I Cannot See All My Facebook Fans Individually Anymore

Cancellato Pubblicato Nov 4, 2010 Pagato alla consegna
Cancellato Pagato alla consegna

I am the Creator of a Fans page with many fans in it. I just removed one admin yesterday, and then Suddenly I found that I could not Promote my fans page anymore, cannot open up the popup that usually displays all the fans page by page, ie the link "See All" has vanished even. And I don't think when I log in, I can even see "Manage Pages" anymore. This is terrible.

It means the page is there as I can go to it, but I cannot see all the fans listed one by one by pages nor administer the page. Is the page lost forever, or is there a cure?

Also I can't obtain Page Insights anymore from that page. Can it be fixed? Is it lost forever?? But the funny thing is it appears I can remove some comments on the Page by others who have posted there recently, since the cross is there.

Facebook Marketing

Rif. progetto: #843722

Info sul progetto

1 proposta Progetto a distanza Attivo Nov 14, 2010

1 freelance ha fatto un'offerta media di $30 per questo lavoro


Hello, there are always changes in Facebook, especially re: groups and fan pages, I would need to see your page to tell you exactly what the problem is. If you accept my bid, I can hopefully get it fixed for you / give Altro

$30 USD in 1 giorno
(0 valutazioni)