbraio 1, 2019
$20 USD / ora
I’m Piyush, and I am a top architectural design freelancers around. My team of 6 and I offer residential, commercial, and animation design services that cover all stages of the design and develop process.
Our services cover a vast array of needs and wants, including:
- Architecture
- Interior Design
- Landscape Design
- Walk-through
- 3D Modelling
- 3D Animation
- 3D Rendering
- 2D Floor Plan
- Photoshop Render
- 2D Architectural Drawings
- Shop Drawings
- Virtual Staging
This is not a complete list of services, so if there is anything else you’re looking for in the realm of architectural design, all you have to do is ask!
If you have any questions or concerns about our work, please refer to my profile’s portfolio, where you can view a number of different projects that we’ve taken on and completed to the satisfaction of our clients.
Do you have architectural needs? Then we’re the team for you! Feel free to reach out to us through the Freelancer platform at any time. My team is always ready to respond, and we’re happy to work out a proposal of work in our introductory discussions.