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Kaushik K.
Graphics and Logo Designer
$15 USD / ora
India (5:40 PM)
Si è unito il marzo 19, 2011
$15 USD / ora
We are a professional graphics and logo designer and have a vast experience in graphics world.
We can design a logo that sets you apart from your competitors, giving your business the look it deserves! You can get a custom logo design for a low price with no compromise on quality. Custom Logo Graphic has a tried & tested logo design process, to make your logo design process easy and enjoyable.The team is experienced and talented with tremendous hunger to always deliver better than before...
A professionally designed logo can be the difference between an ordinary start up and a fabulous one. We have designed custom logos for different business needs. We design logos with the objective of providing a differentiating factor. You will stand tall in front of your competitor. What matters most to us is your satisfaction & zero tolerance with quality standards set.
Hi, My name is Kaushik Karmakar, and am the founder and Owner of my company name DigitalScapes, from India, Kolkata, I have over 6 yrs, of experience in Graphics Design,and have some good experience employee, those have sound knowledge on Graphics Design.
mar, 2011 - Attualmente
13 anni, 9 mesi
Logo Design
feb, 2011 - ago, 2012
1 anno, 6 mesi
Digital Scapes
feb, 2011 - ago, 2012
1 anno, 6 mesi
We have a experience and talented graphics and logo designer in our team, to provide good and quality design.
feb, 2011 - ago, 2012
1 anno, 6 mesi
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