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Eashrat J.
Graphic Design ( Illustrator & Photoshop)
$10 USD / ora
Bangladesh (6:24 PM)
Si è unito il agosto 10, 2024
$10 USD / ora
Hi! This is EASHRAT JAHAN. My playing tools are Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effect which I have been using since 2019. I have successfully completed more than 300 projects in other marketplaces and most of the clients are satisfied with my work so I think I will be able to leave my mark of success in this marketplace as well.
My services are:
1. LOGO design
2. Business Card design
3. Banner Design
4. Poster Design
5. Flyer Design
6. Brochure design
7.Motion Graphic
8.Motion design
9.Logo Animation
If you’re interested, I’d be delighted to share my experience and ideas to take this project to the next level. I’m looking forward to the opportunity to work together!
Thank You