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Fahad Ahmed K.
Shopify Plus Developer PPC | SEO | SMM Expert
$10 USD / ora
Pakistan (10:44 AM)
Si è unito il settembre 25, 2017
$10 USD / ora
Senior Shopify Plus developer working in the industry from 2012. I have experience website development, graphic designing and digital marketing.
When I am not developing high volume website, I am either making ads for some of the renowned brands in the world or sleeping!
• Shopify Plus Development
• Shopify Development
• Shopify Theme Customization
• Graphic Designing
• Google Ads
• Google Shopping Ads
• Facebook Marketing
• Facebook Ads
• Instagram Marketing
• Microsoft Ads
• Microsoft Shopping Ads
• Payment Method Integration
• Logistic Partner Integration
• Logo Design
• Branding
• Corporate Branding
• Icon Design
One of the most proactive freelancers on this platform, I will be using Fahad again and again when he is needed! Do'nt hesitate to hire Fahad at all. He is the top 0.1% !