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Chandra S.
One Stop Web and Patent Solution Provider
$20 USD / ora
India (1:37 PM)
Si è unito il settembre 24, 2010
$20 USD / ora
We are a knowledge solutions provider based out of India, with interest in varied domains. Each domain is lead by subject matter experts.
What We Do:
Providing Web Solutions in:
* AD Banners
* Mobile Application
* Web Application
* Flash Application
* Digital Menu Board
* Logo Design
* Web and Template Design
* Flash Design
* Print Media
* Game Development
* Animation
* WordPress
Providing Services in:
* Patent Research and Analysis
* Legal
* Clinical Research
Surprisingly proactive and responsive vendor. Produced initial draft very close to final version. Quickly implemented requested adjustments. The received final product was immediately usable. Awarded a bonus.Would hire again.
We take pleasure to introduce ourselves as a team of highly motivated professionals in the fields of Web Design. We offer a wide spectrum service covering Logo & Graphic design, Static & Animated banner design, Web Template design and any design related jobs.
We also have considerable expertise in developing wide range of Design Templates and websites including HTML & CSS, PSD to HTML, Landing Page creation, Flash Sites, Dynamic Sites etc.
ago, 2008 - Attualmente
16 anni, 4 mesi
University of Calcutta
1994 - 1996
2 anni
1994 - 1996
2 anni
US English
Foundation vWorker Member
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