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Nur Alam B.



Professional Logo Designer

$10 USD / ora
Bangladesh (2:35 PM)
Si è unito il settembre 16, 2018
$10 USD / ora
Hello, I'm a graphic designer and illustrator with over 7 years of work experience. I pride myself on working for both big corporate clients as well as small companies. I have also spent numerous years as art director for an interior and graphic design company and subsequently for a small design and art gallery. My expertise and passion stretches from logo design and branding through art direction and layout design. One of my main strengths is illustration and its application through stationery design, poster prints or patterns. I'm particularly interested in curating the brand from start to finish making sure it stays consistent throughout. Hence I'm happy to build a strong longterm relationship with the client and not focus on a one-off project only. If you're looking for a committed, creative and highly available person please do not hesitate to contact me. I'm always happy to meet new people, discuss new projects and learn about your business.
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5.0 · 2 Reviews
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Keyword Research • $15 USD
This project should have taken 1-2 days. I messaged him after 4 days and he said 2 more days. After 7 days, I messaged him again. He replied saying he "decided not to do the work". I will not hire again. Be very careful if you decide to hire. You don't want your time wasted too.
William G.
Bedford, United States
5 anni fa
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I loved Nur's design and he completed all the changes i requested :)
Tharusha J.
Waterloo, Australia
5 anni fa
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