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Siddiqur R.
Data Entry, Web Scraping, Lead Genaration & Python
$5 USD / ora
Bangladesh (2:54 AM)
Si è unito il giugno 8, 2016
$5 USD / ora
✅10+ years of experience and 8+ years on this platform.
✅Best communication
✅Follow Deadline
✅Verified by
Actually, I am a very experienced and hard-working person in my work. If I get your task, then it will be mine. I know the value of time, so I always try to maintain the best work with time. Following are the skills in which I am greatly experienced:-
⍟⍟Web Scraping
⍟⍟Data Entry
⍟⍟Lead Generation
⍟⍟Web Administration and Product Management
⍟⍟Data Processing
⍟⍟Web Search
⍟⍟Internet Research
⍟⍟Data Mining
⍟⍟Copy Typing
⍟⍟Basic HTML.
I declare that in all categories above I will give you the best service. My work will be to talk with you. Your goal is my aim.
Thanks a lot.